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Nothing More Than Fiction... Founded Oct. 28, 2000
By Chrissy

Welcome. You seem to have found your way to my little corner of the net, haven't you? Well, if you enjoy fan-fiction about boybands, than you're in luck, because you've stumbled on the perfect page. Stories about *NSync, O-Town, BSB, and more are going to find their home on this page (eventually).


June 8 - Things are picking up and guess what? I'm actually ALREADY done with chapter 14!! :D Read read! That's all I have to say for now!
June 5 - I'm getting good at these one month between updates things. Haha. Well, guess what!! Chapter Thirteen is finally ready for your viewing pleasure. I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever and a day, but I'm finding it harder and harder, and more frustrating as time goes on. One is I've set the story so far back it's hard to remember. Haha. Two is that Ashley is totally not turning out the way I now know Ashley, and so it's a little bit confusing. But oh well, the story will go on, and I will try not to mix my as-of-now feelings about the guy into his character. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. It's one of my shorter ones, but oh well. Haha. Thanks for all you who e-mailed me with concerns, and not criticisms. :) You are very loved.
Mar. 3 - Hey all! Guess what? Chapter 12 of Everytime is finally up! :) Sorry I've been so flakey lately about getting out chapters, but I'm trying my best. Oh, and I'd like to announce that I am open to hosting others fiction. I've had some requests, and before I thought against it, but if you're seriously interested in having your stuff on my page then e-mail me! I'd be more than happy to at least concider it! After all, we need more stuff on this page, don't ya think?!
Feb. 15 - *average street corner* "Did you hear?" "No, what?" "She...she...wait, come over here. This is big news, and I wouldn't want to start a riot or something." "Okay, what is it?" "She...*voice softens*...updated..." "WHAT?! OH MY LORD! SHE UPDATED?" *rioting fills streets, people fear the coming of the end of the world* Yeah, guess what? Chapter 11 is up. Isn't that wonderful? Yeah, I think so. Lolz.


Everytime I Close My Eyes - An Ashley Parker Angel fanfic

More Than A Feeling - A Lance Bass fanfic

Sailing - A JC Chasez short fanfic


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