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Diva's Fiction

LAST UPDATE: 09/16/03

Here are the stories written by me, myself and I. Please respect them and DO NOT steal them... it's been done. I wrote them and made them up in my head so they are FICTION although most of the information is accurate, the plots are made up. I do not know BSB (yet) and I have never met BSB (yet). Enjoy!


"Back to 0" is up to chapter 23!!! GO, GO, GO!!!



Most of my stories are rated R with adult situations and strong language. If you are sensitive to the subjects of violence, abuse, rape, death, or the intense hottness of Nickolas Gene Carter and the other sexy members of BSB, these stories may be too much for you.

This is my pet, Diva Kitty. He doesn't like Teeny-boppers, people who steal my stories, or Willa Ford. Hey, it has nothing to do with me! She hurts his ears. Please don't piss him off. He's a real Sweetie, but he's also very over-protective.
**Sees teeny reaching out to pet him**
NO WATCH OUT!!! HE BITES!!! Oh man... that was bad. Well, at least that arm can't be used to hold up an annoying sign.

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Sign my freaking guestbook people!!! Please? If you do, I'll send Howie winks, Kevin looks, Brian hugs, AJ humps and Nick thusts all your way!!! Come on, ya know you want it... not from me, but you know you want it from them!!!

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But it's a good idea if you wanna know when there's something new!
HA! GOTCHA! How can you say no to that?!
I'll let you know what stories and sections have been added to whenever I update.

The Cycle Trilogy


Short Stories and Visuals

Slash Stories and Visuals

Nirvans's Page

Sparkle's Page
