Slipping (The Outside)

Author's Note- As if once wasn't enough…


He told us no. We made him do it.

That's all I can think as I watch him plummet down, ending his fall with a strangled yelp and sickening thud. We heard the crack, saw him remain still. As we struggled to get down to him, I knew he was already dead. We ran to his side. Joey, Justin and Lance were all behind me yelling his name. The audience was shrieking too, I think.

Chris lay bent and broken on the stage. We were instantly on our knees at his side, trying to help him up. Please get up Chris. You're eyes are open and you shudder. You're still alive, but barley. Pain takes over your face as a tear falls, so I let you go. We retort to screaming for help, but none comes. I see you slipping. Please don't go Chris.

Damn the ropes! Damn myself for putting you through this. We ignored your instinctual fears and look what happened. I'm so sorry. I'm begging your forgiveness, but I don't think you hear me. Or else you're in too much pain to respond. Please don't let it be that.

We cry as you give a weak cough; your biggest sign of life since you landed here. You're not moving, and I don't think you can. Even in our frantic state, we know not to move your broken body.

Your dark eyes cloud with pain, choking out the vibrant sparkle you once held. All I can choke out is I'm sorry. I know you're in pain, another crystal tear falls to the floor. Please don't go. I see you slipping. I want to hold you, to stop your pain but I can't. I am so sorry.

Your chest gives a final heave and you're body relaxes. I didn't even realize you were tense. Your hand falls from Joeys' and blood spills out of your mouth. We look away in grief, tears falling from our eyes. Goodbye my brother, I hope you find peace now.

The medics are here.


