The Night of A Lifetime

Author's Note- Enough of this happy crap, it's time for some serious depression. Read at your own risk!


911 Call Log

12:51 am

"911, what is your emergency?"

"It's my friend, he's been shot. He's bleeding and-"

"Okay sir, calm down. What is your location?"

"Uh…I'm at the corner of Walnut and Eve, we came from the Wonderland nightclub-"

"Okay sir, and ambulance is on the way, okay? I need you to stay on the line."

"But he's bleeding a lot and-"

"Where was he hit?"

"In the stomach. He's unconscious…there's a lot of blood…"

"Okay sir, help is coming. Can you tell me your name?"

"Joey Fatone."

"Okay Joey, stay with me. I need you to remain calm. Are you hurt?"

"No, just Chris. You gotta help him now-"

"Joey, I need you to apply pressure to your friend's wound, okay? It'll slow the bleeding."

"Okay." (Voice fades; heavy breathing can be heard) "Okay, I got him. God, that's a lot of blood-"

"It's okay, the ambulance will be there soon. Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

"I don't know, we just left the night club and these guys drove by…" (Hysteric sobs) "The next thing I know, Chris is down…"

"Did you get the license number?"


"Okay, just hang in there." (Sirens can be heard) "The ambulance is there, stay with me until they reach you, okay?"

"Yeah." (Sirens get louder, doors slam) "Okay, they're hear."

"Okay Joey, I'm going to let you go now, the paramedics will take care of you."

(Weakly) "Okay."

Call Terminated


Two hours later…

Joey slowly awoke to the steady beeping of a hospital heart monitor. He opened his eyes and saw Lance, J.C., and Justin standing around him. "What happened?" he asked.

The others turned their red eyes to him as Lance explained, "The hospital called us. After the paramedics got to you, you fainted of blood loss."

"Blood loss?" Joey questioned.

"Your side," J.C. said, motioning.

Joey looked under the hospital sheet and lifted the skimpy gown. Sure enough, he had been shot and now sported a bandage on his side. "I didn't even realize…I was concentrating on Chris. Where is he?"

J.C. stepped forward, his head down. Lance and Justin looked at the floor. "Chris didn't," he paused, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Chris didn't make it."

Confusion set in first, then it was replaced by heartbreaking grief. "He's dead?" Joey asked, almost in a whisper.

"Yeah," J.C. replied, his voice cracking as tears formed. "Bullet through his stomach caused massive internal bleeding…" J.C. said softly, his voice trailing off as he looked away. A burning lump had risen in his throat, and a huge knot had settled in his stomach.

Tears fell from Joey's soft brown eyes as he cried; "I told her there was too much blood…"

Suddenly Justin erupted in a hidden rage. "It's not fucking fair! He didn't deserve to die! We don't even know who shot him!" he sank to the floor, tears of passion burning trails down his face. "We didn't even say goodbye…"

"I know," J.C. replied, lowering his voice. "And I vow to hunt down who ever did this and tear their black heart out."

The guys stood in silence, morning the loss of their artificial brother, and each one vowing to keep J.C.'s promise.



