Making The Video: Here We Go

Author's Note- My second behind the scenes fic… in no way true, just had an idea that needed to be wrote! Also, the time line on this one is all over the place, meaning that even though this is before Busta's time, he is in it, etc.… Enjoy!


Tony, Ryan, John, Matt, and Dustin stood on the other side of the chain link fence, glaring at the other five men.

"Let's just go in there and beat them off the court," Dusty volunteered as they watched the group playing ball on 'their' court.

"Hey, they're new. Give them a break," Tony corrected, watching the guy with his braids in thin braids make a slam-dunk.

"I'm up for Dusty's idea," Matt agreed.

"You would," John replied. "Brothers stick together."

"They are kinda good," Ryan admitted as they watched a guy with red hair steal the basketball and make a slam-dunk.

"But they're doin' it on our court," Dusty threatened. "And that ain't allowed."

The five gang members advanced on their unwelcome guests. The members of Nsync stopped as the five men in black leather jackets and jingling chains entered the court.

Justin, Chris, Joey, and Lance ran to the sidelines to get drinks and mop up the sweat that formed on their toned bodies. J.C. approached the other men.

"You guys wanna play?" he asked.

"We want you off our court," Dusty said in a low tone.

"Well I don't see your name on it," J.C. said simply.

"Doesn't have to," Matt said, stepping up next to Dusty.

Seeing J.C. was getting in trouble, Chris trotted cheerfully over to the group as Joey, Justin, and Lance watched from where they were.

"What's up guys?" he asked, looking at J.C.

"We were just telling your friend here to get off our court," John explained, glaring at Chris.

"Well we were just playing a game on a public court. You don't want to start something over that, do you?" Chris asked, looking each gang member in the eyes. "What if we do?" Matt threatened, stepping up to Chris.

"You wanna go? I'm game," Chris challenged, shrugging and holding out his hands.

"Chris," J.C. groaned as the others came up behind him.

"I can handle him," Chris said, not looking away from Matt. "These guys don't own the place."

"Can you handle me, smartass?" Dusty asked, stepping all 6 foot 3 inches of him up beside his smaller brother, Matt.


Email pt.1

"Look, here's a thought," Lance interrupted. "Why don't we have a basket ball game to determine who gets the court?"

"That ain't half bad," Tony said, adding, "For a Southerner."

"What about it?" Lance said, taking defense.

"Yeah," Justin said, stepping up beside Lance.

"Okay," Ryan broke in. "We'll have a game. In public."

"Why?" came confused responses from all the men.

"So all the other kids that live in this neighborhood can see what happens to people that think they can mess with us," Ryan replied.

His fellow gang members grinned as quick thoughts of doubt flashed across Nsync's faces.

"Tomorrow," Tony replied, "I want to see all your ugly faces in the school gym at 8:00pm. Got it? No shows deal with Dusty." He finished as Dusty cracked his knuckles threateningly.

"Got it," Joey said, voice steadier than he expected.

With that, the gang members turned and left, dog chains jingling as they walked. "God, Chris, see what you got us into?" Justin scolded.

"Hey, it's not my fault, that kid was asking for it. He was what, like 17?" Chris defended.

"So? His brother was like 30! Could you honestly take him too?" Lance said.

"You want me to stand by and let them talk to us like that?" Chris argued, turning and walking back to get a drink and grab his stuff.

"Guys," J.C. started, "let's just forget it. We got rid of them."

"For now," Lance said. "What about this game tomorrow?"

"We'll be there," Joey said, looking in the direction the guys had left in.


Later that night, and after more practicing basketball, they were in the bus, getting ready to get some much needed sleep. They were watching TV; it was an old episode of the X-Files and they were watching it in the dark to enhance the effect. They had all piled onto the small leather couch, Chris holding Busta. On a commercial, Busta jumped down and started barking his shrill bark at the door.

"Good boy! Waits until the commercial," Chris bragged as he got up and went out with the small dog. The others laughed as Chris closed the bus's door and stood outside, waiting for Busta to do his thing. Busta began sniffing around the bus, then began barking from the other side of the bus. "Come on, boy! I don't got all night!" Chris called into the warm Florida night. When Busta suddenly stopped barking, Chris became concerned and called, "Busta?" as he trotted around the back of the bus.

Out of nowhere, Chris was hit on the back of his head, and fell, unconscious, to the pavement.


Email pt.2

"You got him?" Matt asked as Dusty bent over the unconscious form, inspecting it.

"Yeah, think so," Dusty replied, standing back up. "Take him somewhere out of our way," he ordered, looking at John.

"Okay," John replied, finding the body by the dim light of the far off street lamp and dragging Chris's body away.

"And tie him up. I don't want him interfering," Dusty added.

"What about the dog?" Tony asked, still holding the squirming pug's mouth shut.

"Do I look like I care?" Dusty replied, shrugging. Tony stood undecided as Dusty continued, "Let's get a move on."

Matt grabbed a black mask and put it over his head, as did the rest of them. They each grabbed a can of spray paint and began vandalizing the bus as quietly as they could. When they were done and there was no sign of the other singers, they proceeded by grabbing cans of gas and splashing the tires of the bus.


After The X-Files was over, Justin realized Chris had never came back. "Hey, where'd Chris go?" he asked.

"Out with Busta," J.C. replied, yawning.

"Still?" Justin questioned.

"I guess."

"Maybe he found a hot chick and they're out there-"

"Joey, is that all you think about?" Lance interrupted.

"No," J.C. said. "He also thinks about food."

The guys started laughing as Joey gave them his lost puppy look and said, "Now that you mention it…"

"Hey, while your up, stick your head out there and call for Chris," Justin asked as Joey got up and headed for the refrigerator.


"Why don't we just blow the whole bus?" Matt asked his bigger brother as they emptied the gas cans.

"Because I'm not going down for murder. I just want to scare them," Dusty replied, taking his mask off. He began to throw the things back in their duffel bag as Tony came trotting up to them. "You take care of smartass?" he asked.

"You gave him a pretty good hit. He'll be out for a while. But I made sure, just in case," Tony replied, nodding.

"Okay, let's get out of here," Dusty said as he pulled out a book of matches. "And get rid of the dog!" he added, noticing Ryan was still holding Busta. He struck the match as Ryan dropped Busta, who ran around barking in alarm. Dusty threw down the match, instantly lighting up the night with flames. Then, they ran off into the night.


Email pt.3

"Well there's Busta," Justin said, hearing the dog barking.

Joey opened the bus's door and called Busta. "Uh, guys-"

"What?" J.C. asked, turning around to see Joey. Then he saw the flames outside. "Shit!" he yelled as he jumped up and ran for the back of the bus, where the fire extinguisher was kept. The others saw the flames and jumped up too, running outside. They saw that it was only the tires and some areas around the bus that were burning. J.C. followed them out, Busta running circles around the men's feet, barking madly at their excitement. J.C. proceeded to put the fire out, concentrating on the melting tires first. They weren't going anywhere soon. The others stomped the rest of the fire out until it was all out.

When they were done, they congratulated themselves. "Who in their right mind would do something like this?" Lance wondered out loud.

"Someone like Dusty and his gang," Joey volunteered.

"Hey, where's Chris?" Justin remembered.

They looked around in the night air but didn't see any sign of their older friend. Then they looked down at Busta, who was sitting silently at their feet. "Where is he boy? Go get Chris!" J.C. urged the small dog.

Busta cocked his head in wonder, then took off, sniffing the parking lot as he trotted along. The guys looked at each other in amusement, then followed the Pug across the parking lot, into some trees lining the outside of the paved area.

"Does he know where he's goin'?" Lance asked, skeptically.

"Who knows? He's our best lead right now," J.C. answered. They followed Busta a short distance into the woods, thankful for the streetlight to show them the way.

Suddenly, Busta stopped, and began barking wildly. The others came up behind the dog and found Chris, tied to a tree and unconscious.


Email pt 4

"Chris!" Joey exclaimed, kneeling beside his friend. Upon closer examination, Joey could see that he had a small, one-inch cut on the side of his head, highlighting a nasty bruise.

J.C. moved to untie Chris as the others propped him up against the tree. "Let's get him back to the bus," J.C. said.

Then Lance and Joey picked up their hurt friend and carried him back to the bus. They gently laid him down on the couch, where they could keep an eye on him.

"After we beat them at this game tomorrow, I'm gonna call the cops on them," Justin said, talking about the gang responsible.

"I'll second that," Joey agreed.

Lance was about to agree too, when Chris began waking up. J.C. approached him, and asked, "You awake?"

Chris opened his eyes and answered, "No."

"Oh, good. Then I guess there's no reason to take you to the emergency room." J.C. teased.

"Nope. Never felt better in all my life," Chris replied, smiling. "Well, except that time my leg gave out at the airport in front of everybody."

The others laughed at the memory of Chris standing up on his sleeping leg, which gave out, causing him to fall in the middle of the airport. "Why'd you think of that now?" Justin asked.

"I have no idea," Chris replied, sitting up. Then, getting serious, he asked, "Did you guys find Dusty and his gang?"

"No, but we got the tires of the bus melted down to the ground," Joey said.

"So that's what they were doing," Chris said, absently rubbing his stomach, then wincing in pain.

"What?" Justin asked, noticing the subtle action by his friend.

"I don't know," Chris replied. "But my stomach hurts." He lifted up his shirt and looked down at his bruised skin. "Courtesy of Dusty, I guess," he said, looking up.

"He is so going down," Lance vowed.


Email pt. 5

The next morning, they headed back to the court; feelings of hate coming from each of them. The court was empty, and there was no sign of the gang. They practiced for about an hour before Dusty, Matt, Ryan, Tony, and John all showed up.

"Sleep well, boys?" Matt asked, smiling an evil grin.

"What's the idea? You afraid of a little compition?" J.C. asked, coming over to the fence where the gang watched.

"No," Tony replied. "Just warming you up a bit."

"You could have killed us!" Joey said, as he too approached the chain-link fence. "Nice dog you got there," Ryan said, looking at Chris.

Chris looked around him, then looked back at Ryan. Ryan rolled his eyes as a light bulb went on in Chris's head. "Oh! Hey, you touch my dog again," he warned, getting serious, "and you're not gonna make it through the next 24 hours."

"Hey, watch your mouth, unless you want the crap kicked out of you again," Tony spoke up.

Chris faltered, realizing that's where the bruising was from. "Can't fight me when I'm awake?" he asked, yelling with anger.

"Save it for the game," Dusty ordered, then he turned and began to walk off.

The others glared at each other before the rest of the gang took off after their leader. Nsync looked at each other, at a loss for words.

Finally J.C. picked up the ball and bounced it to Lance. "Anyways," he mumbled as they returned to their game.


Later that night, the guys arrived at a packed gym. Somehow, Dusty and his gang had spread the word to hundreds of people.

The thought ran though all their heads as J.C. said, "More people to see us crush them."

The guys gave a nervous smile as Dusty, Matt, Ryan, Tony, and John entered the gym, dressed in basketball clothes.

Confident they would win, Joey took a deep breath and said, "Here we go…"



