Chris reflects J.C.

J.C. is one of a kind. He's got a good head on his shoulders and he acts as our anchor. When he's not sleeping, he will either goof around with the rest of us or he will write songs. He loves writing songs for us, even if they don't all get recorded. J.C. is truly talented in the music field and I'm glad he's with us.

Because he sleeps so much, he is the perfect target for Joey, Justin and I. We do things to him all the time because we know we he will not get mad. Outside the studio he can be just as masculine as the rest of us. I think he tries not to let it show though. He seems proud to be the groups 'daddy', even if he isn't the oldest.

But watch out when that guy gets on stage. My God, I don't know where he gets all that energy. J.C. totally explodes and pumps everyone up. He can get a little pushy on stage, but we let him shine. This is his dream too, and I say let him be wild while he can. Because right after the show, he will crash for as long as we let him, or as long as we need to finish our prank.

