When Angels Fall~ Alternate Ending 2

Author's Note- This is my second ending for WAF, this one being the more depressing one. The idea came from a friend, and I put it in a story. Enjoy! (Yeah right, I think I made MYSELF cry on this one)


Almost immediately, Chris felt the effects of the pills. He walked over to the couch and looked out the window. The guys were playing basketball, something he would never do again. Chris got up to get a drink, and became dizzy on his way back to the couch. He sat down again, feeling numb. He watched his friends some more, feeling hot. As the minutes ticked on, sharp sensations twisted his stomach, forcing him to his feet. He dragged himself to the bathroom, just before another knife of pain sliced it's way through his stomach. He began throwing up violently, eventually bringing up blood. He was sweating and his skin was ghost-white. As he lay in the bathroom in unbearable pain, the last thing he thought was how much he no longer wanted to die. Ironic how the people who meant the most to him were outside playing his favorite sport as he lay there, dying. Things grew black, and breaths became painful and short. His only wish was that he could take it all back, and he could be outside with his friends. He closed his tear-filled eyes as he regretfully drew his last breath. "I'll miss you guys, and I'm sorry," were the last things to escape his lips as he slipped into oblivion, never to return.


"Man, I'm beat. I think I'm gonna call it quitting time," Lance said, panting from the exercise the past half-hour had given him.

"Wuss," Justin teased, dribbling past him.

"Hey, young'n, just because I'm older than you…" Lance teased back, heading for the bus.

"I'll go in with you," Joey said, wiping the sweat off his forehead as he caught up with Lance. The sun beat down unmercifully, giving them all tans.

"Well, I guess it's just me and you," J.C. said, looking at Justin as he guarded the basket.

"Oh, well," Justin shrugged, dodging J.C. as he went for the goal.

"Are you feeling sorry for me, or are you really quitting on your own will?" Lance asked Joey as they walked to the bus.

"I am quitting under my own power, don't worry," Joey smiled, still out of breath. "Basket ball isn't my favorite sport anyway."

"Oh, I forgot, you more the clubbin' man, aren't you?" Lance teased, opening the door to the bus.

"Hell yeah," Joey replied, laughing as they got on the bus, throwing their things on the floor.

"Do you smell something?" Lance asked, standing still and testing the air for the faint smell.

"Hey-" Joey said, running into Lance. "What is it, oh human nose?"

"It smells like blood- where's Chris?" Lance interrupted himself, looking around.

"I don't know, he was here," Joey replied, also searching for their friend.

Lance proceeded down the isle of the bus, looking in the bunks and closets, until he got to the bathroom. Then he froze, and turned white.

"What ya got boy?" Joey teased, joining his friend on his 'point' to the bathroom. "Oh, shit."

Together they ran to Chris, hearts and minds racing. They tried to wake up the limp form, getting no response. As Lance tried to find a pulse on the still warm body, Joey stood up and ran to a window, his heart in his throat. "Guys!" he called, not trusting his voice to vocalize more than that. But the absolute fear in his voice must have been evident, because J.C. and Justin ran inside immediately.

"Oh my God. What the hell happened?" J.C. asked, bending down next to the panic stricken Lance.

"I- we found- he's dead," Lance choked out, tears running down his face.

At that moment, the bus grew 10 degrees cooler. "No he's not," J.C. replied, his throat tightening. He placed two fingers on Chris's throat, desperately wanting to feel a pulse. "Call 911!" he yelled, realization setting in. He refused to believe that his friend was dead, even after not finding a heartbeat anywhere. It just wasn't possible. He was fine a few minutes ago.

Justin ran out and called 911 from his cell phone, panic and fear barley making him understandable. Tears fell from his eyes as he gave their location, dropping on a piece of paper on the table. He looked down and picked it up, halting his conversation with the operator as he read the note.

As he was reading the note, the others silently filed out of the bathroom, eyes red from crying. Joey gently closed the door behind them, signaling to Justin there was nothing else to do.

Justin looked up with his own red and puffy eyes as he handed the others the note. He barley made it outside before grief wracked his body so terribly, he became ill.


3 Days Later…

The remaining four members hardly stopped crying ever since they found Chris, alone and dead in the bathroom. Each of them blamed themselves, and all were undergoing therapy to help them deal with the situation. The doctor had informed them that the pills, at that quantity, had had an inverse reaction to the body, causing Chris's stomach to want to get rid of them. He had thrown up so much, so hard, that it actually started tearing the stomach muscles, causing a fatal internal bleeding.

Now the guys were gathered around at Chris's funeral, joined by hundreds of teary girls and no-morals reporters. The reporters had hounded them all week, not giving Chris's soul one minute of peace. Nsync pleaded for them to go away, but reporters have no respect for the dead, they only see a front page headline.

So instead of staying out of the news, they used the airtime to advertise to others who knew of someone who was planning suicide. They spread the word that this is no laughing matter, and needed to be treated right away before it was too late. No one in the world isn't loved by someone else; they just can't see it. From now on, Nsync would devote themselves to lifting the curtain and exposing how much these people really were needed.

And Loved.


Suicide is no laughing matter. Please tell someone if you or someone you know of is planning to take his or her life. This is dedicated to all those who didn't have responsible friends, and who died an unnecessary death.

You are listening to PERL JAM: LAST KISS



Email: jaysmyrascal@cs.com