Sands of Time
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Sands of Time


It was an evening that no one in the village could forget.  About 20 men went rampaging through the village and killed all that where different.  The shapeshifter, the wizards and the socuerers.  Many could not get away.

In her home, a mother feared for her newborn child's life.  He had been claimed to be the offspring of something awful.  The mother knew in her heart that she had to let him go.  Let him be safe.  There was a loud knock on the door.

"Come out witch!  We know you are in there!  Bring out the off breed!"  Her husband yelled from outside.  As quickly as she could she wrapped the child up in a robe and set him into a basket.

"Mother, will we ever see him again?"  asked her eldest son.  She put a hand on his head.

"I certainly hope so."  she whispered.  She turned back to the newborn, his eyes such a sparkling blue.  A tear slide down her cheek as she wrote out the note.  "You will be safe my son.  May the powers and light guild you."

"See you soon little brother."  said the eldest son.  Mother and son joined hands and began chanting the spell of escape.  There was a flash and a little crackle from the spark.  When everything cleared, the newborn was gone.

"The mortals will protect him until we come again.  He will be back with us.  Some day."  whispered the woman.  To that day she vowed that when her son was back, all of the different ones would be destroyed.

It was late afternoon in the town of Denver Colorado.  The Backstreet Boys had given the place a concert to remember.  Now they were just hanging out and enjoying some down time.  Kevin was out was Kristen, Howie was back at the hotel doing some work, A.j was out with Amanda and Nick and Brian were at a local park playing basketball.  They had also brought Nick's younger sister Kari.  Although she had been adopted, Nick loved her like his own.

"Hey Nick!  Watch out cause i'm coming through!"  laughed Brian.  He went up for the shot and made it.

"Aw, no fair!  best two out of three!"  shouted Nick.  He always hated losing.

"Guys, how about a break?  I brought some cans of pop with us."  said Kari from the sidelines.  She went to her backpack and pulled out three cans.

"Fine."  said Brian reluctantly.  They walked over to the picnic table and grabbed their drinks.

"You know Karbear, it's soda.  Not pop."  smiled Brian.  They always had this little debate when ever she said pop.

"Well where I come from we always called it pop.  Only southerners call it soda!"  she laughed.

"But pop is a sound."  said Nick.

"Never mind!  Just drink them!"  she said shoving Brian backwards.  As Kari and him continued to argue, Nick got this overwhelming feeling that he was being watched.  He looked around and saw only a few children playing.  Then he looked to the red rocks and saw two people standing on top of it.  He looked again and they were gone.

"Hey guys, did you just see that?"  he asked.

"See what?"  asked Brian.

"There were two people standing on top of that huge rock thing.  And when I blinked, they were gone."  he answered.  Brian and Kari looked at each other.

"Nick, I think its time you get into the shade."  said Kari.

"No guys, i'm serious!  They were there a minute ago!"  he said pointing to the rocks.

"Fine, fine!  We believe you, now lets get the game going."  said Brian.  He picked up the ball and started back to the court.  Nick took one more look at the rocks.  He saw nothing.

"I must be going crazy."  he said to himself and he walked back with Brian
A tall figure in black gazed down on the park from the tall rocks.  She could see the two young men playing a sport that was very popular with the mortals.  Beside her was her son.  The only one she had, for now.

"I will have him back."  she whispered to herself as she watched them proceed to a table with another young girl.  The woman could tell that none of the three were mortal.  She felt it in her blood.

"My son."  she whispered.  She saw the one look up as if to be startled.  He looked into her direction.  She knew that he could see them but not for long.

"Hey guys, did you see that?"  She heard him ask the others.  Her son next to her listened in to the conversation.

"Did you see that my son?  He knows that we're here.  Soon he will be back with us.  Away from the mortals."  she spoke to her son.

"But mother, the ones he is with are not mortal themselves."  he answered.  He watched as the two older ones went back to the mortal game.

"I know.  Something must have lead him to them.  That's why we have to bring him home."  she hissed.  She gazed down for one last time.

"I will see you soon.  My son."  and the figures both vanished into thin air.
It was about 7:00 when they all were finally back at the hotel.  They were all down by the pool and just having a good time.  Howie and Nick were having a competition on who could splash Kari first.

"Man, Kristen and I had the best time today.  We took a tour of the city in a horse drawn carriage and I took her shopping for a while."  bragged Kevin.

"Watch out Kev, next thing you know it, she'll want to marry you!"  laughed A.j..  Kevin slapped him across the back.

"Hey, I've got something.  When we were taking a break from basketball...."  started Brian.

"You taking a break from basketball?  Is it to good to be turn?"  teased Kevin.  Brian just continued.

"He said he saw someone on the big red rocks next to the park.  But when we looked, there was no one there."

"Nick must be off his rocker.  What were you doing while he saw this?"  asked A.j..

"Kari and I were arguing whether it's soda or pop."  smiled Brian.  The other guys just cracked up.

"Well, you had a good day.  Arguing with somebody who looks like a ten year old while your best friend turns into a loony."  laughed Kevin.

"I HEARD THAT!"  yelled Kari.  The guys just cracked up even more.  Finally they stopped after all of their stomachs hurt.

"Anyway, it was just a weird day for all of us."  said Brian.  They all began talking about different things when they heard a scream.  They looked up to find Nick and Howie had grabbed Kari and threw her into the pool.

"Don't worry miss, i'll save you!"  laughed Brian as he dove into the pool.  A.j. and Kevin snuck up on Nick and Howie and shoved them in.  This started a funny looking brawl type thing.

"HEY GUYS!"  yelled a voice from the door.  They all looked up to see their manager.  "We have to be out of here by 10:00 tomorrow.  I suggest you get back to your rooms."

"But it's only 7:30."  said Nick.

"Look again."  replied their manager.  Sure enough, it was almost 9:30.

"Come on guys, better do as the guy says."  said Kevin.  They all climbed out and grabbed their towels.

"Lucky charms, they're magical delicious!"  Kari whispered to Nick.  Both of them always thought the manager looked like the lucky charms cartoon character.  Nick snickered.  As he neared the door, he felt the same urge that someone was watching him as this afternoon.  He looked around the room.  There was no one there.

"Brian's right.  I must be going crazy."  he thought as the door shut behind him.
The woman watched as he left the pool area.  A smile came to her face.

"So young and so full of life!  That is definitely my son.  Soon we will be reunighted and his life can truly begin!"  she cried.

"Mother, wouldn't he want to stay with his friends?"  asked her son.

"Yes.  I have thought about that.  His instincts know that they are all immortal.  None of them know it yet but they are.  He'll get over it and stay with us."  she replied.

"When will we get him?"  he asked again.

"Tonight.  After I deal with the ones he calls friends and family."  she smiled.

"Shall I deal with the girl?  She seems so much like the eldest and his peer."  he begged.

"Yes you may.  She is more like them than they all think.  That will change also."  she said still smiling.

"Sounds great to me."  said the son.

"Sounds great to both of us.  You will have your little brother back finally!"  With a laugh and a flash, they were gone once more.
Nick was sitting in his hotel room when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"  he yelled.  There was a little pause.

"Its me, let me in."  said Kari from the outside.  Nick stood up, walked to the door and unlocked it.  Kari was standing there in her tank top and pajama pants.  "I think I left my discman in here.  Have you seen it?"

"Oh yeah, its over here."  said Nick with no emotion.

"What's wrong?"  she asked him.  He didn't turn around.

"Nothing why?"  he answered.

"Because I can sense it in your voice.  Come on Nicky.  You can trust me."  she coaxed.

"Well, when we were leaving the pool I felt as though someone was watching us again.  Just like earlier today."  he sighed.  Kari went over and sat next to him.

"Nick, i'm pretty sure its nothing.  Probably stress at the most.  You just need to calm down.  Go to sleep, it will be gone in the morning."  she smiled.

"Yeah, maybe your right.  Thanks"  he said.

"Don't mention it."  she answered.  She got up and started to the door.  Nick dodged ahead of her and opened it.  Kari gave him a goodnight kiss on the cheek and left the room.  Nick closed the door behind her.

"She's right.  This will all be gone tomorrow."  he said out loud.  He made a funny face.  "And why am I talking to myself?"  He went over and crawled into bed.  He grabbed the remote and turned the T.v. on.  All there was was a few late night sitcoms and movies.  He began to watch a news show.  It must have been pretty boring because by the time it was over, he had been long asleep.

He awoke to here a commotion in the next room.  He looked up at the clock.  It was 2:30.  He started to get up to see what was going on when it all stopped.  He listened again.  Silence.

"Stupid neighbors."  Nick whispered and he laid back down.  As he was trying to get back to sleep, he heard the door creek open and a flood of light filled the room.

"Brian, this isn't very funny!  Go back to bed!"  He yelled.  There was no answer.  He heard somebody coming closer to his bed.  "Brian, I mean it!"  He looked up not to find Brian, but a tall dark figure in a black cape.  Nick tried to scream but it put a hand over his mouth.  There were more footsteps and another figure.  It seemed to be holding something that glow.  The thing shot on beam and everything went black.

"Look Mother!  He is waking up!"  said a voice nearby.  Nick was quiet groggy and couldn't remember all that had happened.  All that he could remember was that someone had come into his room late at night.  His eyes begin to focus and he could see and blonde male and female above him.

"Give him some air!  I swear you aren't the brightest!"  snarled the woman.

"W, where am I?"  asked Nick.  His speech was slurred.

"Why, you are at our home young one."  said the woman careingly.

"Where's the hotel?  And the others?"  he said with worry.

"Do not worry.  They will never miss you."  she said with a smile on her face.  Nicks eyes widened.

"What do you mean by that?"  he demanded.

"You belong here young one, where you belong."  she answered.

"Where I belong is back at the hotel room waiting for it to be morning!  Now take me back."  he ordered.  The woman just smiled.

"Oh, my child!  You don't know who we are do you?"  she asked.

"Of course not.  Why would I know you?"  he asked.  The woman sat down next to him.

"I don't know how you are going to take this so I am just going to say it now.  The mother you have known is not your mother.  I am."  she said.  Nick didn't quiet get it.

"What?"  he asked.

"I am your mother and you are my son."  she said again.  He turned to the man next to her.

"Is this true?"  Nick asked him.  The man just nodded.

"You belong here with us now,  In your world." the woman spoke.

"My world?  What does that mean?"  he asked, raising his voice.

"You are not mortal.  I am a witch, your father was a warlock and you are a warlock."  She said now frustrated.  Nick started to believe the old woman.

"I'm a warlock?  I have powers and stuff?"  he said in shock.  The man nodded.  "Why did you send me away mother?"

"I had no choice.  Your father threatened to kill you.  He thought you were the offspring of a shapeshifter.  I sent you to the mortal world to be safe."  she said almost in tears.  Nick comforted her.  He looked back up at the man.

"And who are you?"  asked Nick.  The woman stood up.

"Why, this is your older brother Blade."  she said with a smile.

"Nice to see you again little bro."  said Blade.  Nick turned back to his mother.

"Please take me back!  People are going to suspect something."  he said

"The world you come from has been frozen in time!  No one will ever know you are gone."  she answered

"What am I going to do about the guys?  I can't just leave them without them knowing what happened to me."  he said.  Mother just smiled.

"Oh, that.  There is another thing.  None of your friends are mortal either."

"Dude!  So they're just like me?"  he said with excitement.  The smile faded.

"Not exactly.  They are different then we are.  Different races that were killed off.  They might just be the last of their kind."  she waved her hand and an area of the room lit up.  There stood five statues of the others.

"What did you do to them!"  Nick yelled as he ran up to them.  Kari seemed to be clutching Brian's arm as he tried to fend off any attacker.  The rest all looked the same.  A look of shock.

"They are not hurt.  They cannot feel anything.  I had to do it Nickolous.  They're type were are greatest enemy."  mother said.

"Enemies?  Why, what were they?"  asked Nick.

"The ones you call Kevin, Brian and Kari are all the same family.  They are brothers and sister.  They are all the strongest type of shapeshifter.  Alexander James is the strongest type of wizard.  And Howard is a powerful sorcerer."  she explained.  Nick snickered at the thought of A.j. in a tall wizards hat and robe

"They would never hurt me, ever."  he said.

"They can't be trusted.  They are not like us.  Besides, you don't even know their names."  said mother.

"Yes I do.  I've been with them for like ever."  said Nick with anger.

"Not their real names.  The shapeshifters are Krioton, Bruion, and Mysteick.  The wizard is Artison, and the sorcerer is Havek.."  she said.  Nick took s step back.

"You mean they didn't tell me their real names after all these years?"  he asked.

"Tell you?  They didn't even know!  They're just like you."  said Blade.

"Then is my name really Nick?"  he asked again.  Mother sighed.

"No.  Your real name is Sebastion.  I named you after your father."  she answered.  Before Nick could speak up again, mother continued.  "Well, we won't get much done if we sit here and talk all day now will we?  come along Sebastion, its time for your training."

"Training?  What kind of training?"  asked Nick, confused by what mother had just called him.

"Why, we need to teach you how to use your powers!  It won't take long."  she answered.  She lead him down a long hallway into a large stone room.  There were many wands and dodads lined on the wall.  Mother grabbed a scepter.

"Light this up."  she ordered.

"What?"  asked Nick, laughing.

"Light up this scepter."  she ordered again.  Nick just kind of stared at it.  He did even know he had powers until like fifteen minutes.  Now she wants him to light this up?  No way, it's impossible.  Yet he couldn't help feeling like he could.

"Alright, i'll try."  said Nick.  He try to light it up with his mind, but it didn't work.  He tried by pointing his finger but that didn't work.  He looked up at mother.  She had no emotion.  Finally, he did a movement with his hand in front of it.  The scepter exploded into light.  Mother smiled.

"Very good Sebastion.  Very good indeed.  Your powers are stronger than ever."  she said.  "You see, what ever you want done can be done if you believe it.  It is so easy.  Oh, can you shut the door?"  she asked him.  Nick turned and pointed at the door.  It slammed shut.

"Wonderful!"  she laughed.  Nick was also amazed he could do that.

"Man, this is better than video games!"  he smiled. They spent what seemed like hours just doing little tasks and big ones to.  Nick was now able to do anything with his magic.  He felt like nothing could hold him back from anything.  The tested his strength, weakness, mind, soul, heart, and body.  So it can down to the last and final test.

"Good.  Now for your last task.  And this will test your loyalty."  smirked mother.  She lead him back into the main room.  She pointed at the statues that were once his group.

"Kill them."  she ordered.

"What?  No!"  he yelled.

"If you want to prove you are loyal to all the witches and warlocks in this world, you will kill the ones who are enemies!  Now do it!"  she ordered.

"No mother, I won't!  They are my best friends and my work buddies!  You can't make me hurt them!"  He yelled.  Mother was now boiling with anger.

"Fine!  If you don't want to bring honor to yourself as a warlock, you will be a prisoner!  Blade!"  she shouted.  The eldest brother came to her side.

"Take him to the dungeon.  He needs to think about what the word loyalty means."  she said with anger.

"How long shall we leave him down there?"  asked Blade.

"Until he comes to his senses.  If he doesn't, we kill him along with his friends.  GO!"  she ordered.  Blade grabbed Nick by the shoulders.  Nick tried to struggle but Blade zapped him with magic.  He dragged him down a secret passage and threw him into a cell.  The door slammed.  Blade looked in at Nick.

"Do you know what we do to traitors?  We burn them a the stake."  said Blade.  he turned and walked away.  His footsteps dimmed.  Nick sat down in one of the corners.

"If only this didn't happen."  he whispered.  A tear slid down his cheek.  There was a flash outside the cell.  He looked out to see the statues of his friends.  This hurt him even more.

"I've gotta help them, but how."  he said to himself.  Then he remembered the words of his mother.  Things could be done if you believe they can.  He reached out of the cell and put up his hand.  Five little balls of light appeared and landed on the statues.  The statues disappeared and Nick called the light back to his hand.  He stepped back and faced the far wall.  He let the lights go and fall to the floor.  The statues reappeared.

"Now for the tricky part."  he said.  He thought up a little spell to say to bring them back, kinda like in the movies.  "Magic gets you what life can truly afford, now bring back the life, make them restored."  There was a dim blue light and then silence.  Nick didn't thin it had worked until he heard a groan.

"Where are we?"  asked Kevin.  "A minute ago and intruder was in my room and now i'm here."

"Kevin?  Is that you?"  asked Brian.  He came into the light, Kari still clinging onto his arm.  She looked up and saw Nick.

"Nicky!"  she cried as she grabbed him in a hug.  "I was so scared!  I was talking to Brian when this guy came in and i'm so confused!"  Nick put his arm around her.

"I think I can explain everything."  he said to the others.  They all looked at him.

"Do tell."  said A.j. sarcastically.

"FIne, but keep an open mind o.k.?  We are in a dungeon in a castle in a different world."  he said.  They all just stared.

"Alright, move along."  said Howie.

"The people that attacked you were my mother and brother.  My real mother and brother.  They turned you all into statues.  That's why you don't remember anything.  Mother told me I had to kill you to be loyal to the family.  I wouldn't do it so I was sent down here.  They brought you all here and I changed you back."  he stopped to take a breath.  Again, they all stared at him.  Brian started to giggle.  Kari nudged him in the chest.

"Nick, strangely enough, but I believe you.  How did you change us back?"  she asked.

"That's another thing.  I found out I have powers."  he said.  This made Brian just laugh really hard.  Kari hit him in the back and he stopped.

"Powers?  I'd like to see you prove it!"  he smiled.  Nick just smirked.

"Alright."  he raised his hand and motioned upward.  Brian started to move up towards the ceiling of the cell.  He was kicking his legs and trying to get back down.

"ALRIGHT!  I believe you!  Let me down."  cried Brian.  Nick motioned down and Brian fell with a thud.

"Thanks."  he said

"That's not the best part.  She also told me that all of you belong here."  smiled Nick.

"What do you mean by that?"  asked A.j..

"You all have powers to."  he replied.  Kari gasped and they all looked at each other.

"You mean to say, we can do what you just did?"  asked Kevin with shock.

"Well, no.  Neither of you are warlocks.  In Kari's case, a witch.  Kev, Brian and Kari, you all are shapeshifters.  You also all belong to the same family as brothers and sister."  explained Nick.  Kevin, Brian, and Kari and looked at each other.

"Your my brothers?"  she asked them.

"I guess so, unless this is some sort of weird dream."  said Brian.  Nick turned to Howie and A.j..

"A.j., your a wizard and Howie is a sorcerer."  he said.

"Dude, this is unbelievable!"  said A.j..  "I wonder what I can do."  He waved his a hand at the wall.  All of the sudden, one of the bricks turned into a snake.

"Dude!  Turn it back, turn it back!"  yelled Nick.  A.j. tried it again and the snake returned to being a brick.

"Man, I guess all you need to know is that you can do it huh?"  laughed A.j..  They all stopped.  There were footsteps coming that way.

"Oh no!  Their coming.  If they find out that I changed you back, we'll all be dead.  I have to turn you guys back into statues."  said Nick.  Before any of them could protest, Nick reversed the spell turning all of them back into stone.  Right when he returned them back to the spot, Blade and Mother came into view.  Mother was smiling.

"We have decided that we won't have you kill your friends Sebastion."  she said.  Nick sighed of relief.  "But, you will have to fight Blade.  And for your information, he has never lost."

"Bring it on."  hissed Nick.  The cell walls melted away and the were in this giant room full of battle gear.  The five statues were by the left wall.  Nick knew he would need them all to win.

"This will be a fight to the death.  Anything can be used.  Even magic."  she announced.  Nick looked over at Blade.  He was cracking his knuckles and smirking.  "Let the fight begin!"  she yelled.

"You are dead!"  screamed Blade.  He sent a green bolt right for Nick but he had time to duck it.

"After you bro!"  yelled Nick.  He grabbed one of the wands and sent several flashes into the air like a roman candle.  One by one they dropped onto Blade.  He cringed with each hit.  Blade got up when they finished, weakened, but not by much.

"Maybe I should hit you where it hurts the most!"  He smiled.  He ran for the statues with a nun chuck looking thing.

"NO!  screamed Nick.  He sent bolts everywhere to try and stop the madman.   All of them hit him.  Blade fell to the ground and couldn't get up.  Nick looked to his friends.  "Time to let the cat out of the bag."  he whispered.  He said the spell and there was silence.

"What do you think you are doing?"  yelled mother.

"Using a weapon I know can't fail."  he yelled back.  The guys came back to life and Mother screamed in horror.

"Guys!  Help!"  Nick screamed.  Blade had recovered and was bearing down on Nick.  Brian, Kevin, Howie and Kari had no idea what to do.  They had never used their powers before so they didn't know how to get started.  But something inside them knew.

"Don't worry Nick!  One take down coming up."  laughed A.j..  He suddenly disappeared into thin air.  No one knew what was going to happen until Blade was launched backwards.  A.j. laughed as hard as he could.  "You got no idea where I am do you?  You scared now?"  Blade nodded.

"Enough!  Step aside Blade.  Mother knows best!"  yelled mother.  She launched every weapon in the room right at the others.  Kari let out a scream and started to run.

"Kari!  No!"  yelled Brian, and he chased after her.  Howie and Kevin were left with the flying objects bearing down on them.  Then Howie got an idea.

"It can't hit us if there's a wall!"  he yelled.  he touched the floor and a huge brick wall rose up.  They could hear the object hit and fall.  When the last one hit, the wall disappeared.  Mother just smiled.

"You may think your smart.  But experience has a bigger part."  She waved her hands and Nick was gone.  He soon appeared next to the guys and a cage formed around his.  A.j. soon appeared with them.

"Caught in a trap huh?  What a pity."  she laughed.  She gazed at Howie, Kevin and A.j..  "Dirty rotten off breeds!  You should have died along with your families."  she looked back at Nick.  "And to think I called you my son.  You are nothing but a traitor."

"Only traitors hurt others."  he growled.

"Not for long.  Say good-bye to your life and their precious race!"  A slab of spikes appeared above them and began lower.

"Oh man!  I don't want to die this way!"  cried A.j..

"You won't have to."  a voice said from the shadows.  They all turned to see a two glowing eyes in one corner and two others in another.  Both cat like and yellow.  They both stepped out of the shadows.

"Kari!  Brian!"  yelled Nick.  They were both smiling with fangs drawn.  Then, right before everyone's eyes, they morphed their bodies into a leopard and a tiger.  They were growling loudly and ran at mother.

"Back you beasts, back!"  she screamed.  But it was to late.  They both leaped from the ground and pounced on her.  The leopard seemed to be holding her down.

"Kari!"  yelled Howie.  The tiger turned its head.  "Get us out of here!"  She nodded and began to ram the cage as hard as she could.  Finally it tipped over and they were free.  They all surrounded Mother.  They heard something behind them.  They turned and saw Kari dragging Blade into the center.

"Brian, let her up now."  said Nick.  He jumped away from the woman and joined the circle.  There, Kari and Brian changed back into human form.

"Good to see you again."  said Howie.

"It's six against two Mother.  What are you going to do now?" said Nick sarcastically.  She snarled at the comment.

"You have betrayed me Sebastion.  You have betrayed all witches and warlocks."  she growled.

"You tried to to make me betray me friends and family.  I am not going to sink down to your level.  And my name is Nick." he replied.  Mother let out a roar of fury.

"You are all dead!"  she screamed.  Her eyes began to glow and a green light surrounded her.  Her form began to change shape, into something larger.

"Oh my god."  whispered Kari.  Nick's mother had become a dragon.

"I thought you said shapeshifters were our enemies!"  yelled Nick.  Mother growled and swiped him with a giant claw.  He went flying into the opposite wall and landed with a hard thud.

"Nick!"  screamed Kari as she ran to his side.  He was unconsceine.  "No!"  The others were now boiling with anger.  Brian turned himself back into a leopard and had begun charging the dragon.  Kevin had figured out how to use his powers and changed himself into a eagle and began diving at her face.

"You get one side, i'll get the other." Yelled Howie.  A.j. followed the order and the both began to use their magic.  Nothing seemed to work.  Then Kari got an idea.

"This won't hurt a bit Nicky."  she whispered.  She began to bring his powers into her body.  As she did, she changed herself into Nick.

"Nick!  We need back up!"  yelled Kevin.  He was still in animal form but could speak through his mind.  Kari turned back to the real Nick.

"Wish me luck."  she whispered.  She then stood up and faced the evil dragon.  The dragon saw this and hit the others away.  They all landed behind her and were to weak to move.

"I see you are strong young one."  she said with sarcasm.  "Not for long."  She began to charge at him with full force.  Kari began to summon all of the power that Nick had in her body.  Her hands began to glow a bright orange.  Her eyes glowed of white.

"Not this time."  Kari whispered and forced the power down into the ground.  The ground began to rumble and shake.  The dragon stopped dead in her tracks.  A giant crack in the floor was moving towards her.  She tried to run but it was no use.  She feel into the crack with her son Blade.  They could all hear them screaming.  When it faded away and the dust cleared, Kari could see that the others were o.k. and on one side of the huge crater.  She fell to the ground, now very weak.

"Nick!"  yelled Brian.  They all ran to her side, thinking she really was Nick.

"Nick, are you o.k.?"  asked Kevin.  She nodded.

"I am, but he isn't."  she answered.  She pointed at where Nick lay.  All were in shock that they could make that mistake.

"Kari?"  asked Brian.  She nodded again.  The others had left her side to tend to Nick.  "Do you think you could change back?"

"I don't know.  Let me see."  she answered.  She began to concentrate on a mental image of herself.  She could feel herself becoming smaller and more like herself.  When she finished, she collapsed into Brian's arms.

"Is Nick o.k.?"  she asked with a whisper.  Brian looked over and saw them helping him up.

"Yeah.  He's fine.  But he has a lot of explaining to do."  said Brian.  Nick over heard this and walked up to his friend.

"I will explain everything.  Follow me."  he said.  He began to walk out of the room with the others following.  He lead them into the room he had first found himself in.  There was a small table and he told them to sit.  He light up the room and sat down himself.

"Now, a few questions.  Why was that lady calling you Sebastion and why did she call us off breeds?"  asked Kevin.  Nick let out sigh.

"Sebastion was the name I was given by her when I was born.  Each of you have a different name."  he pointed at each of them as he said the name.  "Krioton, Bruion, Mysteick, Artison, and Havek."  The others didn't say anything.

"Keep going."  said Brian.

"Yes, well, the reason she called you off breeds is because my kind killed off yours.  You may be the only ones left."  he continued.

"No, there has to be more of us!  I mean, how did we survive?"  asked Kari.

"I'm not really sure.  All I know is that I was given up for the same reason.  This all really sucks you guys."  he answered.  They all paused.

"So, Brian and Kari are my brother and sister, huh?"  said Kevin.  Nick nodded.  "At least us three know we're not alone."

"Dudes, if we're in somebody's house, there has got to be a town nearby that someone will tell us how to get back."  said A.j..  Everyone's eyes lit up.

"You know A.j., that has been the first thing that has made since this whole time."  said Howie.

"But where the heck is the front door in this place?  This place is like the queen of England's castle."  said Kari.  Nick gave her a wink.  "Nick, that's Howie's move."  she giggled.

"No, I can take you where it is.  I have no idea where it is but my magic can help."  he said.  Howie was glaring at Kari from her comment about the wink.

"It's worth a try.  I mean, how else are we going to get out of this place and back home?"  said Brian.  The all agreed and looked to Nick.  He waved his hand in the air and muttered something that the others couldn't hear.  A few second later they were all stand in front of a door.

"I can't believe it worked!"  laughed Kari.  Kevin turned the handle and opened it up.  They all gasped at what they saw.  People running about, many with children.  It looked like one of those places in a history book but weirder.  The buildings and homes looked old but they were very colorful.  There was a group of teenagers zipping around on broomsticks and bothering a shopkeeper.

"Wow!  What a place!"  said A.j..

"Yeah but, I don't think we nessarly fit in here."  said Brian.  All of the towns people were wearing odd clothing.  All of the men were wearing long pants, a puffy shirt and long capes of different colors.  The woman wear wearing long dresses.  The younger girls wore thinner dresses and a cape with a hood.

"Well as they say, when in rome."  said Nick.  He pointed to himself and his clothes changed to look like the people.  The others did the same thing and no one was staring anymore.

"Now, to find somebody who will believe us and take us home."  said Kevin.  They began to make their way through the busy street.

"Man, look at this place!  It makes New York seem actually tame."  laughed Howie.  They began to pass a shop in the square when a young woman stopped them.

"Hello there.  I don't believe i've seen you in the village before."  she smiled.  Brian ran a hand behind his neck.

"Yeah, we're just here for visiting."  he answered.  The woman looked down at Kari.

"What a darling young girl.  Which one of you is her trainer?"  she asked.  Kevin and Brian raised their hands.

"We are.  Actually, she is our younger sister."  said Kevin.  Kari gave him a funny look.  The woman just kept on smiling.

"Ah.  Family is the best thing for a witch in training.  I must be off now.  I hope you like our humble little village."  she shouted and was gone.  They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was close." said Nick.

"Your telling me.  You think people with such strong powers could read somebody's mind or something."  said Kari.  They pressed on.  It looked like no one could explain anything.  They all looked to happy.

"Isn't there anyone that can help us?"  sighed Kevin.  All of the sudden, there was a shake in the bushes.  They turned to see two young girls.

""You say you need help?"  asked the blonde one.

"Yes, do you think you can?"  asked Howie.  The brunette pondered a bit.

"I sense that there is something unfamiliar about you.  You come from the mortal world don't you?"  asked the brunette.  They all nodded.

"And you are not mortal yourselves.  In fact, all of you are scorned ones."  said the blonde.

"Well if you want to put it that way."  said Brian.

"We can't help you.  But we know someone who can.  Follow us."  ordered the blonde.  Both girls started down an alley way across from the shop.  The guys were shocked to see it was a dead end.

"There's nobody here girls.  Are you just putting us on?"  asked Kevin.  The girls didn't answer.  One of them stomped the ground with a heeled boot.

"Password?"  asked a male voice from below.

"Hippogriff."  said one of the girls.  Immediately a trapdoor opened reveling stairs below.  One of the girls motioned to the guys and they all went down the stairs.  The door slammed once the last person was down.  It scared the crud out of all of them.  The girls lit torches and they began a trek down a underground pathway.

"Man, I have no idea how these girls walk in these shoes."  complained Kari.  She paused to take them off and joined the group again.  They all of the sudden stopped.

"What's the problem?"  asked Nick.  The girls just smiled at him.  The dirt wall opened up and they all saw the site.

"This is even better than the town up above!"  said Nick.  Is was a whole underground community.  They looked nothing like the ones above.  They were more individual.

"Who are these people?"  asked Kari.

"They are the scorned ones.  The shapeshifters, the wizards, and the sorcerers.  They all came down here about 19 years ago."  explained one of the girls.

"So we're not the only ones."  Kevin said to Brian and Kari.  Howie and A.j. also looked happy.  The only one that felt alone was Nick.

"You feel hurt.  You are not one the people up above call different."  said one of the girls.  Nick nodded.

"My people did this to your people.  I don't know what to say."  he said.

"You didn't know Nickolous.  You were sent away the same time as your friends.  You would have never known.  Your mother was an evil person.  She must not know that you are here."  she answered.  Before he could say anything else, she grabbed his arm and was taking him through the town.

"Hey everyone!  They have returned!  The lost ones have returned!" Yelled a girl on the street.  Soon the were surrounded by people.

"This place already feels like home."  Laughed A.j..

"We have heard much about you six.  What's it like in the mortal world?"  asked a little boy.

"A lot different then here, that's for sure!"  said Brian.  The two girls once again grabbed their arms and lead them down the street.  They stopped at  very large home.

"The king and queen will be thrilled to see you."  said the brunette.  The door opened and a guard walked out.

"State your business."  he said.

"We have come to give these ones help."  said the blonde.  The guard looked at them all and smiled.

"You may proceed."  he said as he let them through.  Right when they walked in, they were in a huge room with many colors.  There were tapestries everywhere.  In the middle of the room was two people sitting on royal thrones.

"Sire, we have brought to you the lost ones."  said the brunette.  The king immediately stood up.

"Good.  Alzary, Leina, you may leave."  said the king.  The two girls bowed to the king and left the room.  The king walked down to the guys, who didn't know what to do.

"We have waited many years for you all."  he said.  He looked at Nick.  "Even you."

"Why me?  After all my kind did to you?"  he asked.  The king backed up.

"From the minute you came into existence, we knew you were good at heart.  The evil that was in your family didn't effect you at all.  So we trust you.  Stay away from the one that calls herself your mother."  he ordered.  They all lowered their heads.

"She was the one that brought us all here."  said Brian.

"What!?"  he shouted.  This startled Kari, who grabbed onto Kevin's arm.

"Not to worry, your majesty.  She and her older son are dead."  said Howie.  The king calmed down.

"The queen is finally dead?  We can live in peace now."  said the king happily.

"What do you mean queen?"  asked Kevin.  The king turned to Nick.

"Your mother was the queen of this land.  She was very evil and would kill anyone with the flick of a finger.  Now you are the heir to throne."  he answered.  Nick was shocked.

"I was actually a prince?  Cool!"  smiled Nick.  The others just rolled their eyes.

"Are you going to take the throne?"  he asked.  Nick looked back at his friends.  If he were to take it, it meant leaving them all.  He couldn't do that.

"I'm sorry.  I can't leave my friends and loved ones behind."  Nick finally said.  The king nodded.

"Understood.  But who will now that the throne?"  he asked. Nick thought for a moment.

"You.  Your going to take it over.  I'll see that it happens."  he said kindly.  The king looked so happy.

"Thank you.  Thank you so much.  You have saved our people."  he almost cried.

"Don't mention it."  he answered.

"Now, how did you kill them?  We have been trying to kill them for years and nothing has worked."  said the king, who was baffled.  They all pointed to Kari.

"Some how she got Nicks powers and tricked his mother into thinking she was him.  She made the earth come apart and they both fell in."  said Nick.

"Is this true?"  the king asked Kari.  All she could do was nod.  The kings smiled.

"She has some of her mother left in her.  She was a wonderful mother to you three.  She would have been proud."  he said.  Brian, Kevin and Kari all smiled.

"Excuse, sir.  We kinda came her to ask for help."  said Howie.

"Sure, what is it?"  asked the king,

"We would like to be sent back.  This place is to weird and new for us.  We just want to go back with the ones we love.  Please sir."  said A.j..

"Wow A.j., that was really noble."  giggled Kari.  He nudged her in the arm.

"Are you sure you want to return?  Here, you would be safe from harm."  said the king.

"We know.  But we have lives in the mortal world that we just don't want to leave."  said Brian.  You could tell he was thinking about Leighanne.  And Kari was getting pissed off about that.

"Well, I can't force you to stay.  But I can ask you to return when you like."  The king gave a whistle and two men appear.  To everyones surprise, they looked exactly like A.j. and Howie.

"What the?"  asked A.j..

"Whats the buzz cuz?"  said the one that looked like A.j..  Turns out both of them were cousins of A.j. and Howie.

"Never mind that.  Lets go home."  said Kari.  The king gave the men instructions and began to say a spell.  A whirlwind of stars appeared before them.  The king turned back to the others.

"This will take you back to the time you were taken.  I can assure that you will remember everything."

"I certainly hope so to."  said Kari.

"May the powers and light guild you all."  said the king.

"Right back at you king."  said A.j..

"Everybody ready?"  asked Kevin.  They all nodded.

"On the count of three.  1....2....3!"  They all jumped into the whirlwind.  All of them felt like they were flying.  Then everything went black.

"Dude, wake up.  We're back!"  Nick could hear someone say.  He slowly opened his eyes and was nearly blinded by the light.

"Where are we?"  asked Nick knowing this wasn't the hotel room.

"We're at the park b-ball court.  The thing must have gotten mixed up or something."  said Brian.

"Oh, it's great to be back.  I have missed the normal world so much!"  said Kari.

"How could you miss it?  You didn't even know you were there half of the time."  laughed Nick.

"Shut up.  Jeez!  Big brothers today."  she said.

"Come on Nick, lets go play!  If we're here, we might as well!"  said Brian.

"Is there anytime at all you don't think of sports?"  asked Kari.

"Yeah.  When i'm thinking about how i'm going to beat you up!"  he laughed as he ran to the court.

"Don't mind him.  I'm the only one who thinks about beating you up."  said Nick.

"Oh that makes me feel so much better."  said Kari sarcastically.  Nick started to walk to the court when he got the urge to look up at the rocks by the park.  There was nobody there.

"Anybody up there this time?"  asked Brian.  Nick just smiled.

"Nope.  Never has, never will be."