Cyber Space
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Cyber Space

It was a very rainy day on the road.  The guys were all trying to keep busy as the bus moved on.  Of course, Nick was whining about how bored he was and Brian was telling him to shut up.  Kevin was reading a book and pretending not to listen in on them.  A.j. was watching t.v. and Howie was on his computer.

"Nick, would you pipe down already!"  yelled A.j..

"Why should I?  This place is so boring when we're on the road."  said Nick.

"God dang it Nick, your 20 years old!  Why do you always act like you're 6?"  laughed Brian.  A second later a pillow went flying at his head.

"I got something Nick, come here."  said Howie.  Nick pushed past Brian and stood next to Howie.

"Yeah, what is it?"  he sighed.

"It's the latest fan fiction online.  You wanna read what the fans are writing about you?"  he sneered.

"Would I?!"  laughed Nick.  Howie turned the computer towards him and Nick began to read.

"Say, this is pretty good.  Who wrote this stuff?"  he asked.

"I don't know.  Some girl sent an e-mail advertising it and I just went to it."  laughed Howie.  All of the sudden the screen on the laptop flicker.

"Yo D.!  What's up with that?"  asked Kevin, who could see it from where he sat.

"I don't know, it just started doing this."  he said.  He hit it a little bit but that didn't work.

"Here, let me try."  said Nick.  He gave it a few sharp hits but that didn't work either.  All of the sudden the screen went black and a skull and crossbones came up.

"What the heck it that!?"  yelled Nick.

"Looks like Howie's computer has a bit of a virus."  said Brian, who was watching the whole thing.

"No!  That means i'll have to take it into a shop."  he said.

"What the heck are you guys talking about?" yelled A.j. from the back.

"Nothing J.  You just stay back there."  said Kevin.

"Fine by me."  he replied.

"What am I going to do?  I can't leave it in the next city we go to!  I'll never see it again!"  he sighed.

"Give it here, I think I can fix it."  said Brian.  Howie handed the disabled laptop to Brian and he began to push the keys.  The picture disappeared from the screen and it was fully black.  Then it began to beep a little bit and Brian stopped.

"What?"  asked Nick.

"This thing is dead as a doornail.  Sorry D."  he said as he handed it back.

"That's o.k., we can't say we didn't try."  he said.  He began to close it when it flung back open.

"Whoa, what's your problem?"  said Nick.  Howie pointed to the screen.  It was glowing a bright white.

"Brian, what did you do?"  asked Kevin.

"Brian did something?  Oh!  Wait a sec, i'm coming up!"  yelled A.j..  A few seconds later he appeared next to Kevin.

"I don't know, I thought the code would work."  he said with his hands up.

"Dude man!  You broke it!"  laughed A.j..  Brian hit him the the chest.  The computer began to glow even brighter.

"Guys, what's it doing?"  asked Nick, who was a little bit nervous.  The screen began to ripple and twist.  Nick touched it and began to scream.

"Guys, it's sucking me in!"  he yelled.  The guys just stood there.

"Yeah right Carter. This joke is getting a little to old."  said Kevin.  Howie looked at what was left of Nick's arm.

"He's not kidding, this this is pulling him it!" he yelled.  He grabbed onto Nick as his head disappeared.  Then they were both gone.  The guys jaws dropped.

"Hey, where'd they go?"  asked A.j..  Brian shrugged and went up to the laptop.

"It must have something to do with...."  he never finished the sentence.   Whatever it was pulled him in head first.  Brian was now gone to.

"DUDE!  I have got to get me one of those!"  yelled A.j..  Kevin jumped down from the bunk.

"You know what this means don't you?"  he asked A.j..  He shook his head.  "We're going in after them."

"No, no, no!  I ain't going into no Twilight Zone!"  he said backing up.  Kev grabbed him by the shirt and threw him at the table the thing sat on.  It pulled him in.

"I'm coming guys!"  said Kevin.  he touched the screen and everything around him was gone.  There was flashes of blue, red and white everywhere.  There was a weird zapping and beeping noise around him as he descended into the pit.  Something about him didn't feel right.  He felt as though he were changing shape or something.  Finally he hit the ground, landing on his back.

"Ouch."  he murmured.  He looked around him.  It looked nothing like the bus.  Looked more like the inside or a t.v. or a..

"Oh my god, i'm in the computer"  he said to himself.

"Kevin!"  someone yelled from behind.  He pulled himself up and turned around.  He let out a gasp.

"Brian, its that you?"  he asked.  What he was staring at didn't look anything like his cousin.  He looked more like one of those computer disney character.  All robotics and stuff.  On his feet was a surfboard thing that was letting him float.

"Yeah it's me!"  he laughed.  He helped Kevin to his feet.  "Is this cool or what?"  Kev fell over again when he saw Brian floating a few feet off the floor.

"Cool?  We don't even know where we are!"  he snapped.  Brian's smile left his face.

"Come on now, we know exactly where we are.  Inside the computer."  he answered.

"Where are the other guys?"  asked Kevin.

"I'm not sure.  After what happened, happened, I found myself here alone.  I found out I could use this surfboard thing and went to find somebody.  Now i'm here."  he replied.  Kevin looked down at his own feet to see something like a splint on both ankles.

"O.k., how exactly do they work?"  he asked.

"I think they work by thought.  Give it a try."  smiled Brian.  Kevin did the eyebrow thing but listened to his cousins words. He thought about it looking like Brian's.  He felt a click on the bottom of his feet.  He looked down again to see the thing in place.

"Whoa!  Now what?"  he asked again.

"Do what you did before."  Brian said.  Kevin shut his eyes and concentrated on what he wanted to do.  "Yeah, now you got it!"  Kevin opened them and saw he was almost eye to eye with Brian.

"Alright, lets go find those boneheads."  he said.  Brian lead the way as they zoomed down a pathway of colors and lights.  They dodged various things the wizzed around the electronic devise.

"Woo yeah!"  yelled Brian.  This was almost as fun as snow boarding.  All of the sudden Kevin spotted something in the distance.

"Yo B-Rok!  Check it out!"  he yelled.  Brian saw this.

"Then lets kick it into high gear!"  he laughed.  There was a sudden blast and some sort of rocket booster jetted Brian and Kevin through the air.  They begin to close in on whatever it was when it moved.

"Dude, it's the guys!"  shouted Brian.  They shut off the boosters just in time for the others to look up.  Of course, they looked like Brian and Kevin.

"Dude!  Where have you been?"  asked Nick.

"Looking for you duh!  Same question to you."  said Kevin.  Nick rolled his eyes.

"We were also looking for you but we got caught in this huge database."  explained A.j..

"Yeah, and everytime A.j. saw the word sexy ladies, he tried to follow it."  sneered Howie.

"But your laptop doesn't have a big database"  said Brian.

"I know.  We must have gone through to other places."  he answered.  Suddenly, the wall next to them went clear.  The guys all backed up when they could see a huge head looking in.

"What the heck is that?"  asked Nick.  A light clicked on behind it and they could see it was a person.

"We're in someone else's com!"  yelled Kevin.

"Do you think they can see us?"  asked A.j.  The girl went on typing in codes and crap.

"I don't think so."  whispered Brian.

"She's cute."  smiled A.j..  Brian and Nick just looked at each other and sighed.  Nick jetted closer to the light up wall.

"You think we can get out this way?"  he asked.  Howie rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and what will the girl think when five guys pop out of her computer and land on the floor.  That must be so normal."  he said sarcastically.

"D's right you guys, better find our original entrance."  said Kevin.

"Fine then."  said A.j..  He turned back to the open wall.  "I'll be back for you later baby."  Nick slapped him in the back of the head.  Before he could counter act, they all were off and flying through cyber space.  This time there was no words to distract A.j..

"Um, guys?  Is this even the way we came?"  asked Howie.  They all shrugged.

"Everything pretty much looks the same in here.  We might never get back!"  cried Nick.

"Calm done Carter.  We ain't dead yet."  said A.j..

"We're all going to die in here!  I'm never going to see my family again!  I'm never going to know what having a stead girlfriend feels like!"  he continued.  Brian went up and grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him hard.

"Get a hold off yourself Nick!  You always seem to spaz out at times like this."  he said sharply.  Nick began to breathe deep.

"I'm fine, i'm o.k.."  he said.  Suddenly he spotted something coming at them at a high speed.

"What the heck is that?"  Nick pointed.  The guys looked and saw the same thing.

"Geez!  That things really moving!"  said Kevin.  The thing was drawing closer without a sign of stopping.

"Get out of the way!"  screamed A.j.  They all dodged to the side as the thing came passed them and stopped.

"You must be the new viruses."  It said.  They all looked up to see a robotics thing standing there.

"What the?"  whispered Brian.  The thing reacted quickly and snapped a laser to his neck.

"One more word destroyer and you'll be deleted."  it growled.  Brian's eyes widened with fear as the red laser was next to his neck.

"Wait!  Let us explain."  said Kevin.  The thing turned it's head.

"You have 2 nanominutes."  it said, still keeping the laser to Brian's neck.

"This is all one big mistake.  A virus took over Howie's computer and Brian tried to fix it.  Somehow, beyond scientifical reason, it opened up something and brought us in."  he explained.  The thing loosed up a bit.

"So you aren't the virus us trackers have been looking for?"  it asked.  They all shook their heads.  It retracted the laser from Brian's neck.  Brian gave a little sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry for the mix-up.  We aren't use to many glitches in the system."  It said.

"It's o.k..  Nobody got hurt."  said A.j..

"Shut up A.j.."  said Brian.  The thing stuck out a sort of claw thing to Kevin.

"My name in pentium 456763865."  it said.  Kevin gave a confused look and then shook the things hand.

"Long name you got there."  said Nick.

"It was given to me by my system."  it said.  They al exchanged weird looks.

"Alright, for now, we'll call you Pen."  said A.j..  The thing nodded.  I think.

"Well Pen, can you get us out of here?"  asked Brian.

"I am a working system.  I follow commands the best I can."  it replied.

"We're not going to die!"  smiled Nick.  Brian punched him in the arm.

"All I need to know is your original way of entry.  Then I will get you out of the processor section and back to the outer world."  it said.

"Wait a sec, how did you know....?"  started Howie.

"You are my predecessor.  I can read your mind and calculate a correct answer."  it said.

"Man D., you got yourself a cool computer dude!"  laughed Brian.

"But you do not look like my predecessor." Pen said circling Howie.  "Did the processor manipulate the original self?"  Howie just stared at it.

"Ah, maybe.  If you want to put it that way."  he said rubbing the back of his now metal neck.

"Dude, all we want is out of here."  said A.j..  Pen turned to him.

"And it shall be done.  Yet there is a problem."  it said.

"Yeah, and what's that?"  asked Nick.

"I can not retrace your original entryway.  Something is blocking the signal."  it said.

"That would be bad."  said Brian.  Pen nodded.  Nicks eyes then widened.

"The virus!"  he yelled.

"What the heck are you talking about Frack?"  asked Kevin.

"The virus that nailed Howie's computer.  It must be blocking it and is completely destroying the computer."  he explain.  The guys gave sideways glances at each other.

"You know what Carter, that's the smartest thing i've heard you say all day."  said A.j..  All of the sudden, a little light began to flash on Pen's arm.

"Oh my.  There is a virus attack in your sector.  We must go now."  it said.  It flew away quirky leaving the guys in it's dust.

"Pen!  Wait for us!"  yelled Brian.  The tried to catch up with him but were always a bit behind.  Finally it stopped.

"Whoa, this can't be my system."  said Howie.  The wires and junk were all ripped up and glass broken.  There were other things that looked like Pen trying to fight it.

"They will keep the thing distracted.  I will find the switch to send you back."  it said.  It flew upward and dodged out of sight.  The guys just kind of floated there.  Suddenly Brian began to backup with the look of terror on his face.

"What's with you now?"  asked Kevin.  His mouth seemed frozen but he pointed behind them.  They all turned to see this giant metal worm looking thing with lots of teeth.

"Oh my god!"  scream A.j..  They quickly scattered and the virus began to chase Kevin.

"Dude, and I thought the fans were bad!"  he yelled.  He did zigzags to try and discourage the virus but with no avail.

"Hey ugly butt!  You wanna piece of me!?  Well come and get me!"  yelled Brian.  The thing turned and was now chasing him rather than his cousin.

"It seemed like a good idea!"  he laughed nervously as this huge thing was chasing him.  He almost ran into the wall when the was a bright light and the wall opened up.  But none of them could go with the virus after them.

"Pen!  A little help here?"  yelled Howie.  It came down from the upper area and checked out the scene.

"No!  If it has it's mind on something, it will destroy it!"  it said.  It started to come after Howie so he dodged to lose it.

"Just do something Pen!"  he yelled.  Pen didn't know what to do.  It had never been through this kind of problem where there were actually human beings in the processor.  Then it finally came to it.  It began to wave it's arms to get the viruses attention.

"Pen!  What are you doing!?"  yelled Nick.

"Getting you five out of the database.  If it means dying, so be it."  it said.  The virus turned to Pen who was still waving his arms and slid towards him.

"You must go now!"  it yelled.  Without hesitating, Brian and Nick flew at the screen and were gone.  The others could see them come out on the other side, as normal as those two were.  Kevin went next, and then A.j..  But Howie didn't follow right away.  He watched in horror as the thing they called Pen was ripped apart by the thing as other megabytes were fighting it.  Although Pen wasn't a real flesh and blood thing, it had saved them all.

"I'll never forget this."  he said to himself.  He flew at the screen and a second later was standing in the bus.  The computer screen was still on.

"What took you so long?"  asked A.j..

"Nothing, just got a little side tracked for a second."  he said.

"Man, that was awesome!  We might be then only people that know was really goes on inside this thing."  said Nick.

"I never got to go back to that cute girl."  sighed A.j..  Brian began to laugh at him.

"You still got your girlfriend."  he said.

"Oh yeah.  The cutest girl of them all."  A.j. smiled.

"Hey guys!  Hotel time!  Get your stuff!"  The driver yelled from the front.  The all retreated to their bunks and grabbed what they needed.  As they were leaving the bus, Kevin noticed Howie didn't grab his laptop.

"Hey D., aren't you going to bring that in?"  he asked.  Howie looked at it and shook his head.

"I use it to much anyway."  he said.  He turned back around and stepped off of the bus, leaving it empty.