Altered States
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+Chapter Eighteen+



The chilly night air was like a slap in Brian’s face as he left the security of the night club. He scanned the parking lot, hoping he could spot the car that he came in, but nothing looked familiar to him. He quickly surmised that the guys had left without him and he was to fend for himself and try to find way back to his house, completely forgetting that he was no longer living at home. He decided his best bet would be to start walking in the direction he felt his house was located. He folded his arms across his chest for warmth and trudged down the street.

A white house with black colored shutters kept popping into Brian’s head. He was certain that this was his house and he tried to think of the name of the street but could only come up with jumbled words that made no sense. Suddenly, the word Richardson Avenue was on a street sign and it was familiar to Brian. Without hesitation, he headed down the unlit street, further out of the city limits.

After walking roughly a mile, the wind started to pick up and rain suddenly poured down.

“Just great,” Brian mumbled to himself. Lightening flashed not too far from where he was walking, triggering a newfound fear of storms. Brian started shivering as he looked around for some type of shelter from the storm. He spotted an open garage door with a car parked in it. He debated about going to the dark garage, but the sudden clap of thunder dismissed any reservations he had at that moment. The house was dark so Brian decided it would be okay to just crawl into the car and wait until the storm blew over.


I flung the heavy door exiting the club into the parking lot. I was silently praying that I would find Brian sitting on the bench by the door, waiting for us. To my disappointment, he was again no where to be seen.


“Nick, just calm down, I’m sure he didn’t go very far,” AJ remarked casually as he unlocked the car doors.

I sighed, trying to count to ten before I completely lost it. “You’re not getting it, are you?”

AJ only looked at me, blinking his eyes, evidently nothing was registering.

“Give me the keys, I’m driving since you’ve already drank three whiskey sours,” I insisted as I held my palm out.

Reluctantly, AJ handed the keys over and we traded places. I didn’t waste anytime as I stuck the key in the ignition and started the engine.

“Where are you even gonna start looking Nick? You have no idea if he caught a ride back,” AJ asked.

I shook my head. “Oh yeah, Brian’s gonna catch a ride back to Greenville. Think about it AJ! God this was a stupid idea, I knew it was wrong before we snuck him out. Why do I even listen to your ass? Shit, we are in so much trouble!” I slammed the palms of my hands against the steering wheel. I ran a hand through my hair as I was thinking, trying to desperately make a bad situation go good.


I looked over at AJ, one part of me wanting to grab ahold of his shirt and bitch slap him from here to kingdom come, the other part of me trying to think past all the anger and rage I was feeling at the moment. Taking a deep breath, I clicked the car into reverse. “He couldn’t have walked too far, we drive down the strip.”

Chapter 19
