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Thanks to Dreamer's Sanctuary for giving me this award for this story, "The Night Of Innocense"

The Night Of Innocense


The child-like voices echoed through the eerie silence. Not many dared to visit the Westridge Cemetary. The haunting sounds of mourners crying for the loss of their loved ones still hung low on the ground. The tears seemed to still fall from the birds that rarely sang. The tombstones were all cracked and falling apart. One stone stood out from all the rest. It was the newest. The name read Alexander James McLean.


The cold, crisp winter air stung the face of 23 year old AJ McLean. He quickly walked through the cemetary, for it was his only way to get to his friend Brian's house. He was going to drive, but his car broke down and he never went to get it fixed. As he walked through the cemetary, a child dressed in white came up to him.

"Kind Sir, would you please help me? I fear that I am lost." said the little girl.

Confused by how a girl, who could not be much older than 6, was talking so maturly, AJ asked, "Where are you heading?"

"I am heading to the village in search for my older brother." she replied.

"Village?" AJ asked.

"Yes sir."


AJ let out a sigh as he heard Brian's voice. His short, blonde-haired friend ran up to him.

"Who were you talking to?" Brian asked.

"This little gi...hey...where'd she go?" AJ looked around then said, "She was here just a second ago! I swear!"

"C'mon man...let's go....the others are waiting..." Brian shook his head and lead his friend to his house.

Little did either of them know, the little girl was still there. A smile spread across her face.

"Well, AJ....looks like we shall meet again." The once little girl reappeared older. She was obviously not really a little girl. Her eyes were a dark blue and her hair the color of chocolate.

"Innocense!" cried a young man.

"Coming brother!" replied Innocense.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Innocense Charity Westridge was 16 years old when her parents passed away. She never really knew them because they were always off at parties or other social gatherings. Her parents named her Innocense because they thought she was innocent. A perfect child. But they were wrong. At 12 years old, Innocense started practicing Witchcraft. Now, back in those days they burned all who practiced witchcraft at stake. Innocense was never caught though. As innocent as her appearence is, she is not. She has been known to fool all. Born in 1290 on the 29th of Febuary, she was considered a demon that was to be burned at birth. They should have burned her at birth. Lead by Satan, she hunts all those who get in her way. Now, Westridge Cemetary was named after her family. One person in her family was kind and fair. Her brother. Samuel Thackery Westridge. Innocense knew where to find him. She knew the truth. And she knew that an innocent must die in order for her to get to him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Back that thang up!" laughed Nick Carter.

Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson, and AJ McLean all stood near the fireplace as their friends danced. Jordan Frier shook his butt to Ricky Martin's "She Bangs".

"You can't do that as good as I can!" Nick yelled as he got up their and shook his butt.

"The house is going to fall down now." AJ smirked.

"Oh shove it." Nick replied.

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. They shut the music off and looked up.

"Man, Brian, tell me that was Tyke." AJ said looking at him.

"No...Tyke's right here." Brian pointed to his sleeping dog.

"Then what was that?" Nick swallowed hard and looked at Brian.

"Kevin?" Brian looked around for his cousin.


The scratches turned into creaks. Creak. Creak. Creak. It was AJ who saw the swinging shadow. Drip. Splat. A drop of red hit him in the face.

"Oh God..." He shook and looked up. A scream poured out of him.

That's when it happened. The rope snapped and down fell the body. AJ dodged out of the way as the body of Kevin Richardson fell to the floor. A note was pinned to his back.

Samuel was here, but now he's gone.
He left his name to carry on.
The name he gave was not so true.
Alexander, I am after you.
You can run and you can hide.
But I give you fair warning,
I am by your side.

Minutes later, paramedics were at the scene. They talked to each shaking and crying person. When they finally were done, AJ looked outside and shook. The poem echoed through his mind. As did the picture of Kevin's swinging body.

"What did it mean....Samuel?" AJ asked out loud.

"I don't know." Brian said.

"Someone's after me."

"Who knows."

"They are, Brian. You were there. You read the note." AJ looked to him with raised eyebrows.

"Did you know about this?" he asked.

"What? Do you think I would kill my own cousin?" Brian asked.

"No...." AJ started.

"Or maybe you would..." he thought.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"HAH! He's DEAD!" screeched Innocense.

"I thought you were supposed to kill an innocent before him." Jordan asked.

"Ack! How did you get here?"

"I walked."

"Oh, and yes I was but I figured I would kill him off while I was there. I'm after that Alexander anyway. Trust me, he will die."

Innocense pushed back her hair and looked at Jordan with a big smile.

"You kill Nick."

"Why should I? I did my job."

"Do it or I'll have your head."

"Yes, Misstress."

"Wait.....bring him to me...don't kill him. Not yet."

A smile grew across Innocense's face. She had a plan to get Alexander. It involved Nick. After Alexander was dead, she would have Nick for her own 'recreational activities'.

"He's a good friend of Alexander's. He will work well." Jordan said as he walked out.

"Yes, he will." Innocense said with a smirk.


"I can't believe this." Nick said.

"How could..." Howie choked back his tears.

Brian stared off to the corner of the room. He and AJ had gotten into a argument and now they weren't talking. A smile spread across Brian's face. An evil smile.

"They won't ever know." Brian thought.

AJ saw his smile. A look of hatred spread across his face. AJ got up and shoved Brian to the wall.


"Let me go! AJ, have you gone crazy!" Brian struggled under AJ's grasp.

"You sick son of a bi..." AJ growled as Nick pulled him away.

"AJ! What the hell are you doing!?" Nick asked holding onto AJ's shoulders.

"He killed Kevin!"

"Brian would never kill Kevin and you know that!"

"No, I wouldn't." Brian said. Another smile spread across his face.

"YES HE WOULD!" AJ screamed and shoved Nick off him.

Nick hit the wall with a thud and got up quickly.

"AJ!" Howie snapped.

AJ looked up at him. When he looked to face Brian, he wasn't there. AJ heard the door upstairs slam shut.

"Look what you've done, AJ." Jordan said while walking into the house.

AJ huffed and sat in the corner.

"Hey Nick...there's some girl who wants to meet you..." Jordan started.

"Jordan...Kevin was just killed...I can't think about da..."

"She REALLY wants to meet you, Nick. Come on.." Jordan interrupted.

"When?" Nick asked with a sigh.



"Come on..." Jordan smiled.

" it okay if I go?" Nick asked.

"Yeah.." Howie said with a frown.

"I'll be back.." Nick said leaving with Jordan.

A smile spread across Brian's face as he watched. Innocense's plan was working perfectly. Soon, Alexander would be dead.

"Why today?" Nick asked Jordan.

Jordan just shrugged. "Got me."

Nick looked out the window of Jordan's 1956 Mustang.

"Nice car."


The rest of the car ride to Innocense's was silent. Until they pulled into the driveway.

"Whoa....her house is bigger than mine..." Nick said.

"Yeah...her parent's left her some big bucks. C'mon."

The two of them got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Without even knocking, Jordan opened the door and walked right on in.

"Come on Nick." Jordan said.


"Come on!"

Nick did as Jordan demanded and walked inside. Jordan shut the door behind him and punched Nick in the back of his head. Nick passed out from the force and landed on the floor with a thud. Innocense walked in and smiled.

"" she demanded. Jordan nodded and went to call the others.


"NICK WHAT!!?" Howie screeched.

"He got into soem trouble with some gang...he's pretty beat up...he says he wants AJ to come by and pick up his stuff." Jordan said over the phone.

"Okay...can we all see him?"

"He says he only wants AJ to. Listen..I gotta go. Tell AJ. Bye." Jordan hang up and smiled.

"All is going well, Innocense."


Howie told AJ about Nick and AJ did as Jordan had requested. He drove to Innocense's house, the address left by Jordan on the fridge, and pulled into the elaboratly decorated driveway. He walked up to the front door just as someone grabbed him frm behind and pulled him away from the door.

"HEY!" AJ screamed until the man put his hand over his face. All AJ could do was muffle his cries.

"SHHH..." he got scolded. The door to the house opened, but before it did, the two of them were behind the house in an instant.

"Shut up will you." the man muttered.

AJ looked to see who it was.


"SHH!!" Kevin pulled him down under a shrub as Jordan walked around.

"I could have sworn he was here!" Jordan yelled.

"FIND HIM!!" Innocense demanded.

Jordan sighed and continued to look.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Kevin scolded AJ through clenched teeth.

"I thought you were dead!"

"Well...I'm not."

"But I saw..."

"Don't get your hopes up. I'll tell you the story." Kevin dragged AJ to the car and threw him in. He quickly turned on the ignition and sped off.

"What.." AJ looked at him with confusion.

"My name is indeed Samuel. I was born in 1210."

"WHAT!?" AJ said with a small, nervous laugh.

"It's true. I'm that old. That my sister. She's after me and you."

"But why me?"

"I don't know that yet."

"Why you?"

"Because I'm the only one who isn't evil in our family. I have powers like my sister's...but I use them for good. Immortality being one of them."

"She thought you were dead."

"I know. She's after Nick too...."

"Then we have to do something!"

"It's not that easy, AJ."

"What do you mean?"

"She will seduce Nick. She will get him under her control. Then take away his virginity...his purity.....she'll turn him against us by having his son."


"Is that all you can say?"


"She'll basically get him to screw her then she'll make herself get pregnant She'll have the baby and force him to stay with her. But he'll be under her control before the baby is born...and if that happens...she'll kill the infant before birth."

"That's sick."

"That's what they did in the old times. The witches."

"It's still sick."

"I agree."

"How can we stop her?"

"Give her what she wants."

"The death of you and me?"

"No..she wants you for a toy, too...I think..."

"That makes me feel real good." AJ growled.

"Sorry." Kevin apologized.

"Wait!" Kevin looked at him.

"She wants to KILL you so she can GET me!"

"ACK!! NO!" AJ screeched.

"Yes...come on." Kevin turned around and drove to the cemetary.


"Oh man.." Nick groaned as he woke. He found himself chained to a bed and naked.

"WHAT THE!?" Nick screeched.

"Hello dear." Innocense said as she walked in seductivly.

"Who are you!?"

"Shh..." she stradled him and pressed her finger to his lips.

"Don't speak.." Innocense said as she slid her hand down his body. Nick's hands became fists as he struggled to get her off him.

"It's no use." she said.

She took him. She took his virginity. She took his pride. He was, after all, one of the few 21 year olds that was still a virgin, but not any more.


Keivn screamed.




"No.." AJ went wide-eyed as Jordan appeared beside Kevin.

"Yes...she did."

"Jordan!" Kevin grabbed for him, but Jordan was too quick.

"Now she'll get what she wants."

Jordan disappeared, his evil laughter echoing throughout Kevin and AJ's heads.

"No..." AJ glared at him.



"YES WE COULD!" AJ shoved him into the tombstone bearing the name Samuel. Kevin disappeared into the grave. As soon as that happened, Brian appeared behind AJ and kissed his ear.

"Hey big boy." Brian said sexily.

AJ screamed and jumped away from him. Brian laughed his high-pitched evil laugh.

"I scared you."

"Damn right you did!"

Brian grabbed AJ by the throat and disappeared with him.

"You did the dirty work for Innocense. She'll be happy."

AJ coughed and tried to get away, but Brian's grip on his throat was too strong. He felt his eyes buldge out. As soon as they appeared in the house, Brian dropped him to the floor.

"Here he is."

"Good work." Innocense said smily at AJ. Her smiled reminded her of the little girls'.

"You're the little girl!" AJ screamed.

"Yes I am. You were so kind." Innocense leaned over him and kissed him.

AJ spit in her face and tried to grab her but felt himself unable to do so. Innocense knealt down right onto his crotch and made sure her knees were dead center. AJ gasped as tears formed in his eyes.

"I could do to you the same I did to Nick..." she said. She stretched her legs out and sat on his lap and wraped her legs around his waist.

AJ struggled but felt himself get dizzy and lightheaded. He saw her pull a needle from his back.

"We could have been together forever.." Innocense pretended to be hurt. She kissed him and stuck another needle into him. AJ felt himself lose control. He could no longer move his body. His head felt too heavy for him.

"Join my the grave." She roughly kissed him one last time before the poison worked and he fell-dead.

She staged his death to be a rape-murder.

"They say guys can't be raped." she said and snorted.

"You raped Nick." Jordan said.


"And you raped the corpse of Alexander."


"That was sick."

"I know."

"Our job is done."

"Yes it is."

"Until next time."


Jordan pulled a gun from his pocket and shot Innocense. She fell dead.

"Fool..." Jordan said.

"Oh really?" Brian looked at him and fired a gun into his head.

"Come Innocense. We have others to take care of." Brian held his arm out to Innocense, who stood and took it.

"Did you release Nick?" she asked.

"Yes I did. He only the memory of losing his virginity."



Brian and Innocense walked out into the cemetary and went to their graves. Innocense and Brian were buried right next to each other. They were lovers in the past. And forever they should remain. Years later, headlines read:

Febuary 29

The Night Of Innocense

Salem, MA.-Two teenagers were found raped and murdered on Febuary 29th. Witness say this was done by a young blonde woman and her blonde male friend. Witness claim their names to be Innocense and Brian. To this day, we don't know how many people have been killed by these two, but all we know is that they are living witches from the 1200's. The two teens were Rebecca Forester and her boyfriend Andrew Hitters. Rumor has it that Innocense only takes men whose names begin with the letter A. Others say she takes anyone who lives and breathes and is male. We are still looking in to the past murders, and most of which have happened only on Febuary 29th. All of which except the murder and rape of Alexander McLean. They say he was raped shortly after he died. Most of Innocenses's victims were this way as were Brian's. More information will be given as it is received. -Linda White, L.A. Times
