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Love Is All I Have To Give

All I Have To Give

"I don't have a fancy get to you I'd walk a
thousand miles..."

Kevin Richardson watched every person closely as they
passed by him.  He wore a dark blue baseball cap over
his medium-length hair and a pair of dark sunglasses
over his green eyes.  He didn't want to be reconized
as "The Older Backstreet Boy".  He was sick of being
called that.  His past marrage failed because of the
fans.  That caused Kevin to come to the point of
wanting to quit.  It was AJ McLean who told him not
to.  AJ told him to take a vacation.  So that was what
he was doing.  He was tired of being alone, and he was
tired of being reconized.  As Kevin stared off into
space, a young woman came up to him.

"Excuse me, Sir.  I was wondering if you knew where
32nd Street was?"  she asked.  Her voice was small and
light, like her frame.  Her eyes were a crystal blue
and her hair the color of straw.

"I'm sorry...I don't.  I'm just visting."  Kevin said.
 His thick Kentucky accent mixed with his deep voice
seemed to startle her. 

"Oh..thank you anyway, Sir."  she said with a sigh.

"I'm Kevin.  Sorry if I startled you."  Kevin extended
his hand to her.

"Melissa.  That's okay.  I thought for a second you
were ignoring me."  Another of her tiny laughs floated
through the air to Kevin's ears.

"Want something to drink?  My treat?"  Kevin asked.

"I shouldn't..."   Melissa started.

"It's nothing...really.."


Kevin smiled as she sat down. 

"What would you like?"  Kevin asked.

"A coke...please..."  Her bright smile made Kevin a
little weak.

"Sure."  Kevin said as he ordered her drink for her.
He ordered himself a beer.  He frowned and thought to
himself, "Smart her you

" long are you here?"  Melissa asked, breaking
Kevin's thought.

"Until I can get my life back in order."  he sighed.


"Kevy my boy..what's up?"  AJ patted him on the
shoulder as he came up.  AJ then pulled him from his
seat and over to another table.

"AJ, what are you doing here?"  Kevin asked.  He
looked about ready to kill AJ just then.

"What are you doing?!  She's married!"  AJ scolded

"How do you know?"  Kevin felt his heart break.

"Because, she's Howie's wife!"

"WHAT!?"  Kevin felt sick to his stomach.  How could
he have forgotten?  How could she have forgotten?

"Are you sure?"  Kevin asked with a whimper.

"Yes...she didn't reconize you from your
appearence...she seemed to know the voice though."

Kevin felt tears weld up in his eyes.  He thought he
had something there.

"Come on, Kev."  AJ set a hand on his friend's
shoulder and the two of them walked back to the table.

"AJ, hi."  Melissa said.

"Hi, Melissa.  You remember Kevin right?"  AJ pointed
to Kevin.

"Kevin...RICHARDSON?"  she gasped.

"Yes."  Kevin said with a sigh.

"Oh my God...I didn't reconize you..I..I'm sorry.
I...I have to go.."  At that very same second, Melissa
stood up and walked off.

"I'm sorry, Bro.  Come on...let's go out tonight."  AJ
payed for the drinks and grabbed the bottle of beer
and took a drink.  He handed the bottle to Kevin and
started to walk with him.

"Boys night out."  AJ said.

"What about your girl?"  Kevin asked.

AJ winced and a tear came to his eye.

"We...we split." 

"WHY!?  You two were so in love!"  Kevin gasped.

"I proposed...and she...she didn't want to marry
me....she told me...she told me she only wanted to be
with me for the sex. "  AJ groaned.

Kevin felt sorry for his friend.

"You two were together for 4 years, AJ.  And that's
all she wanted?"

AJ nodded.  "Tells me that I should know

"Tells you she was a whore.  AJ, you're a good guy.
And I know you loved her.  And I'm sorry."  Kevin
hugged his friend.

Some people walking by gave them one look and
immediatly started talking.

"Are they gay?"  One woman asked.

"I don't know."  A man replied.

AJ groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Kev.  Let's see if Nick wants to go.  Manda
dumped him anyway." 

Kevin shook his head and put an arm around AJ's waist
and they walked off with a laugh.  The next day, they
were the headliners on the tabloids.

"'Backstreet Boys Kevin Richardson and AJ McLean
together' Now this is kinda funny.."  AJ read off the
Star magazine.

"You two are so bad."  Nick laughed.

"It was his idea."  AJ pointed to Kevin.

" was all the people watching us who gave me the
idea.  So blame them."  Kevin smirked and grabbed a
beer from the hotel room fridge.  The three of them
had gone bar hopping the night before, and Nick and AJ
got too drunk to even get out of the bar, so Kevin had
to carry them.  He wouldn't let them leave the hotel.

"I feel like I got hit by a truck."  Nick groaned.
His smile faded and her ran to the bathroom and

"Fifth time."  AJ checked off on a piece of paper.

"You two are disgusting."  Kevin chuckled.

AJ and Nick had a bet to see who would barf the most.
AJ was winning.  He said Nick would and Nick was.  AJ
barfed once.  Lighting a cigarette and taking a drag,
he looked up at Kevin.

"You find someone last night?  You left after you
dropped us off."

Kevin blushed.


"Was it just a...Uh-Uh girl or something more?"

"Just an Uh-Uh girl."  Kevin sighed.

"And they called me the sex-fiend....You'll find her
Kev.  Trust me on that."

"You did a girl last night on the dance floor, AJ."
Kevin laughed.

"I WHAT!?"

"I was kidding...don't have a cow."

AJ fell down onto the bed and glared at him.


"Yeah it was."  Nick said after he brushed his teeth.

"Put that out, AJ."  Nick scolded.

AJ took another drag and put the cigarette out.

"Who's taking Kevin's place now?"  AJ grumbled.

"Shut up.  You're making me sick with that smoke."

Kevin looked outside and ignored the two arguing.  He
sighed and watched the clouds pass by.  He looked up
when he heard "All I Have To Give" playing in the next

"I'm gonna go ask them to turn that down."  Kevin said
while stepping over Nick, who had started puking on
the floor. 

"Lemme join you."  AJ said.

"You take care of Nick.  I'll be back."  Kevin walked
out the door.

"Come on little buddy.."  AJ said as he picked up Nick
and cleaned him off.  He set Nick on the bed and Nick
fell asleep. 

"Poor kid."  AJ muttered as he cleaned up the mess in
the room.

Meanwhile, Kevin went next door and knocked on the

"Hello?"  he asked.

"HOLD ON!"  A girl yelled back.  She turned off the
radio and ran to the door and opened it.

"Hi..."  she started.  She was startled to see the
tall dark-haired man standing shirtless outside of her

"He's handsome....very handsome..."  she thought.

"I was just going to ask if you could..."  Kevin got
lost in her beauty.  Her emerald-green eyes pierced
his.  Her dark brown, curly hair was up with only a
few dark curls falling in her face.

"If I could what?"  she asked trying to snap herself
from her trance.

"If you could turn that down..but I guess you"

"I'm Jenna."  she said extending her hand to him.

"Kevin."  he replied taking her hand and gently
kissing it.

Jenna giggled.

"Are you doing anything tonight?"  Kevin asked.

"Me and some girlfriends were going to go clubbing...I wanna come?" 

"Sure...I have some guy friends that would probably
like to meet your girlfriends.."

"Yeah...hey...are you.."  she started, then lowered
her voice, "Kevin Richardson?  The BSB?"

"Yeah."  Kevin replied with a frown.

"That's cool."  she smiled.

"I didn't know who you were at first...I just thought
I'd ask."

"That's alright."  Kevin replied.  Maybe he had a
chance with her anyway.

Just maybe.

Kevin and Jenna smiled and set the time they were to
meet.  Kevin went back to his room and looked at the

"YOU GUYS!  GET READY!"  he yelled.

Nick jumped and fell out of the bed.

"WHAT!?"  Nick yelled.

"We're going out.  Get ready....I'll be in the
shower...Where's AJ?"

AJ came out dressed nicely with a blow-dryer in hand.
He plugged it in and smirked.

"I overheard."  he laughed.  He turned on the
blow-dryer and dried his hair.

"Oy vey..." Kevin jumped into the shower and was out
in 10 minutes.  He took forever to get dressed.  While
Nick just got in the shower, got out, and pulled on
jeans and a t-shirt.

"Don't try to  impress anyone."  Kevin mumbled while
putting gel in his hair.

"I don't want to."  Nick muttered.

In an hour, all three of them were ready and out the
door.  They met up with the girls at a club called

PART 2-Love is All I Have To Give

"WOW!  THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!"  Jenna yelled over the
blasting music.  Sunset was lit with only blacklights.
 Everything there was glowing.  AJ and Liz, one of
Jenna's friends, were dancing on the center of the
dance floor while Nick and Samantha were chatting in a

"YEAH!"  Kevin yelled back.

Just then, the "Thong Song" came on and Jenna grabbed
his hand.

"COME ON!"  she yelled with a laugh.

"NO.."  Kevin started to deny her invitation when she
grabbed him and pulled him out. 

Only 5 couples remained on the floor.  The girls were
lined up facing the guys.  The couples were AJ and
Liz, Kevin and Jenna, Nick and Samantha.  The two
other couples were Kyle and Emily and Scott and
Brianna.  The girls turned so their backs were to the
guys before they started to shake their butts.

"Oh my.."  Kevin said with a grin.

"HELL YEAH!"  AJ yelled with a wild, animalistic

"Baby let that booty GO!"  Nick grinned.

When the song ended the girls dragged the guys off the
floor and got drinks.



"You were awesome."

AJ rolled his eyes at Jenna and Kevin's short answer

"Why don't we...head off to another club."  AJ

"SURE!"  Liz replied.  Liz had dark brown hair that
was now streaked blue.  Her eyes were chocolate brown
and she had a big Julia Roberts smile.  She was only
five feet tall, which didn't bother AJ in the least

"We'll meet you guys at Midnight."  AJ said.  He and
Liz walked out to her car and drove off.

"That was cool."  Nick said.


"You were great out long have you been

"Not long."  Samantha replied.  Samantha was just the
opposite of Liz.  She was tall with blonde hair and
blue eyes.  She was a little chunky, unlike her two
110-pounds-or-less friends.  Her smile wasn't all
that.  It was her eyes that attracted people.  They
were a deep ocean blue that told a story.  Nick just
smiled at her.

"Guess we should go after AJ and Liz before they do

"Yeah."  she laughed.

Nick and Samantha left to go to Midnight, leaving only
Kevin and Jenna at Sunset.

"Why don't we head back to the hotel?"  Kevin

"Sure."  Jenna agreed.  The two of them drove back in
their seperate cars to the hotel.  They met back up in
the lobby and took the elevator to the 15th floor
where their rooms were.  Before they even got off the
elevator, Kevin already was kissing her and sliding
his hand up her skirt.

"Kevin.."  she moaned.

"Yes?"  he asked.

"Hurry and lets get to a room..."

They did hurry.  In a matter of minutes they were in
Jenna's room.  They would have been in Kevin's, but he
didn't have the keys.  Kevin layed her back on the bed
and accidently hit her cd player.  "All I Have To
Give" started to play again.

"My love is all I have to give."  Kevin grinned as he
slowly started to strip her and himself. 

The next day, Kevin awoke by Jenna's side.  He smiled
and pulled his boxers and pants back on and got out of
the bed.  He was forced to wonder if the other fellas
were back.  He glanced over at the clock which read
6:30 A.M.  He smiled and went over to their room.  The
door was cracked open so he went in.  AJ layed with
Liz on the floor.  The two of them were barely covered
by the sheets.  Nick and Emily were awake and hadn't
noticed Kevin standing there.  They were still having
sex.  Kevin left the room and chuckled.  He went back
to Jenna's room and saw her sitting up with the sheets
covering her top.

"I was waiting for you..."  she said.

"I'm back..."  Kevin stripped again and got in bed
with her. 

Hours later Kevin fell asleep.  Jenna sighed and got
up.  She quickly and quietly got dressed and packed
her stuff.

"I'm sorry Kevin...I know your love was all you had to
give and I took advantage of that...I'm sorry.."
Jenna said quietly as she left the room.  She looked
in at her so-called 'friends'.  They were just girls
she met that were looking for boyfriends.  They got
their boyfriends, so what Jenna did wasn't all a sin.
She sighed and left the hotel.  When Kevin awoke to
find her and her stuff gone, he started to cry.  Again
he had his heart broken.  He got dressed and got out
of the bed where he made love to Jenna.  He found her
note and read it silently to himself:

I'm sorry I tricked you.  I know
your love was all you had to give
and I took advantage of that.  I was just
lonely and wanted revenge against my boyfriend.
I'm sorry I used such a sweet guy like you.  I am
very sorry and I hope that sometime you can
forgive me.
Jennifer "Jenna" Barrada

"No..."  Kevin cried again.

The ride back to Orlando was even worse.  Nick and AJ
had Samantha and Liz with them.  Kevin had no one.
The whole time he sat there and stared out the window.
 The guys would ask what was wrong, but he would
always say he was just tired.  His love was all he had
to give.  And that ended up getting him hurt more than
anything ever had in his life.
