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Flight Into Fancy Flight Into Fancy

'Ello, 'ello!!! Whatcha doin' 'ere??? came to read my wonderful, fabulous fanfics, right??? Right??? *Grins naughtily* Sorry, couldn't help myself!! *Bad mind!! Bad bad mind!!!*

Okey dokey...since I have been to so many sites in my short exposure to the internet, I have figured out that nobody really cares about the webmistress, so....I'm not going to bore you with that stuff!! is appreciated. The more feedback and suggestions I get, the better this site will be for you, and the more enjoyable my fics will be to read....Have I bored you yet??? Okay, enough of this blabbering....go explore and enjoy!!!

Updates! 10 February, 2004

*Carefully pokes head out from behind the massive pile of textbooks, wary of tomatoes...* Hey, guys.. I guess it's been a while since I managed to get an update out. Sorry. I recently got started on a multi-fandom, not series, per say, but all the stories do go in some chronological order and are somewhat intertwined. So far included in the madness that is my brain are: BSB, Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer (Plus the crew from Angel), and JAG. To add to my insanity (not that going back to school wasn't bad enough), all of the fics are floating around completely unfinished in my head.

Ah, well, in March I'm going to be taking a little jaunt down south, which means approximately 60 hours of fic-writing time (I hope). That is, if I get all my studing done for Mid-Terms. Check back in March or early April, and hopefully I'll have a few chapters out of the first one, which should be either the Sailor Moon story, or my BtVS one... Drop me a line as to which one you want to see first, if any ( Either way, I'm sure to be needing a psych evaluation when I'm done. Wish me luck!

BTW, I'll be at the Las Vegas High School on Saturday, March 13, and Sunday, March 14, 2004, for a Winterguard International (WGI) Regional competition. It's loads of fun, you'll see many (many) very good-lookin' people with scads of talent, and well, I'll be there =) See ya'll around!

I do not know and am in no way related to the Backstreet Boys, (still working on it!) their management, Jive, or anybody connected with them. The stories on this page are completely FICTIONAL!! So don't send any e-mails saying that 'My future husband, *insert name here*, would NEVER do anything like that!!' It is FICTION , meaning NOT REAL !!! Deal!?



The Stories

My Place to Vent