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more of da camera flash stuff...yea

Kevin: OH SHIT! My fly is down!
Howie: All right! This is a moment where I am not twitching! I am soo super n'stuff like that!
A.J.: I musta been drunk when I picked out these clothes man!

*People! This pic was taken at a concert in BOSTON called the KISS CONCERT! Kiss 108 is da best radio station! See the kiss symbol thing in da background..aww's all good!

Brian: Uhh,Kev...I think this burger is still kinda..moving,,

Kevin: No way man!::cough cough:: Everything is under control.
Nick: Yea's not supposed to do that.Maybe in Kentucky you cook differnt cuz, like, don't you catch your own food and stuff??

A.J.: I knew I shoulden't of had so much to drink!

Kevin: Yea man...those shots were good until the little green monster dudes were attacking was weird.
Brian: Yo bros.....I think Im gonna hurl!
Howie: Dude..those strawberry daquries made me feel like I got hit in the head with a baseball..
Nick: All those Pepis's made me really HYPER!

Howie: Nasty...
Kevin: Dang it! Thats just wrong!
Brian: A.J.Havin sex on the beach is illegal man! Cut it out!