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Just a Minute Without You

"Justin... I can't take this anymore. It's over with us."

The harsh words echoed in Justin's head as he stood in his living room. Sidney, who was always so quiet and sweet, paced back and forth in front of him. Today marked their one year anniversary, and upon entering the house they shared, Sidney had found Justin in the arms of Britney, her mortal enemy. Considering that she had found him this way twice before, she'd had enough. Justin tried to explain, but all his excuses had been used up the other times she caught him. He loved her with all his heart, and didn't know why he constantly ran back to Britney, it just happened. 'Wow that's lame.' Justin thought to himself. 'I have to do something...' He thought about all they had been through, and before he knew it, he was fully crying and begging for her forgiveness.

"Sid... don't do this. Don't leave me."

Sidney shook her head and turned her back to Justin so he wouldn't see the tears cascading down her cheeks.

"It's too late, Justin. I told you last time this happened, if you did it again I'm leaving for good. It was your choice to do it... you knew what would happen."

"Sid, I didn't mean-"

Sidney spun around to face him again. The look on her face surprised him; she was showing no emotion at all.

"Don't bother trying to lie Justin. It won't work."

She held up her left hand and started to take off the engagement ring that fit perfectly and beautifully on her finger. Justin grabbed her hand, holding the ring on.

"Please, Sidney..."

Sidney shook his hand off and turned back around.

"NO, Justin. No..."

Justin stepped towards her again. He slipped his arms around her waist and set his chin on her shoulder. He reached over to the stereo next to them and turned on their song, I Knew I Loved You. Justin slowly began rocking her back and forth, kissing her neck from the back and holding her tightly against him. Sidney closed her eyes and thought about how right it felt to be in his arms. She shook her head again, clearing away all thoughts. She pulled away from Justin and faced him once again.

"Justin... we can't do this. I'll be back later to pick up my stuff."

Sidney turned around and looked into Justin's eyes for the last time. Then she turned and ran out the door, leaving Justin in the middle of the living room with tears streaming from his crystal blue eyes. Justin sat down on the couch, letting his tears fall silently onto the white leather while the song continued to play. Then he stood up and walked into the kitchen and over to a drawer, where he pulled out an Exacto knife. Justin picked up a pen and started to write on a small pad of paper on the counter. He walked to the door, stuck the note on the doorknob, and closed the door again. Then he set the knife on his wrist, slowly pressed down and cut across the skin, making a thin line that started seeping blood in a matter of seconds. He laid down in the hallway, letting the whole world see his messege on the door: "I couldn't stand to live just a minute without you..."

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