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Hi, sorry that my updates have been so slow! It's just
that I needed a break from all the effort that has been
put into it and focus my energy on something else;a
NEW webpage! Sorry, it's not on *N Sync though.
It's actually on Britney Spears. I'm sure quite a few
of you may wanna slug me, but I have my reasons
for doing so. One is that I do like Britney Spears and
I happen to have probably 1,000 pics on her.Second
is that I have already greatly increased my knowledge
of using HTML. I would rather improve everything at
once than one thing at a time. Sorry if this bothers you,
but I still need to organize all the pics of *N Sync I
have! When I need a break from the Britney site, I
will definately turn to this one to slowly work on!
Thanks for understanding!
Like Britney Spears?
Click Here for Britney Spears 2000

*N Side *N Sync Poll
Ok,so what's the scoop...what really makes you an *N Sync Fan?

Current Results

I Support Britney Spears
I don't think she's a slut.
I don't think she's untalented.

So many of you pretend to be anti-Britney..
So Step out of the closet..
You know you think she's talented.

Join The Support Britney Campaign!