Hosted Stories

These are the stories that I am hosting and I must say that they are awesome. He Doozer, I better not host too many of your stories. People will start going to your page insted of mine:D Read them and tell her what you think at

Jaded was Written by a close friend of mine *Sup Bean?* It's a Backstreet story but we all have to support. Besides it's a really good story.

Flight 113 is a sad story. It's also a Backstreet story but read it anyways. It's written by my sister Brianna *:p* and it's about Kevin.

Brianna and Bianca share a page so if you have any questions or comments then you can e-mail them to me and i'll pass it to them *Don't worry, I wont read it; I promise* or you can e-mail it stright to them at

If The Past Had Never Happened
History Repeats Itself
Flight 113
