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Eric's Survey

Ya know those online survey things that everyone sends around the internet? Well, we sent them to the guys in NA, and guess what! They filled them out, score. Here's Eric's.

Full Name: Eric. Eric Lee. Eric Lee Stretch.
Nicknames: Stretch, Retard, Ranay, Weirdo, Dr Jacko
Age: 20
Birthday: June 22. I'm not a facken Gemini like some people think.
Location: YORBA LINDA. (5 miles away from Corona. OW!)
Hair Color: Black with a *really* cool skunk streak!
Eye Color: Golden
Shoe Size: 14 1/2. Oh yes, you KNOW what they say about guys with big feet. Look out ladies here comes the RED CARPET!
Height: 9'7"
Weight: 64 Pounds


1. Who's your favorite band? Backstreet Boys

2. What's your favorite song at the moment?: "The Itch" by Vitamin C. I sing it different though.. "I'm bein a bitch again..."

3. What's your all-time favorite song?: "Another One Bites The Dust", I sing it when I block people on IM.

4. What's your type of music? I'm in a facken boyband, hello! No Authority? Ever hear of us? I can't believe this shit.

5. BSB or *NSync? BSB, I love Nick the best and this stupid bitch gives me a Howie action figure! WHAT THE FACK! No one, I repeat NO ONE likes Howie.

6. Have you ever owned a Marilyn Manson CD: I embrace the dark side.

7. Who's your favorite female singer?: We were on tour with Britney, but she never talked to us.. SO, I'll say Christina Auguilera

8. Who's your favorite male singer?: Josh Keaton

9. Do you ever listen to pop?: Besides everyday!

10. Are you in a band?: Did I not already answer this? WHAT THE FACK! NO AUTHORITY, that's us, we ROCK. I'm the best. In fact, I, Eric Stretch, AM No Authority

11. Is your band famous, if you're in one?: Excuse me while I go cry. Ok, I'm back. Yes, we are like SO famous it's unbelievable, can you believe it?

12. What CD is in your CD player right now?: Destiny's Child

13. If you turned your CD player to "radio", what kinda station would it be on? Church talk radio.

14. Korn? The lead singer is like SO hot. I love the song Freak On A Leash, it reminds me of... ME! Haha..
     Britney Spears? Bitch !
JayZ? Big Pimpin like ME. Eric Stretch.

15. What's the last CD you bought? Guns N Roses, some bitch told me to.

16. Spice Girls or All Saints? Spice Girls, GIRL POWER!

17. Come on...Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? I'm sorry honey, but HANSON? They suck!

18. What band posters are on your wall? No Authority, Backstreet Boys, Destiny's Child, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Nirvana.

19. Do you like the local music of your town? YORBA LINDA!

20. What was your first CD? It was called Keep On. YOU KNOW THAT. I'M ERIC LEE STRETCH. *ugh* I have some cool solos.

21. Ever met any famous bands/singers? Yes. But they won't talk to me.

22. Would you say you have an advanced knowledge of music? FUCK YOU


1. Food: I don't eat, but when I DO it's Spaghetti. I'm a bendy stretchy noodle!

2. Drink: Corona, Ashy Beer that's shared by 3 people. Can you believe I drank after that Brittany girl? Like we swapped spit or whatever. OH MY GOD.

3. Candy: Pez, Snickers, M&M's (but NOT busted ass Christmas ornaments.), Reeses, Twix, 3 Muskateers, Fun Dip, 100 Grand, Milky Way, Twizzlers, Skittles, Spree, Sweet Tarts. I love candy.

4. Clothing Acessory: Ok, like it WAS Fingerpal, but now that's yesterday's.... Fingerpal. I'm SO over that. I wear these cool rings though, and an even cooler eyebrow ring. Yep, that's right girlfriend.

5. Color: Black

6. Family Member: My adopted son Ranay, my mom is a BITCH. I whip Gummi Bears at her.

7. Board Game: The NSYNC board game. Tommy and I played the other day, I WON! I got to go backstage. I SO won at it. I'm glad that girl gave him that game.

8. Sport: Soccer

9. Cartoon Character: Gumby, he's clay but whatever. FUCK YOU.

10. Computer Game: "I Block You"

11. Amateur website: Can I Get Some Humor Baby? It's only like the facken funniset shit EVER!

12. Professional website: I SO check out the message boards daily!

13. Piece of Jewelery: Fingerpal (RIP)

14. Cologne/Perfume: "Sweet Aroma Of Marijuana"

15. Book: I jack off to Saved By The Bell comics


1. Hawaii or New York: I've SO never been to Hawaii.

2. Hot dog or Hamburger: Sometimes I miss Josh Weiner

3. *N Sync or BSB: Been here already. FUCK YOU! BSB is BEST.

4. Pen or Pencil: I stick pencils in Tommy's ears sometimes.

5. Windows up or down (in the car): CAR? What The FACK! I drive a TRUCK. You know that bitch!

6. Gold or Silver: My stylin rings are silver

7. Concert or Television: Well, we've had a LOT of concerts, but only been on TV like 3 times.. so concert. I like to crawl across the stage

8. Box or Bag: FUCK YOU

9. Middle finger or Ring Finger: Middle, of course.


1. Are you crazy or are you more laid back? Are you saying I'm FACKEN schitzophrenic? FUCK YOU.

2. What kind of person are you? Psycho

3. Memory you would like to forget? That day in Connecticut that I FACKEN met Brittany and her BUSTED ass friends. I hate those FACKEN girls. Oh, I regret telling Jen OTOWN and AARON CARTER both suck. They SO make fun of me now. Damn bitches. Just like with me saying FACKEN, Eric Stretch can't say one word without them jumping on his nutsack and stealing it. They KNOW they want this.

4. What's your favorite number? 32

5. What is the thing you just started saying recently?: FACKEN. And these stupid girls of Tommy's have me saying "Busted"

6. What have you been saying for a long time?: GREAT

7. Do you have AIM, if so what is your SN?: HA! Like I'd give it out again! Some bitch gave it out already, people IMing me all the time. Did Eric Stretch GIVE you his Screen Name? Did he ask you to IM him? NO. Leave me the FACK alone. I Block You.

8. Last thing you said aloud: FUCK YOU

9. What car do you drive? Blue Ford F150 named MORTIMER. (You can call him Morty if you're nasty)

10. Do you ever make prank phone calls? I called this chick once and said "Smoke Weed Everyday!" Can you believe it?

11. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Of course.

12. Have you ever hacked an email account?: I hack into Tommy's sometimes and read the email those girls send him.

13. How many buddies are on your list? NONE. I don't have buddies, I BLOCK YOU.

14. Have you ever created and sent a virus?: Of course.

15. What kind of shoes do you like? Black boots and clogs.

16. What are your wearing (accessories and all, in detail) right now?: Dark denim jeans, dirty socks, my gray sweater, my fag bag, and my glasses.

17. Do you have a website, if you do give the address?:

18. What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? Invade my privacy? I DON'T THINK SO! Why so you can call me and leave me FACKEN messages? Oh HELLZ NO girlfriend.

19. What is on your mousepad? Lil Bow Wow

20. What is your most prized possesion: My gold Mardi Gras Beads.

21. Is 2Pac alive? FUCK YOU

22. Who do you look like? This psycho girl says I look like her brother. But I think I look like John Cusack.

23. What's the best trick you ever played on someone? I threw Ricky out in the hallway in his boxers. FUCK HIM!

30. Do you have any tattoos? What of? It's FACKEN henna. 69.


1. Friends: Danny, Tommy, Ricky
2. Funniest: Whatever. Tommy tries to be funny, but he steals all his shit off those girls. Collabo THINK outfits? What was HE thinkin!
3. Silliest: Me, Eric Lee Stretch
4. Loudest: Me
5. Craziest: Me
6. Skinniest: Me
7. Best at keeping secrets: Danny, he FACKEN doesn't talk
8. Smartest: Tommy
9. Most innocent-looking: Ricky
10. Sweetest: Ricky
11. Hottest: Danno..
12. Weirdest: Me
13. Hyperest: Me
14. Biggest pervert: Who likes Bologna?
15. Most annoying: Tommy
16. Quietest: Ricky

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