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Welcome to, v. 1.01!

Hello and welcome to, the unofficial site of the Dream Street singer and starring actor of The Biggest Fan, Christopher Ryan Trousdale! Chris is also known for his role in Les Miserable, The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, and was recently on E! Channel discussing "The Biggest Fan" and Dream Street.

21 August 2002:
Chris Trousdale will be performing with Play on the August 28th Miss Teen USA 2002 pageant at 9:00PM ET/delayed PT, which airs on CBS. Check your local listings for the time (it's different all over) and set your VCRs because we know this is gonna be an appearance you'll want to watch again and gain! Also scheduled to appear on the show is Lil' Bow Wow. Check out for more info!

21 August 2002:
Chris just recorded 2 ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS SONGS , which will be on a compilation with other teeen tv. The songs are totally hot! 

21 August 2002:
As you probably already know, the LA screening is taking place next week. The goal is to fill an entire 600-seat theatre on all the screening days...reason being is that important studio people will be there to check out the film and fans! Companies that will be represented include Nickelodeon and MTV. By having this "fan frenzy," the companies will see how awesome the fans are...and they'll do more. If fans get crazy enough, we may happen to see the film in a 2,000-theatre nation-wide release. Spread the word, tell your friends, and make ticket reservations today! (update from

21 August 2002: has a new webmaster called Stijn, he's eighteen and lives in belgium, country in europe. If you have any comments, feel free to contact him!

About the website.
Website © 2002 International Chris Trousdale promotor Stijn Zeebroek