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'Cornball Lookin Outfit

Welcome to 'Cornball Lookin Outfit!( If you have the all access video, you understand the title. Otherwise, this is juz something my Brian said after being put in his outfit for ALAYLM. And juz so you know I LOVE the Backstreet Boys. I am probably one of their biggest fans so if I offend anyone on this page I don't mean to k?! You will probably be able to tell, I'm partial to Brian so I have a few more pictures of him and I don't really like Howie but who does?? J/k. Understand that a lot of hard work has gone into this site.I've worked harder on this than my other two. HTML is the devil!! j/k Anywayz enjoy yerself and KTBSPA!!Sign the gbook PLEASE!! Over 100 people have been here, 4 signed the gbook. C'mon pleazz!? *I'm Proud to say this is a non-leighanne,kristin,amanda-bashing{but I can't stand that bi-atch mandy/mandah/willa}, non-Nick's weight-bashing website*

NSA Review: WTF??!!! This has got to be one of the dumbest CDs I've ever bought. I love the music but the lyrics are soooooo stupid!! Oh and one more thing, Justin Timberballs needs to quit trying to be like our Nickay. On 'Its gonna be me' he is tryin so hard to sound like Nickay in 'Its Gotta Be You'.Oh and I noticed on track 4 "just got paid", they do the exact same thing as in Let's Have A Party. The say ho..say ho ho... say ho ho ho... I swear! That's Kev's part and they copied! Every single NSA song reminds me of a BSB song! Fishy eh? But overall its a pretty kick-@$$ cd.

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dead sexy
dead sexy
Our lovely friend Brit and her NUMBER 1 FAN!!
Oh lord....

Bri Bri tied for People's Hottest Star under 25! Yay! Congrats!

Get this! Me and my best friend, Meghan, are in 'The One' video! For just a split second. See, almost all of the clips from that video are from the Greensboro,NC concert we attended, because that was the most money they have EVER made from a concert anywhere in the world! So they took a lot of live clips from it and that's what most of the video is. It is too freakin cool, I'd never dreamed of being in a BSB video!

Bri Pics:Page 1
B-rok Pics: Page2
Bribri:Page 3
BriBear:Page 4
Nickay Pics:Page 1
Nickay Pics:Page 2
Howie Pics:Page 1
AJ Pics:Page 1
AJ Pics:Page 2
Kev Pics:Page 1

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