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THE CHARACTERS OF 2GETHER!!!(from my perspective of course)

This is not one of those repeitious official descriptions of the characters of 2Gether written by MTV. This is from me and Laurens perspective. We have built our opinion from the boys actions and what they say in the movie. We hope to give u a further understanding of these cuties, haha.

Jerry (The hunk as played by Evan Farmer):
I feel that Jerry is the protaganist, for he is in conflict with his manager, Erin, and himself. Jerry is noticed by his future manager Bob because of his looks and his voice. Jerry is introduced to his new comb, and this is the start of his realization of how superficial Bob will be acting. We then see Erin, his stupid ass girlfriend, whom Jerry is tormented by to stay home with her instead of leaving to become a rockstar. Jerry is so caught up with the thick of things that he does not care when Erin is at first pushed aside. We then see the caring part of Jerry after a couple of days on the road, as he makes a collage for her. Jerry is lead to believe he will always be the leader of the group, and is nice to the next 3 members recruited. But when QT becomes a member, Jerry gets jealous (gasp!) We again see the leader side of Jerry come out as he writes the main lyrics to the hit song Calculus. But things with QT are not going smoothly. Jerry does not appreciate the fact that QT gets more attention and that since QT has the same fave color as Jerry, Jerry must change his. Finally, Jerry walks out on the group after their disaser performance due to the superficiality of the boy band image and the way his manager is handling it. A phone call and answering machine message to Jerry is sent by Bob with all apologies and Jerry and Erin eventually save 2Gether and make them famous.
Quote: "Blue, its been blue, since forever, since before QT was born even."

QT (the cute baby as played by Michael Cuccione)
QT is noticed at a karaoke bar, where he is performing. He is smothered by his mother, who is very worried about his condition of feinting when being on stage. Well already we see how QT attracts the girls naturally and also using his little disease to extract emotion/guilt. Like a child, he is held in his mothers arms for protection. But then, we see the horny teen age QT, which is probably created by all the sheltering he has received by his mother. He wants to be in a boy band so he can get girlz. Well QT starts getting all the attention from everyone, and makes the rest of the band jealous. Especially the manager seems to be favoring him over Jerry which is the opposite of what he was doing before. Thruout the movie, Qt's horny side comes out, especially when he is "kissing" the hand of one of his fans. The fan then tells us how she is attracted to him, which sort of shows QT's magnetic force. QT is the youngest band member, and therefore is the most outrightly horniest.
Quote: "Being locked up in that room was totally cool, but I wish there were girls in there. And there weren't enough sleeping bags, so me and a girl would hafta share one...and for some reason, she thought i had the chiggers, so she had to check me all over...ALL OVER."

Mickey (The bad boy as played by Alex Solowitz)
Mickey is discovered at a skating hangout. He and his little homiez pimp out there and act all tough and cool. Mickey's clothes show how hard he is trying to creat his gangsta appeal, with his little gangsta ski hat, baggy jeans, and that vest thing that he wears that doesnt match with his shirt. He gives Bob attitude and tries to act all big shot and black. But we know this is an act, for Mickey gets his butt kicked. Then we see the softer side of Mickey come out when we find out he drools while he sleeps. Mickey must have some type of identity problem and the true Mickey must feel very insecure, for he bosses people around when they "step up" to him. But we all know that Mickey is very cute and his voice is so sweet, that who gives a crap about his personality disorder!
Quote: "Mickey P. got one hoe, and one hoe only, and thats Mickey P. foo."

Chad (the shy idiot as played by Noah Dale Bastian)
Chad is the mentally youngest of the band. He has his older brother with him wherever he goes, and his older brother is like his mom. Chad needs to be sheltered, protected, kept quiet, and kept sane. He is shy because he is very immature and young inside. He is like a little child at 5 years old meeting a stranger for the first time: bashful and blushing. But once you get to know him, he says very idiotic things, the type of things a toddler says. His ideas and things he dreams about/looks up to all have to do with Star Wars, lasers, toys, and sea doos. He likes attention as well, and he likes he likes the comfort a family offers to him. In the movie, eventhough stupid, his little moments alone in the camera show you how indeed childish but cute his way of thinking is.
Quote: "Everybodys's talking about QT's problem, but I was up on that stage trapped in that fat guy's suit nearly suffocating to death...And still...still trying to help out the group by making as many laser noises as humanly possible."

Doug (the older bro as played by Kevin Farley)
Doug is a man in his 30's who has been divorced and has kids. He takes care of his younger brother, cooks, cleans, and paints. One would think he would be the most mature of the group, and maybe he is. But Doug fits right in with the boys of 2Gether, who are almost half his age. Doug has a boyish soul to him, and therefore gets away with being in a boy band. He is quick to go along with the hype, like when he must wear braces to intice a younger appeal. He cleans the group's bus and is emotionally calm at times of dispair. He may not have a good voice or a good body, but he does what he can. Therefore, we see that Doug is good at adapting to any situation. Doug's character in the movie is not very important, and the movie could go on without him. But the makers of the movie decided to include him to add extra humor. The happy ending for Doug though is that he gets to see his exwife and kids after he becomes famous.
Quote: "How much is a butt load?"