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ThE 2gEtHeR sErIeS iNfO pAgE!!!!!!!

The new 2Gether series has already premiered, and of course we are all in luv with it!!! Remember, it airs every Teusday at 10:30 PM eastern time on MTV.

The new show takes off from where the 2Gether movie ended. Jerry O'Keefe, Mickey Parke, Jason "QT" McKnight, Chad Linus, and Doug Linus have a new record company. And best of all they live in a kickass house that is paid for by the label. Their fame has taken the nation by storm, but who knows what adventures lie ahead 4 the 2Gether boyz.

2Gether is performing with Laurelie, the biggest pop star in the nation. Jerry mistakens her for Erin and kisses her accidentally while in a pitch black room. Laurelie then expresses her interest in Jerry. Word travels to the managers, and they force Jerry to ask Laurelie on a date for publicity. The paparazi finds this out and exaggerates the story, and of course Erin finds out what happens over the news and gets pissy. To make it up to her, Jerry asks her to marry him onstage, and she says no. Then offstage she says yes. While all that is going on, Mickey and QT become best friends while getting wasted on soda, and to overcome his stage fright from the help of his brother Chad becomes good friends with his stuffed animals.
LOOK FOR THE LINE: "Your smile is like an upside down rainbow. It brings out the sun. That is why you're my best friend." Haha, how corny.

Chad has been dating this gurl named Heather for 2 and a half days and is falling in love. Right before he is supposed to perform on stage, she breaks up with him, and while performing he starts to cry. All the gurlz think hes so cute, and so MTV offers the band to make a video with top producers if Chad cries on camera. Then Heather comes to the house to talk to Chad becuz he is getting famous and she wants him back, and Kevin kicks her out. Chad finds this out later on, punches Kevin, and gets back together with Heather. Again she becomes a bitch who wants to use Chad to get to Tom Hanks and Chad dumps her again, and Kevin and the 2Gether group comfort him. And finally Chad cries on camera when Doug reminds him of their parents car accident.
LOOK FOR THE LINE: "You butthole!!!!" This is a classic line said by Chad before he punches Kevin in the stomach.

The boyz are going to a Mandy Moore concert, but QT is not allowed to go becuz he refuses to wear a bunny suit to perform for kids at a hospital. He sneaks out, and the guyz return from the concert only to find him missing. When he returns, he tells them that Mandy Moore is coming for a dinner date tomorrow. Well it turns out that QT's date is not acutally Mandy Moore, but someone who has the name Mandy and that QT mistakens to be her. The guyz don't tell him her true identity to protect him, and after the date QT even invites "Mandy" to perform with them at the hospital. The next day at the hospital before the performance, QT hears "Mandy" sing and thinks that Mandy Moore is a fake pop star who lypsynchs. QT goes to break up with her, and cannot find her cuz she is hooking up with Mickey. On the way he starts talking to the real Mandy Moore, but he doesnt know that it is actually her. She hits on him and he turns her down becuz it is too soon and he has to recover from his last loss. In the end, he wears his bunny suit becuz he is a real man who can handle it. While this is going on, Chad sells his belongings on e-bay for hundreds of dollars, including a retainer a friend gave him and his stereo.
LOOK FOR THE LINE: "I'm a Make-A-Wish kid, and I wish to go with them!" This is a line that QT uses to persuade his manager to let him go with the other 2Gether members to the Mandy Moore concert.

Mickey's anger arises when he finds out that MTV made a boyband parody movie out of the story of 2Gether, and he trashes the place. They trick him into going to anger management therapy. He views a movie and receives advice from one of his managers that brainwashes him into being a prep, kinda like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. While this is going on, Erin gets all pissy that Jerry can't remember her favorite candy bar. Since Mickey has a crush on her, he buys her the favorite candy bar and comforts her when shes angry. He also figures out her favorite movie, Jerry McGuire, and she offers to watch it with him. Mickey is all in love. He is so preppy that he even does publicity and goes on the radio. He ends up talking crap about his fellow band members becuz he is so passive that he cant stand up for them. Everyone is all pissed, and they try to turn him back to the old Mickey, but insulting him and his hip hop music doesnt work. Mickey then goes on stage at some coffee shop and sings "Im a Regular Guy" as he stares relentlessly at Erin in the audience. Suddenly Jerry comes running in with Erin's favorite candy bar, they kiss and make up, and Mickey gets so jealous that he starts getting angry. He turns back to the way he wuz before becuz he gets put into second gear by Erin.
LOOK FOR THE LINE: "That would be absolutely Funtabulous!" This line potrays how dorky Mickey is acting.

2Gether's manager seems set on kicking Doug out of the band, and of course 2Gether is against that. They also have a new manager who acts as though she is completely against Doug leaving. Suddenly Doug starts receiving more fanmail and attention than the other guyz, and he is confronted by the managers to start a solo career. They read him fake letters from fans about how they admire him since they were alwayz made fun of in school for being fat like Doug was and that he gives them hope. Doug is convinced, and he starts on a solo career. The managers act as if they are really psyched and as if his new career would be successful, but in reality they staged the whole thing. They wrote the fanmail themselves and hired screaming girlz. The new guy in the band is some computer made bozo, who is perfect at everything he does. The band misses Doug and hates this new computer piece of crap, and destroys him during a group webcast. Eventually Doug rejoins the band. And even better, as Doug's career was going down the tubes he wrote his masterpiece song: "The Hardest Part of Breaking Up" which becomes 2Gether's new single.
LOOK FOR THE LINE: I don't feel that the best part of the show wuz summed up in any quotes. The most important part to me is when they sing "The Hardest Part of Breaking Up." It is so cute, and its cool seeing them doing different dance moves and stuff than they do in the video.

Jerry is nominated to be in the "Urban Slut Dream Teen Awards," and to everyone's surprise so is Chad. Chad at first does not want to be in it, but Doug changes his mind. He tells him about the Linus curse, which is where some hot guy alwayz takes the honor and glory away from a family member in the Linuses. Chad feels its his duty to be in the contest. He goes to the Urban Slut store and advertises himself, while QT helps Jerry make a webcast movie where Jerry makes out with the camera. While this is going on, Mickey gets all pissy becuz their wuz a defect in the shoes he wuz wearing, and calls the shoe's makers and is refused for a refund. He kidnaps their big plastic mascot and holds it on "ransom." Well Jerry and Chad go to the Teen Dream awards, and the band has been divided into 2 teams: Chad with the help of Doug verses Jerry with the help of QT. They are all fighting backstage, and give eachother dirty looks onstage. The other nominees are also very good looking but very fake. Jerry and Chad realize that it doesn't matter to them which one wins, and purposely they make themselves lose the contest. Mickey gets his refund as well, and everyone lives happily ever after.
LOOK FOR THE LINE: "You're a butthole!" "Well you're a whole butt!" This is said by Jerry and Chad as they fight with eachother.