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NeWs On OuR bOyS!!!!!

(If you have any news or any ideas or anything, please e-mail me or submit it in our guestbook!)

It Is OfFiCiAl!!!!!!!
When appearing on TRL last summer, the boys of 2Gether confirmed that they will be in a TV series. Well now u can view them on MTV every Teusday night at 10:30 PM Eastern Standard Time!

If YoU hAvEn'T wAtChEd AlEx'S pArT iN nEvEr BeEn KiSsEd Go SeE iT!!!!!
Remember, hes the football jock that only has 2 lines.

NoAh GeTs ChAsEd By A gRoUp Of ChEeRlEaDeRs!!!!!
While walking to his car, a group of cheerleaders started chasing after Noah Bastian. I wish I could have been one of those cheerleaders!

2GeThEr'S nEw Cd & SiNgLe!!!!!!
The time has finally come where 2Gether is making a new CD and has released a new single! Yyyyaaaayyyy! The single is called: "The Hardest Part of Breaking Up...Is Getting Your Stuff Back." It wuz released August 1st. The new CD is out, and it is better than ever! It has 12 tracks of complete 2Gether on it, and even has a song on there written by Howie Dorough. My personal favorite on the CD is....EVERY SINGLE SONG.

BrItAnY sPeArS cAnCeLlAtIoN?
Supposedly, Brittany has not been treating the boys very well. There is a good possibility that 2Gether will not be opening anymore for her. Oh well, Britany should be the one opening up for them anywayz.

NeW oFfIcIaL wEbSiTe!!!!!!
A new site at called The 2Gether TV Show Site is now up. It is their new official website.

EvAn FaRmEr In ShAfT!!!!!!!
Evan Farmer had a very small part in the movie Shaft, but at least u get to see his beautiful face. He is in the bar scene with Christian Bale, and is one of his groupies. He is only on screen for about 10 seconds but he still looks cute.

2gEtHeR rEcOgNiTiOn!!!!!!
Look for 2Gether articles in YM, Teen, Twist, Teen People, and other magazines. It is the fans that have brought these magazines to attention of how much 2Gether deserves recognition in their articles.