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I'm going to start this section now :)

8-15-02: Good Lord! Nearly a year without an update! Nearly a year since the horrible attacks. I haven't seen much going on with 2Gether since Michael's death. I've seen Alex on ER a few times (a rerun) and I caught Evan in Goldmember. How surprised was I to see him playing young #2? Haha. So what is new you ask? I've been going to mad shows. I went to warped last year and this year. I went to see Mest. I went to GC/Mest. I went to No Doubt, I went to Jessica Simpson. I can't even remember them all. Right now, I want you all to listen up. Go out and buy...well preorder the new Good Charlotte CD. If you haven't heard of them, buy their debut self-titled CD and watch All Things Rock on MTV. Their new CD is titled 'The Young and the Hopeless'. These guys rock. Check them out and let me know what you think. Bring the music industry 2Gether...haha.
8-27-01: I can't believe this year so far :( Why have we been losing so many young people? Especially Michael and Aaliyah? They were both so young and died in such terrible and imaginably painful ways.
7-11-01: Eek! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with work and graduation. I'm finally graduated!! Anyway I'll try to get a new layout in the next few days since I have two days off. For now I've updated the "About the Webmistress" Section and added a link to my journal.
5-18-01: I'm attempting a new layout. Please check out the site while I do so. There will be no updates unless some major news breaks through while I'm working on the new layout. (It's not liking me at the moment, or it'd be up by tomorrow morning.) I'm also attempting to get a new domain. Please check back soon. Hopefully by next Friday, the new layout will be up.
4-22-01: The site has won another award :) Check it out!
4-16-01: I updated the news again :)
4-3-01: I updated the news.
3-21-01: I added an Instant Messenger for the site as well as a freebies page.
3-17-00: A brand new layout! I hope you all like it! I've spent all day working on it :)
3-10-01: It has been announced that 2Gether the series has been cancelled. Please check the "News" section for more details.
3-5-01: It's coming up on 2 months sinces Michael's passing. I've updated his tribute and a few other things around the site. I still haven't gotten around to watching even one episode of the show! Seriously...if anyone has all the episodes taped and could send me a copy, let me know how much and I'll get back to you. I would very much appreciate it.
2-11-01: I just realized I've been dating these '00, hmmm I dunno why. Maybe it's cuz I just wanna go back and change a lot of stuff in my life, dunno. Anyway, enough of that, I'm as happy as can be lately. Probably why I've been lacking so much on updating. Well, I just wanted to wish the site a Happy 1st Birthday as of yesterday! It's amazing you guys! Truly amazing. I can't beliee 2Gether has been around for a year and I've been part of it since then! I feel so happy that we've all made them such a success! As for the contest...I think I might postpone the date somewhat...I'll think about it. Thank you guys so much for making this site so great. Without you there would be no 2Gether and no Rub One Out 2Gether Style website.
2-2-01: ARGH! I got caught!! found out that someone had given me the code to remove the banner, so now I got an email saying I have to upgrade...I don't have the money, so this site may lose it's that event, access the site through I'm really sorry you guys!!! I can't believe it...
1-22-01: Just a few updates around the site. Notice I added the link to the Petition to save 2Gether...please sign it!
1-18-01: Well...I added stuff to the main page, basically about the traffic this site is now just blows my mind! Thank you guys so much! You don't know how proud I am that I created something this successful. Also...I updated the "Contest" page, along with my tribute to Michael...I'll probably have a main link up to that very soon. Probably within the next few hours :) Thank you guys for your support. We love you Michael...forever.
1-15-01: Wow, what can I say? I'm so shocked to find that Michael really has left us. I wonder how this will affect the future of 2Gether. There's no replacing him. None at all. I've created a "Tribute" page for him click here to view it. We'll all greatly miss him. I've updated the "News" page as well as the main page and the first page.
1-14-01: I've decided that I'm not going to work on the website anymore seeing as hardly anyone comes here anymore and there's not much information or enthusiasm for them any longer. I'll update the countdown to 50,000 visitors and I took down all information, pictures, etc. of myself because of some events that have occurred. Also, if anyone got the DEC/JAN 2001 issue of PopStar, could you please scan the page that has the links for me, I couldn't find it anywhere which sucked because I wanted to see my site in it! I think they stopped selling it here. My 98º site was in an issue in 1999. Anyway, thank you all for being great visitors and giving me great feedback, I enjoyed it for the almost year that I was 'infatuated' with 2Gether. Maybe if the 2Gether petition helps to get more episodes, there'll be another 2Gether Hype and I will want to work some more. :) Until then, this is goodbye!
12-12-00: Oops!! I sorry no updates for so long! Anyway, I added clips of all the songs on "Again", 7 new pictures, and I updated both the "Why You Love Noah Bastian/Chad Linus" page and the section about me.
11-12-00: I updated the "Why You Love Noah Bastian/Chad Linus" and "Why You Love Kevin Farley/Doug Linus" sections :)
11-10-00: I added some more pictures of me, info about me updated. I updated the contest countdown.
10-28-00: I fixed the front page some, minor things on the site and updated the countdown on the "Contests" page. The "News" page also has some news added.
10-10-00: I added the "Contests" section and "Updates" section. I added some stuff to the front page.

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