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stacey   09/Mar/2000:15:48:50
2gether was #7, keep voting!!!

~才stacey linus~才
stacey   09/Mar/2000:15:46:32
did mickey really sign? wow!!!! hes cool, but im really waiting for
chad to sign. ahh.. such a cutie.. i love the part after the movie when
theyre singing before we say good-bye, i think he has the best voice..
i love you chad AKA noah

number uno fan!!!
Tania   09/Mar/2000:15:27:27
Umm...were did Michael Cuccione sign?
Jessica   09/Mar/2000:14:44:45
I love the group 2ge+her. I really wish that they would become a real
boyband cause they are the finest guys I have seen in a long time.s
Exspecially Chad a.k.a. Noah.
Tania   09/Mar/2000:14:26:25
Alex Solowite !!!!! signed the guestbook!!!!!
Alex Solowitz 2gether 09/Mar/2000:12:23:27
Hey What's up I just want to thank all of you girls and guys for being
so supportive and thanks for making this website for us.

Mickey Parke AKA: Alex Solowitz
Heather 09/Mar/2000:11:40:10
I think Michael, not only being goregous and talented, is a big
influence to a lot of people!I heard that he has Hodgkin's Disease and
that it is sometimes really difficult for him to do things, but he has
shown us all that he can do it!It also helps a lot of people realize
that they can make their dreams come true. The good thing is that he is
in remission! As long as we keep up our prayers for him, he will be the
great Michael we all know and love!(I just want to make it clear that I
do not think of him as a "sex object" as most of you would describe,
but as a normal person like the rest of us!)
Lotz of Love,
*WHACK* *WHACK* 09/Mar/2000:03:18:01
Hey we just signed your other guestbook, we thought we'd drop this one
a line too! Keep up the great work on your site, we'd never be able to
find out so much info on the guys. Take care, long live boy bands!!!
Joanna the officially authorized Evan Farmer fan site 08/Mar/2000:23:58:42
hello Heather:

Thank you so much for leaving that sweet message on my site's
guestboook. What you said really means a lot to me and I am just
flattered that my site is validated by Evan himself and fans like you.
Anyway, just wanted to drop you a quick note thanking you for being so
supportive for me and I hope to hear from you soon. :)
Tania..again   08/Mar/2000:16:07:43
I finally found the girl that gave Noah Bastians adress..r-mail adress
away. That was VERY rude. If he ever gave me his e-mail I wouldnt give
it away for the world. I might tell my close friend I Have his e-mail
but I wouldnt give it away. AND i would NEVER give it away to THE WHOLE
WORLD. This is the world wide web. I dont even know if it's correct.And
i won't dare to see if it is. But if you do know him, someone should
tell him what an untrusty person you are. Oh and I love this web page.
And by know everyone prob. already knows what I think and feel about
Michael so i wont say it again to i feel i have to.
stacey linus   08/Mar/2000:15:49:55
hey everyone!
hows everyone today? hopefully good. 2gether was #10!!! on trl, come
on if we really love 2gether we gotta vote!!! well, we can always wait
for tomorrow. and if any of you voted for hanson. eeeewwww!!!!! vote
for 2gether!!!!!! im gonna go watch my favorite movie again (if anyone
is wondering... 2GETHER, of course, silly buns!!). i love 2gether!! oh
yeah if anyone knows where i can get a 2gether shirt or buttons (i want
buttons of them doing the you plus sign me equal sign part) please im
me! i love you, chad!
~才chad's number uno fan~才

Tania   08/Mar/2000:15:49:13
Brittnay I think your very shallow. And you are so in "love" with Q.T.
Well i have news for you. Q.t. is a fictional character. And you got so
happy that Michael goes for personality. Well of course after all he's
been threw and the teasing. But why would he want to go with somebody
thats just all about looks? MICHael is so much more than that. And I
dont like being rude. But your way below his standards. I'm sorry. But
i really love Michael Cuccione for who he is. What he does. What he's
been threw, he's values, heart, and soul. And people like you and
others...a long list of others, dont even get past his looks, and you
call him "Q.T" "Q.T" is NOT REAL. And people like that get me pissed.
Because i already faced reality and I know he'll never be mine. I
cried, I drew, I wrote a bunch of poems, I listened to his cd "making a
difference" and the last thing I need is people like you yelling "
QT's mine! You cant have him! im mrs.Cuccione!! Kiss my @$$!!!" My
gosh. I'm sorry. but
Tania   08/Mar/2000:15:41:33
lani   08/Mar/2000:22:46:53
hey, pery good page....i have to say i totally love the 2gether boys!
they did such and awesome job and what not, theyre such dolls!!!!!
ESPECIALLY NOAH DALE BASTIAN!!!! the soundtrack kicked ass too! love em'
love em' love em'!!!
if you ever read this NOAH ~~~ e-mail me whenever! good luck to all of
you! e-mail me @!
Heather 2Gether 08/Mar/2000:22:28:07