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"The Vase"

by: Vase


"Yan Huo De Ji Jie"

Season of Fireworks







Welcome to My First Fan Fiction!

Please bear with me because I'm not so much of a writer and I do take time in writing. I'm not your likeable writer but I wish that everybody would openly accept my imaginations.

My main characters are Mei Zuo and Xiao Qiao from Meteor Garden II. The rest are to follow and will be further given light throughout the course of my story.

The story is a continuation on Mei Zuo's life after the TV series' cut.

hope you enjoy. comments and suggestions are more than welcome!

dedicated to my vanness fanatic friends!

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Chapter 1

My Happiness

After F3's drink with Sha Ge that night, Mei Zuo as walking to his car was thinking about what they were imagining. What could have Shan Cai and Ah Si been doing at this very moment? He smiled at the thought. Their guess would probably be right. They must be arguing again about "who's the real pig-head!” He suddenly felt his spirits lifting up, though he didn't show Xi Men and Lei. Xi Men was laughing crazily again (probably drunk more than Mei Zuo was) while Lei was carefully looking over at where Xi Men was walking. Then he thought of something deeper, making him frown a bit. Then,

"I'm taking Xi Men home. He wouldn't be able to drive this way." Lei whispered to Mei Zuo.

"Yeah." answering quickly, "He just can't get off the thought of Ah Si and Shan Cai pig-heading here and pig-heading there!" he said jokingly. "If he still drives, he could end up a being a pig-head in the hospital again."

Lei was looking at Xi Men who was bidding Sha Ge goodbye and was about to get into the car then asked in a serious tone, "What about you?".

Mei Zuo was pretty confused. He didn't understand what Lei was talking about.

"Me? I'm not drunk. I was just lost in a thought, that's all." He answered.

"I'm not talking about you being drunk. I meant..." Lei looked at him in the eye. "I meant you finding yourself your happiness as well, just like what Ah Si did."

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Chapter 2

I Should What?

Hua Ze Lei was absolutely direct to the point that Mei Zuo was shocked. He stared at Lei for about ten seconds before looking away. He tried to avoid the question and asked Lei as well. "Well... err... What about me?... Lei, Are you okay?" Mei Zuo gave a light punch on Lei's arm. He was under the impression that Lei was off-color due to the fact they were just talking about Ah Si and Shan Cai who finally got back together, that he wasn't paying attention so much to that topic and noticed Mei Zuo's deep-thought looks.

Lei smiled before answering. ”Me? I've never been happier and I've never felt this clear ever since Chin left. Did I tell you Ah Mei talked some sense into me?"

"Ah Mei? Ah Mei talked some sense into you? I thought she was very childish." Mei Zuo said with a little laugh.

"Not necessarily talked. Her childishness helped actually. She kept on forcing questions to me about who Shan Cai really is to me. And that's where I realized who I am really supposed to be for her. I am to be her friend always."

Lei really looked serious. Mei Zuo was starting to think Lei was really half-drunk that's why he's like this. But, no. Lei wasn't talkative even before, even if he was drunk which was not often seen.

Then Lei continued, "Unlike me, you have greater happy opportunities waiting for you."

Mei Zuo confused, "Like what?"

"You're the one who knows that and you have the power to make it happen. If I were you, I wouldn't let the chance just slip away. You should -"

"Lei, let's go! You small pig-head..." Xi Men called to Lei from the car. Sha Ge was calling for Lei, too.

Lei nodded and started to walk to the car, leaving the immobile Mei Zuo who was about to enter his car, then called out, "Lei, What should I do?"

Mei Zuo was eagerly waiting for an answer from Lei. He was just looking for an answer or someone to confirm that the thing he was thinking of very deep when Lei cut it up and talked to him, was exactly the right thing.

Lei, before getting inside the driver's seat just nodded and smiled at him. Sha Ge talked to Lei and Xi Men through Lei's window for a moment before they drove off. Mei Zuo was left sitting inside his car already but the car door was still open. Sha Ge walked up to him and said "You guys should come often here now that Ah Xing isn't here. I'd be very lonely with no one to drink with."

"Sure. But for the moment, you have to bear with your empty house. Why don't you go to Bhutan and be with Ye Sha?" Mei Zuo asked trying to look happy in front of Sha Ge.

"Probably. But I know she would like it so much to visit Taipei again, soon. So maybe I'll just keep my place and wait for her."

"Okay. Just inform us when she's back. Dry-cracker Shan Cai would be happy. Maybe she and Ah Si would be here by the time Ye Sha visits."

"Okay. Drive Safely!" Sha Ge finally bids him and started to walk back. Mei Zuo then closes the door and drives off.

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Chapter 3

A Lot of Thinking

He was driving on the road now but he still kept on thinking what Lei had said. He was feeling a bit of a heavy-head, probably because of drinking. But what gives more weight to his mind is the thought of what to do with his problem.

  "How did Lei know that I'm thinking of it that very moment?" He thought.

"I'm not talking about you being drunk. I meant..." Lei looked at him in the eye. "I meant you finding yourself your happiness as well, just like what Ah Si did."

"Pig-headed Hua Ze Lei talked to me about happiness when he's there left with nothing but him and his 15-hour sleeps." He said to himself with a 'was-he-kidding-me smile'. "What's 'happiness' supposed to mean anyway? I'm happy with what I am right now." He continued talking to himself.

Then Lei continued, "Unlike me, you have greater happy opportunities waiting for you."

"...greater happy opportunities waiting for me...?" Snapped onto his mind in an instant...

"You're the one who knows that and you have the power to make it happen. If I were you, I wouldn't let the chance just slip away. You should -"

"I should...... what.....?"


The car behind him is blowing its horn. He got startled. He realized he was staring off blankly that he didn't notice the green light. The driver had his window down as he passed by Mei Zuo’s silver Mercedez on the left and shouted “Hey NO SLEEPIN’ in the road, Nutcase!!” The guy turned left on the corner and Mei Zuo didn’t even bother to pay so much attention or even look for a fight with the guy. He just drove forward and went straight home.

Upon arriving, he went straight to the bathroom and filled his tub with hot water. Taking his clothes off, he stared at the mirror and for the first time, stupidly talked to himself, “You can’t sleep anyways, so better think about it now and try to figure out even half of what Hua Ze Lei said to give you a piece of mind!” He half-angrily threw his shirt to the hamper basket. He figured he didn’t want to fall asleep in the tub so he went out to his room for a moment and switched his television on. Unconscious, he scanned through the channels and stopped somewhere when his tub was almost full. He got into the tub and with an-almost-a-headache feeling, he rubbed his fingers through his temples.

Thinking deeply, (“Like what Ah Si did? Let’s see, Ah Si’s happiness used to be bullying people around, although that’s not considered true happiness until then he got tired of it and focused on surfboard Shan Cai and now he’s probably having a great time with her in Barcelona.. Wild Grass Shan Cai is a nice person but she’s one in a million and anything close to being like her would probably just be boring. That’s not spending quality HAPPY time… Xi Men… I won’t be his good brother if I say he’s hella happy with work. Xi Men is the serious type. Of course, working is just another responsibility. And me…”) He then started talking aloud “I don’t enjoy work responsibilities because stamping is a waste of time!!”

He rinsed his face a bit with the lightly bubbly water.

“And Hua Ze Lei… The most quiet one…” He was suddenly amazed on how he knows his brother and closest friend, Lei.

(“Lei doesn’t talk but when times come that he has a lot in his mind, I can feel it. What I HATE most is whenever he talks! I know there’s gotta be more to it but he just won’t say it!!”)

It so happen that the channel he turned to was the classical music channel. The late night programs of concertos was on, and recognizing from the tone of the instrument, the spotlight is on the violin.

“Oh darn it why did I stop on this one?! These music make me fall asleep!!” He then fixed his head to lean comfortably on the tub’s lid and he closed his eyes.

(“I just wish that I could have been more like simple minded Ah Si. Then I wouldn’t have realized that I’m insatiable myself and be happy with little things… Or I could have picked up Lei’s brain and heart. His head works wonders that thinks way way more than anyone could imagine and his heart is so tough he waited for Chin for so long and today just got another disappointment because of Shan Cai reuniting with Ah Si. Or better yet, be like Xi Men so that I won’t be work-stupid and just bury myself being a workaholic and probably also get a hole in my stomach so that I wouldn’t have to worry ‘bout such things.”)

Mei Zuo has always been like this. Always considering his good brothers and their welfare in his thoughts. The three are his greatest friends that he had also made a point to help out whenever one would need him. But one of the characters barely seen of Mei Zuo by F3 is his consideration for family ties. His parents were always in the States to maintain their business that Mei Zuo didn’t have to work hard. His mother knew him best that’s why she asked Mei Zuo’s father to let him be with his carefree and laid back life, even if it was there in Taiwan or in the States. His mother mentioned that when he’s ready, he’ll take on the job and do well that’s why his father gave in to the request. Even though it doesn’t really show, Mei Zuo loves his family very much and keeps close to them.

He now got out from his bath and took his cellphone from the bedside table and dialed for his mother.

“Hello?” His mother immediately picked up. It was morning in the States. They would probably busy preparing for business meetings and more work.

“Ma!” He tried to sound like his usual jolly self.

“Yes, what is it? Is there something important? I’m really sorry that I had to leave immediately after Xiao Qiao’s concert. I already told Ying I’m sorry. Please do pass out my message to Xiao Qiao, alright?”

“Yes Ma. Nothing’s up I just wanted to call.”

“There’s something wrong with you. You wouldn’t have called if there was nothing! It’s already late there, what is it?” His mom was laughing along her sentence. She knew him too well.

“Well, I was just thinking… that… that… MA!! C’mon please be serious ‘coz I need your thoughts about this one!” His mom was laughing again at him. The sound of her cheerfulness lifted Mei Zuo’s feelings up that he forgot to be dead serious about what he wants to say. “Since when did you get so serious?? Wait a second… …Ok… I’ll sign them up… … … Hello, Ling? I’m sorry son, I have to go. Ma’s got a lot of paperworks to do with your Pa today. I’ll call you soon when I have my free time, ok? Don’t forget my message to Xiao Qiao and please tell Auntie Ying again I’m sorry”

“Ok Ma. Thanks. Take Care” Mei Zuo hung up.

Even though he got terribly irritated with his mom the past weeks, bugging him to date Xiao Qiao, his mother was the best and it came to his mind that his mother really wanted him to be well too, that’s why she kept on pushing him to date the ladies she got on her list.

Lost on what to do, he turned the TV off and slumped into bed.

“Let’s call it a day. I’ve already done a lot of thinking.”

He tried hard not to think anymore. He closed his eyes and covered himself with his thick comforter blanket up to his head.

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Chapter 4

A Favor...

It was only nine in the morning, and the sound of the knocks on Mei Zuo’s door woke him up. He barely had slept because his brain kept on thinking, thanks to Mr. Hua Ze Lei leaving him a hanging puzzle. He knew it was something urgent because the servants wouldn’t disturb him while he’s still asleep unless the matters are really important.

“Xiao Ye, please wake up, it’s Madame on the phone.” Called the lady servant from outside Mei Zuo’s room.

“Annie, it’s ok. Open the door.” Mei Zuo got up and wore his robe.

Annie came in and handed him the cordless phone. Annie then went for the bathroom and prepared his bath. Mei Zuo looked pretty confused, his eyebrows lifting up and down again as he answered “Ma! What is it? Annie said it was urgent?”

“Ling, Ma wants to ask you a favor.”

“Ma, c’mon, what is it? Tell me, you don’t have to be so courteous!” Mei Zuo was kidding his mom.

“Well, it’s because your Auntie Ying called me right after I hung up from your call and she’s actually the one who wants to ask for a favor.”

“Ok, what is it? Is it about Xiao Qiao?”

“Ling, Auntie Ying wanted to ask you because Xiao Qiao requested that you should be the one we ask.”

“Ma, what is it really? It’s not like I’m going to turn down ya’know.”

“Well, actually, I was nervous maybe you’d have excuses again since you don’t want to date her in the first place.”

Mei Zuo laughed at himself. His mom was right. He did hate their first dates. “Ma, don’t worry, since you’re asking me nicely, I’ll do it for you, ok? Not for her.” He joked.

“”Ok. At least I wasn’t the one who was dead jealous during Xiao Qiao’s concert that I didn’t pay much attention to what she’s saying, I forgot my favorite piece was the World’s famous music Doraemon and I wanted to leave…” Now his mom laughed hard. She knew Mei Zuo was definitely teased by that one.

“Tsk Tsk… Mothers. When can you get around them? They always pick on you…” he was trying to add some unreal drama. (“Well, talk about a fresh start today. Yesterday was mentally tiring. Good thing Ma called”).

“Look, Ling, I know you’ll do it for her. Xiao Qiao needs to go to Japan today to pick up something from Auntie Ying. Ying said Japan is the nearest place she could meet up with Xiao Qiao because she doesn’t have time to fly to Taipei. She’s will have business meeting in Tokyo and she has to give Xiao Qiao something important. We have no other choice but to bring Xiao Qiao there. Xiao Qiao wanted you to accompany her.”

“Alright, alright! Did you fix the tickets already or do I have to them myself?” He tried to sound a bit snob, like he doesn’t really want to do it. Well, he always joked around his mom. Inside him, he was ok with it. Actually, he already went for his walk in closet and picked out four sets of clothes and laid them on the bed.

“Yes, Mister, I already did, because I was afraid you wouldn’t help out Auntie Ying if the tickets and hotel arrangements aren’t fixed yet. You’re lazy, Ling.”

“Dead Lazy! Going on to another boring and tiring journey to pick up something.” He just picked up his passport and wallet from his safety drawer from his desk.

“Ling, this is serious, ok? Xiao Qiao doesn’t want the package sent via courier because it’s very very important to her. She really wanted to pick it up personally.” His Ma suddenly had a this-is-a-serious-matter tone.

“Alright Ma. When is our flight?”

“Three in the afternoon. I believe it is already eleven fifteen there; you only have three and a half more hours to prepare. Eat first, then pack your little stuff, I know you hate bringing so many bags so just buy clothes there and charge it to your international card, I’ll take care of the bills. Everything you two have to spend there, charge it to your card. Don’t make her pay, alright? And try not to do anything funny.

“What do you mean anything funny?” (“What does she mean by ‘anything funny’? I’m a good guy!”)

“Ling, I know you. You’re my son. I know you have this certain side of you that’s different when you’re with girls.”

“Now what’s that supposed to mean, Ma?” Mei Zuo said with an “are-you-kidding-me” tone.

“Just be nice to her, Ok? Or else you’ll get it from me.”

“Now, I’m scared!” Laughs from the both of them.

“Hurry up now, Ling. You will still have to pick Xiao Qiao up from her house.”

“Alright. Bye Ma. I’ll call when we get there.” He then hung up and handed Annie back the phone. Annie was already done packing for him. The clothes he laid on the bed were gone, his bag was ready and the bath is waiting for him.

“Hey, it only took you twenty minutes to pack my bag? That was fast!” He tugged Annie playfully on the arm.

Annie was the closest to Mei Zuo among the Mei Zuo household servants. She is about Mei Zuo’s age and she had lived her life there in the house. Ah Yuen Ge has been their butler even before Mei Zuo’s father got married. Annie is Ah Yuen Ge’s daughter and Mei Zuo occasionally played with her in the garden when they were kids. She knows Mei Zuo’s “home” personality in and out. She’s the only who can wake up Mei Zuo even in the middle of his sleep, she fixes his room and clothes and she’s the one he often ask for help at home.

“Well, Xiao Ye, I know you don’t want bringing so much things that’s why I only packed the three shirts you put in there and just added some other pants and socks and I also packed a little medicine bag with your vitamins and first aid pills. You wanted Advil in it so I packed the ones Madame brought when she last came… let’s see, did I forget anything?” She was counting off the things that she knew Mei Zuo needed for the trip.

“Well, you forgot to pack your picture so that I wouldn’t get bored when I have nothing to do there. I can laugh all I want!” He teased Annie before he went into the bathroom.

“Haha, Yeah right, Xiao Ye. Go on now take your bath, I’ll fix this up and go down to ask for lunch.” She already started fixing the beddings and laid the sheets neatly.

“Just kidding, Annie. And don’t worry about Lunch. I’ll have lunch with Lady Xiao Qiao in a boring formal resto again… shessh!” He now closed the door and took a bath.

After his bath, he dressed up in his usual black polo shirt and black pants. He took his cell phone dialed for Xiao Qiao and started walking to the garage.

“Hello? Xiao Qiao, It’s me. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, let’s have lunch at Daniela’s before we head to the airport ok?”

“Ok, I am kind of hungry for Italian. And Mei Zuo… Thank You.” She had her light, soft loving voice when she said thank you.

“It’s nothing. See you. Bye.” He was already seated in the car.

“Bye.” He waited for Xiao Qiao to hung up before he did.


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Chapter 5

Shrug It Off

While driving over to Xiao Qiao’s he was thinking about his thoughts the previous night.

He suddenly got irritated. “Argh! Who cares about Hua Ze Lei said! I’m not gonna mind it for now.” He inserted his favorite CD on and turned it up real loud. But then he thought (“I know Lei was dead serious about that one, and I know he’s right. Like what Xi Men said, no more playing games. I have to start being serious about what to do with my time.”)

He turned his sounds off when he got in front of Xiao Qiao’s gate. He went out the car; fixed his clothes, made sure he looks good, before taking his cell phone out from his pocket and dial for Xiao Qiao’s phone.

“Hello, Xiao Qiao? I’m here already, just outside your gate.”

“Oh! You’re here already? Please wait a second, something cropped up, Ma called for some details, and I still have to fix something before I leave.”

“Alright. I’ll wait here.” (“She’s really something else, making me wait out here!”) He had the smile of disbelief.

“No, please, come in first… wait a second… Ming Ge, please open the gate and let Mr. Mei Zuo come in…. Alright? I’ll be right with you.”

“Ok.” He pressed his remote to lock the car’s doors and walked to the gate.

The gates opened revealing a beautiful garden in front of the Ying mansion. There was a particularly beautiful spot where roses grew. He thought they had a wonderful gardener. When he went inside the mansion, it was as clean and elegant as the Dao Ming mansion. Only the place gives a lively atmosphere. There were colorful paintings of roses hanging on the walls, little figurines of cellos in the side tables.

“Welcome Mr. Mei Zuo. Xiao Jie requests that you wait for her in the music room. Please come with me.” It was probably their butler, Ming Ge.

“Thank You.” Mei Zuo followed him to the door, to the right of the staircase.

“Please wait here, Xiao Ye. Xiao Jie will come down soon.” Mei Zuo sat on the sofa. The music room has a way different atmosphere. The music room’s wall was painted light blue, about two cello cases stood in one corner. One cello was not in a case and it stood in the other corner along with the music piece stand. The wall doesn’t have much paintings hanging except for only one medium sized frame. It was a watercolor painting, very blurred. He tried analyzing what the picture is. He figured it was some sort of a garden, because the place had lots of greens and occasional reds and yellows, and there was a small outline of a kid. A boy in particular, a back view of a boy running after three more outlines of boys ahead of him. He smiled while he was staring at it. (“She is weird. A cello player with a painting of a common garden scene with little kids.”)

“Hi Mei Zuo!” Xiao Qiao stood by the door. She was wearing slack pants, a beautiful three-fourths sleeved white top, a black jacket in her right arm and she had a handbag. She bowed respectfully again to Mei Zuo before walking in.

He stood up and walked near the frame, across where he was sitting. Then he said “Xiao Jie, I know you love cellos so much, but I didn’t know you were also into these kinds of paintings!” He comically pointed to it.

“Well, it has another special meaning.” She took one enormous cello case and started packing the cello that stood with the piece stand. He recognized that was her favorite cello. The one she threw onto the water. The one he had repaired. “But right now, we have to hurry. My mother wouldn’t be staying long there so I have to catch her.” She just closed her cello case and took the handle.

“Let me,” said Mei Zuo. He walked to her and tried to take the cello from her.

“It’s ok. I’ll have someone to help us. I know you don’t like carrying stuff so we’ll also have someone help us out in the airport when we get there.”

“Oh, alright. And your travel bag?”

“Well, Ma sent me an international card. She said not to bring many things and buy everything there. I only have one small bag.”

“I see. Don’t worry; you don’t have to spend a penny. I’ll take care of everything.”

“Thank you very much.” Xiao Qiao yet again bowed to him.

It was as if Mei Zuo was struck by something. He suddenly noticed a glow in Xiao Qiao that he has never seen before. He went to hug her, and said, “It’s really nothing. This is how I repay you for treating you badly before.” Xiao Qiao hugged him back tight then slowly pulled away.

“Xiao Jie, the car is ready.” Ming Ge called from the door. A servant went in to get the packed cello from the corner. Mei Zuo held Xiao Qiao’s hand and they walked outside. Mei Zuo, feeling Xiao Qiao’s hands on his, thought for a moment (“I’m happy when I see her smile brightly. Her beautiful face just glows! Could this be it? Could this be the happiness I’m looking for? … Nah! Let’s try to forget that matter for now, and I have to take care of Xiao Qiao.”)

They drove to Daniela’s, the Italian restaurant near the airport. They were eating pasta when Mei Zuo started to ask about their trip.

“What is that you’re going to pick up from your mother, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Well, Ma said it was something important. I have to get a book from her.”

“A book?” Mei Zuo was really surprised. A book? To travel by plane and get a book? He was starting to think this person’s really weird.

“Yes, a book containing real masterpieces with the cello. I don’t fully know the details yet, but I believe I would have to learn one of the pieces there.”

“Why not have it sent over? Why do we have to go there?”

“Well, it’s not just because of the book. I wanted to have a vacation there since I haven’t been there much. I hope it’s ok with you, I mean I know you’re probably sick of the place.” Xiao Qiao looked up from her food and saw that Mei Zuo was staring at her, and not moving at all. “Mei Zuo?”

“…No, not at all.” Mei Zuo was smiling to her. He didn’t know what’s with him today, but his head has been drifting ever since he saw Xiao Qiao this morning. He had seen a lot sexy women before but her beauty was eccentric that it was making him actually enjoy more and more his moments with her.

“What’s with you today, are you alright? You seem bothered?” Xiao Qiao had a troubled look. “Look, it’s okay if you wouldn’t want to go, I’ll go by myself.”

“NO, it’s not like that. I also want to see Tokyo. I haven’t been there for a while now. And I really want to accompany you, believe me.”

“Mei Zuo, you don’t know how much this means to me. Thank You,” Xiao Qiao bowed down as if she wants to cry.

“Xiao Qiao?” Mei Zuo went closer to her and lifted her face up. Xiao Qiao revealed a blank face. “Xiao Qiao, please smile. I’m doing this because you’re my girlfriend.”

Xiao Qiao went shocked with joy. She was the one who was now smiling in disbelief. “Are you calling me your girlfriend?”

Mei Zuo also smiled at the thought of it. “Yes… I think I am.”

Xiao Qiao simply nodded and went back to her pasta, trying to hide her smile. (“If Lei said find my happiness, then I will. But for now, I’ll enjoy the happiness I feel with her.”) Mei Zuo also went back to eating.


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Chapter 6

Reminisce.  Realization. Reparation

Mei Zuo and Xiao Qiao boarded the plane and sat in first class. The travelers on first class were mostly Japanese-Taiwanese and a few American Born Chinese. It is almost a four-hour flight; so Xiao Qiao said she’d probably take a nap. She took a pillow and leaned her head to the closed window. Mei Zuo was wide-awake; he didn’t feel a bit sleepy even though he had a rough night. Just then a small girl passed by him. The little girl was singing a Japanese song and it had spoken lines in between. He recognized the sentence, but where did he hear that again? He thought deeply.



“I will think of you when I return to Japan.”



Ai Sha. He remembered Ai Sha. It was her whom he had heard it from. And that was about 2 years ago. He reminisced their times together, and remembered how he almost fell in love with her. He knew it was love after all because when she left, he felt sad and empty, that he went on with continuous playful dates and casual nights with women, bar nights, disco nights… he realized what things he had done with her. The way they met, (“it was crazy. She stole my wallet.”), the almost-endless chase because of her continuous lies (“that was messy. But I really didn’t want to take her to the police. I just wanted her to open up. She was cute!”), the truth about her grandmother, (I didn’t know what to do when she cried… only hug her…) her proposal on dancing together on TV (“it was then that I got into dancing again.”) and before she left, she gave his wallet back with a kiss. (“She also said that sentence.”)


He thought deeply of those times. He realized that of all the things he has been doing in the past, that was most worthwhile. He got to help someone else, make her happy and eventually sorted out her life. (“I really wanted to be with her. She was one of a kind. Simple, honest… fragile. But back then, I wasn’t sure. Then her mom came and had to take her back to Japan. I was wishing we had a chance…”) “A chance to know her more…” He whispered to himself…


He now turned to the sleeping Xiao Qiao whose head is wearily hanging to her right, with the pillow already gone, it fell on the floor. Her beautiful face covered slightly with her long silky hair. (“Look at her. Have you ever seen anyone so beautiful, so elegant and so lovable at the same time?”)


Mei Zuo reclined his seat, gathered Xiao Qiao carefully and leaned her head against his shoulders for comfort. Xiao Qiao stirred a bit, yawned and hugged Mei Zuo. Mei Zuo then took the blanket and covered them selves. Xiao Qiao was unconsciously muttering “thank you” again to him.


“Xiao Qiao…” Mei Zuo whispered to her.


“hmmm...?” Xiao Qiao was drowsy she went back to sleep.


Mei Zuo didn’t say anything anymore and just kissed her head as he hugged her.


The little girl went pass him again and returned to her seat. She was still singing the song.



"You're the one who knows that and you have the power to make it happen. If I were you, I wouldn't let the chance just slip away. You should -"



(“I know now what. I shouldn’t let the chance slip away. If I didn’t get to make it happen with Ai Sha before, I’d have to treasure what I have now and make the most of it. Xiao Qiao loves me. All I have to do now is learn to love her with all my heart. I have to learn to do anything and everything for her. I enjoy my time with her and just her smile means a lot to me…”) He kissed her head again, secured the blanket over them and took a nap.


After about two hours, Xiao Qiao woke up and found herself on Mei Zuo’s arms. She stared at Mei Zuo’s sleeping face. Phoenix eyes serenely closed, the nose breathing lightly, the pink, kissable lips, the long hair. Xiao Qiao smiled as she admired his handsome face. She whispered “You cannot blame me, because from twelve, you’ve grown more cute…” Her little movements woke Mei Zuo up and when he opened his eyes, Xiao Qiao’s blooming face greeted him.


“Why are you staring at me like that?” Mei Zuo felt amazed with her stares and asked with a smile.


“Nothing…” She rested her head again against his chest and hugged him. He hugged her back as they fixed themselves into a comfortable position.


It’s obvious she loves him very much. (“From now on, no more games. I won’t be scared anymore. I’d show her she also means a lot me.”)



After the touchdown and immigration process at Tokyo International Airport, they had to pick the cello up from the special packages pick-up point in the airport. They met up with their assistant who was sent by Auntie Ying.


“Ohayo! My name’s Li Jin De. You may call me Ah De. Xiao Jie, Madame already informed me of what to do. You may leave with Xiao Ye if you wish and I will follow after I get your cello.”


“No it’s ok, Ah De. I don’t want the cello to leave my sight, I hope you understand. Is it ok, Mei Zuo?” As usual she was very protective of her cello and Mei Zuo already got used to it.


“Yeah, sure. Besides, I think we need Ah De to help us move around. Sorry I was pretty lazy back in school, I didn’t take Japanese seriously! Lei and Ah Si are the ones who are good at it.” Mei Zuo lightened up the conversation.


Xiao Qiao also laughed. “Well, I only learned English, Spanish and French while I was studying music in the States so we better not go by ourselves, we’d get lost!” She had a different mood. She joked around as well. Mei Zuo never expected she has her lighter side. Mei Zuo went closer to Xiao Qiao, went to her side and wrapped his right arm around her waist. He whispered onto her ear “Do you want me to carry the cello?”


“Is it ok?” She looked up to him and whispered back.


“Yeah, so you wouldn’t have to worry. I’ll have him carry our bags…,” He now went to get the cello “Ah De! Carry this will you, and I’ll take the cello.” He handed him their bags and he took the large case.


“Xiao Ye,” Ah De wanted to take all the luggages.


“It’s ok. I want Xiao Qiao Xiao Jie here to be rest assured I’m a useful boyfriend and I want to satisfy her every request” He put on a snobbish smile.


“Xiao Qiao Xiao Jie? Now where did that came from?” She slipped her right arm to his left and walked towards the exit door of the airport.


They loaded their things and got into the car. The driver turned the radio on and a Japanese song was on. The song was very emotional and the sound of the voice of the singer was indeed soulful. Mei Zuo thought of Ai Sha again. Coincidentally, the singer said a line before the end tune. It was the very same line the little girl said, and what Ai Sha told him before she left.


Mei Zuo stared outside. It was already dark for it was about eight already in the evening in Tokyo. (“Mei Zuo, don’t be stupid… Ai Sha’s gone… don’t waste time”) He thought to himself. (“And open up to Xiao Qiao. Take the relationship to the next level… You treated her bad, man… make up for it…”) He rubbed his fingers against his temples and whipped his hair up, like his usual mannerism.


“Mei Zuo? Are you ok?” Xiao Qiao noticed his drifting again and asked him.


“Huh? Ah Yeah. Just a thought… Oh right, what time are you going to meet up with Auntie Ying?”


“I don’t know. Ah De? What time is Ma’s business meeting?” She called out to Ah De who was sitting beside the driver in front of the limousine.


“Nine in the evening Xiao Jie. Madame arranged for you to stay on the same hotel they’re holding their meeting. There are about a number people there and she just told me to request you to play a piece for them before they start”


“…She didn’t tell me that… (“She’s gonna play for them, without any preparation?” Mei Zuo wondered with worry.) Well, alright.” She took out a piece of paper carefully folded from her planner and began reading it.


“What is that?” Mei Zuo asked curiously.


“A piece. I always review before a performance so that I won’t make mistakes. Although I practice a lot, my performance would always depend on the state of my mind. Have to concentrate and clear my mind so that I won’t forget the piece.” Xiao Qiao explained carefully and seriously.


Mei Zuo just nodded. He didn’t want to bother her anymore since her mini-performance would be in less than an hour.


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