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Notes from the Webmaster

School-Related Questions
Please direct any specific questions regarding school policies and procedures to your child's school or if you need further assistance, the Pennridge School District Office at (215) 257-5011 or FAX (215) 453-8699.
Comments or Questions About Our Web Sites
Interested in what web projects are being worked on, who's doing them, and wondering how to get involved yourself? Send any web site related comments, questions, or suggestions to About Our Web Sites.
This website, like every other site on the web, will constantly  be under construction and will be maintained by a volunteer.  And as hard as we try, we may not always catch errors. So if you spot something that's incorrect, please let us know and we'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  Help is always appreciated ! If you don't see the information that you are seeking, please send your request by e-mail and we will do our best to help you. Many of the sites that we have links to are "works in progress."  If you find hyperlinks that no longer work, please note the page URL address and/or the topic that the page is addressing and e-mail us so we can fix the problem. Thank you !
Important Note
Every effort is made to avoid adding links to the Pennridge School District sites that might lead to sites with objectionable content. However, the term "website" is not without reason - with the links to other places, it literally becomes a "web" of information, and we cannot police all of the places you may end up. The following quote appeared in the 12/23/97 edition of Edupage - an e-mail newsletter administrated by the US Department of Education. This is an important thought to keep in mind as you approach the Internet as a learning and teaching tool. "The Web is What We Make It" World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee says users are responsible for making the Web safe: "It is important to realize that the Web is what we make it. 'We' being the people who read, the people who teach children how to surf the Web, the people who put information up on the Web. Particularly the people who make links.... The Web doesn't force anything down your throat. If you are worried that your children are going to read low-quality information, teach them. Teach them what to read. Teach them how to judge information." (Scientific American Dec 97)
We've used graphics from a wide variety of sources and it's sometimes hard to remember every source but we'll try to give credit where credit is due. Our apologies if anyone has been left out. We will make any corrections as needed. lisa

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