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We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty...--A. Einstein

Til Nothing Comes Between Us ( John Michael Montgomery )

Close your eyes, can you see me...
Rollin' down the Rocky Mountains
Movin' like the wind that sweeps the canvas plains
I know you're with me
As I make my way through Oklahoma
Pass the barns and weather vanes
There are motels, cafes, fields and billboard signs
A thousand miles of highway
Between your heart and mine...

There will finally come a moment
When one man and one woman
Get everything that they've been waiting for...
I'll take you in my arms again
Feel your skin against my skin
Let the sheet fall slowly to the floor
Til nothing comes between us anymore...

As I cross the Mississippi
You're the river flowin' in me
Comin' home I count each heartbeat...
Til the moment we're together
And the distance can't be measured
That's all that keeps me goin'
When I'm gone...

There will finally come a moment
When one man and one woman
Get everything that they've been waiting for...
I'll take you in my arms again
Feel your skin against my skin
Let the sheet fall slowly to the floor
Til nothing comes between us anymore...


There will finally come a moment
When one man and one woman
Get everything that they've been waiting for...
I'll take you in my arms again
Feel your skin against my skin
Let the sheet fall slowly to the floor
Til nothing comes between us anymore...

There will finally come a moment
When one man and one woman
Get everything, everything, everything (Fade out)

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