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Stanley Road at RAXX, 06/04/05 Kingston, Ont, CA

These are pictures that were taken at RAXX throughout the evening.

Mike Wager (You're SMOKIN'!) Bill McGrath (Get into the music why don't ya!)

Mike Wager (Did I drop my pick?) Matt Kells (Try to get a look at the titties on the wall)

Janessa and Sheryl (2 of the Blue Shirt Brigade) Joe Berger (I am hiding from you!)


Darren and Janessa (4th time's a charm!) Chris, Stuey and D (The Racoon Brigade)

Wayne Kells (Contemplating) Erica and Sheryl (Where's that hand coming from?)

Erica and Stuey (Where'd that hat come from?)

Erica, Darren, Joan, and Sheryl (Can ya guess who's paying attention?)

Stu and Sarah (Here's lookin' at you kid) Joe (MUPPET!!!!!!)

Stu and Sarah (Thumb Wrestling at it's best)

Sheryl and Mark's Sister (Smile.. your on candid Camera)

Chris and Stu (There's that hat again) Stu and his fingers (Whoaaa Nelly)

Erica and Sheryl (Take 1 ACTION!) Who are these people? LOL (Eh!)

Chris and Karen (Two Words.. Bruce Almighty)

Angie and Karen (What's up with all the fingers?)

Sheryl and Mark (Who's got the ciggie) Stu and Karen (Who's Shooting who?)

Somehow a few people managed to stay out of photos.We'll get ya next time! Then you have those who are in the background who you can't see well or are facing away. We'll DEFINATELY get you next time.

Head on over to the Stanley Road website for bios on the band and upcoming events! Send Me an E-mail with any suggestions, names, or ideas!

Updated to Include the Tamworth show on 06/18/08

Tamworth Show 06/18/05

Copyright Erica Gilbertson 2005