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This is the story of a girl (For the moment)


My Favorite bands

Taking Back Sunday

Well, im sure like other people I have had my up's and downs. This is just kinda a story of my life (at the moment). You can either take the lemons LIFE gives you, or go pick your own. I would rather pick my own! Before I was born, my Father died, so I never really had a father influence in my life. Sure my mom has remarried, and I have had my fare share of stepdad's, but they just don't treat you the same. I kinda learned to take care of myself at a young age. I have had to deal with alot of crap from my mom,But I still love her with all my heart, she is my best friend. I am very against Drugs. I can't stand smokers, after my grand father passed away, from lung cancer, I quit, and now I can't stand to be around it. I am always on my mom's case about smoking! I don't trust guys very often, alot of them are liars, like I said I have had my fair share of stepdads, all of them taught me that guys are JERKS, and my ex boyfriend taught me they are liars and cheats. Its gonna take alot to change that. I have alot of guy friends though, I love all of them, and I don't know what I would do without them. Especially Ryan, I love ya bud! My friends are my life, without their help, I would have gone crazy a long time ago. I love each and everyone of them! "Thanks guy's for giving me all the support and love I needed to make it big!" I am currently signed with 21st century tallent agency in New York and am trying to be an actress,I am very excited, and the people I work with are so supportive and Kind, But I still love to play my guitar and hope one day to become a song writer. Over this summer I have traveld to germany, the netherlands, and France. It was a great experience. Pluss I got to share it with many of my friends from school and am currently finishing my studies abroad aplication to go on my diploma. I made a sister and a best friend while I was there. Pluss I became apart of a family, that Loved me as much as I loved them. It was very hard to say goodbye to a family that you love, never knowing when or if you will ever see tham again. But I know I will! November is my 18th birthday, and its gonna be a great one! Im gonna rent a dance hall hire a band to play and hopefully ring in my adulthood with a bang! Too bad its not with that someone special! :( oh well life goes on! Getting ready for college, and Preparing for my last year of high school, is probably one of the scarriest moments of my life. Having to move homes and cities, maybe even states, away from my family, Friends and everone I have come to love here scares the crap out of me! But I know that when Im done they will still be here to welcome me back with open arms. And maybe I can welcome myself back with a large checkbook! hehe! Thanks for reading and Putting up with my Story!
