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game maker

Hey there and welcome to my website.

If you are like me then you probably wonder how to make video games. I have an answer and that ia a free program called game maker, now with this program you don't need to know how write c++ language it's simple to use. I recommend that program to use for making video games.

Now maybe you want to make a webpage well i have something fo you too, i went to a site called webmonkey, my teacher recommended that site. Now in this website you well learn how to make a webpage,now the inportant thing about making a website is having a place to put it up on now if you already have a place then you could use that but if you don't the click on angelfire link down there and you could sing up for free web hosting.

Now there are many ways to build a game, there is by using a game program like maya or game maker or any others and there are ways to build a game using macromedia flash mx. Now this is a 2D program also easy to use. You might now of some others so you could always try any of them.

Now probably you already guessed this there are many ways to build a website, there is by using a macromedia dreamweaver mx or there is by using notebook, there are many other programs to use to build a webpage i use dreamweaver. It's easy to use and there aren't alot of people that have time to learn all the things about building a website then you could get the program and build it your self or let's say you want a proffecional look to it and you don't want to learn it so you could allways pay some one who know's how to build and make a webpage and done you have a webpage.

Now the programs that i like is p2p programs now for thos of you who don't know what a p2p program is , it's a downloading program witch uses other people who have a p2p program to gather their files in a spicific folder and you get to download it. I use a spyware free program called limwire now this you could get from this link is under software. Then when you get there just type in limewire and click on the first download, that's limewire 4.8 or higher. Anything that i have said torw out this website there is a link for it at the top.

There are alot of webbsite that you could get free programs from my personal favorite is freewarefiles now you could get this link under freeware. Check it out, if you don't like it that much then you could always go to google or any other search engine and type in freeware.

Try out my game that i made on flash, you could always find how to build these game by going to google and typing in how to make a game using flash mx. There should be something comming up. Enjoy the rest of the website and if you have any comments then you could email me at the link below

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