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Wednesday, 9 June 2004
"Do you Megan, take Andrew to be your lawful wedded husband?" the minister asked. "Yes I will" she answered smiling into Andrew's eyes. The ceremony went on and just as the minister was about to pronounce them as Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas, Megan was woken up by the ringing telephone.

"Hello," she answered half awake. "Megan, its me. May I come over for a while?" She laid there holding the phone thinking about what day it was. "What time is it Drew?" she asked yawning. "It's almost 10:30" he answered, "but if you are too tired, it's okay. She laid there a few more seconds thinking about how she would really like to see him. "No, no, its fine, come on over."
"Okay sweetie, see you in a few"

Megan climbed out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. She put on her robe and ran a brush through her hair. "Why am I so nervous?" She asked out loud. Because you love him she thought.
Megan and Andrew had been friends since they met the second day of college. He was a sophomore and she was a freshman. He helped her find her way around campus and since that day they have been inseparable friends.

Occasionally, they have sex, just because its convenient for them. Andrew works full time at the bank as a loan officer, and Megan is finishing her Senior year at the University. Not to mention working when she is not in school.


Andrew gets in his truck and starts toward Megan’s house. Driving down Highway 60, his mind drifts off to Megan. I love that girl, he thinks to himself. I never would have thought it, but God help me, I have fallen in love with her. Their friendship is strong and solid. Although they’ve had their disagreements and hardships, they remained close. They also have great sex, but wouldn’t it be better if it was lovemaking?
‘Whew, where did that come from?” Andrew says as he shakes his head.
As Andrew is going through the small town outside of Nashville he notices how noone is out on the streets. It’s only 10:30 he thinks. If it hadn’t been for me falling asleep and dreaming that I was getting married to Megan, then I wouldn’t have had this sudden urge to see her.
Megan’s house is the third one on the right off of Cherry Tree Lane. As he pulls in the drive way, he sees Megan setting on the porch under the porch light. There sits my angel, he thought, wearing a robe and barefoot. Andrew gets out of the truck and climbs the steps and props against the post on the porch. “Hi Megs,” he said smiling at her, “Sorry I woke you.”
“Oh, Don’t worry about it. Its not like I don’t have anything to do tomorrow.” Megan said as she played with the belt of her robe. ‘why am I so nervous, she thinks. Oh could it be because tonight she realized she loves Andrew. That she wishes somehow that dream could become a reality.
“Megan?” Andrew said waving his hand in front of her face. “Come back to earth with the rest of us. What are you thinking about anyway?”
“Oh nothing,” she answered rolling her eyes, “just off in la la land. Let’s go inside.”
After they walked in Andrew sat on the sofa making himself at home, turning on the television. Megan went in the kitchen to make them a drink. “What would you like to drink?” She asked bent over in the fridge.
“Just a soda.” he answered taking in the nice view of her behind. How he’d like to caress her from behind and kiss her neck and………
“Now who is drifting away?” she asked handing him a glass of Coke. She folds her legs under her and sits there close to him. “So, what brings you over Drew? Bored, lonely or horny?” she asks laughing.
“All of the above,” he answered winking at her, just as she was taking a drink. She choked then her tea went all over the side of his face.
“Gosh, Megs I was kidding. Well at least about being bored and lonely!”
“Drew!” Megan said as she hits him with a pillow.
“Seriously, I did not come over on a sexual urge. I just wanted to hang out with you. I’ve been missing you.”
“Yeah, well I’ve been busy with school and then work. Not much time for a social life.”
“How much longer do you have in school?”
“Half a semester. Then I will be teaching a bunch of fifth graders.”
They got quiet again, watching reruns of The Brady Bunch. Neither of them really knowing what was going on. Megan looks at Andrew. Damn he looks good tonight she thought. Just then, he turns and catches her watching him. He smiles and pulls her to him. She looks up at him and smiles softly. “I love your smile“, he whispers, then gives her a slow passionate kiss. Andrew breaks the kiss and sighs. “I guess I should be going. I just wanted to see you.”
“Don’t go, Andrew. Stay with me tonight. Please”
“Oh, looks like you are the one with the urge.” Andrew said winking at Megan.
“Well no,” she replied, wishing she hadn’t sounded so desperate. “I just wanted you to stay the night with me. I have been feeling lonely lately.”
“Well if you are sure. I would like that.”
They sit there watching another episode, neither saying a word. Megan is laying on the sofa with her head in Andrew’s lap. He is softly rubbing her side.
“Megs,” he said shaking her. “Wake up sweetheart. Lets go to bed.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I must be beat.” She stands up and turns off the television and Andrew locks the doors and turns out the lights.
When Megan comes out of the bathroom, the lamp is the only light in her room. Andrew is taking off his shorts and shirt. Standing there in the dim light. He turns to see Megan standing there, watching him. Then she unties her robe and lets it fall to the floor. He looks down and sees her long, shapely legs, her thighs. How beautiful she looks standing there in that short, thin, pink gown. Thin straps and cut real low, revealing the tops of her round breasts.
Their eyes meet and they walk towards each other. He slips his hands around her waist and gently rubs her back. She wraps her hands around his neck and runs her fingers through his hair. He bends his head to kiss her soft lips. A slight groan escapes Andrew’s throat. Megan leans in closer and responds with a deeper kiss. They walk over to the bed kissing and caressing.
Andrew sits on the edge of the bed and looks up at Megan. “God your beautiful.”
She is speechless. A smile is her only comment. Her heart begins to race as Andrew’s hands reach up to her shoulders, down her across her breast, lingering there rubbing her nipples in small circles through her gown.
“Mmmm,” Megan groaned throwing her head back. Then his hands slide down across her stomach, down her thighs. Then back up to the hem of her gown. He slowly slides it up over her head. He pulls her to him and just holds her.
Pulling her down beside him on the bed, Andrew rolls over on his side. Megan slides her hands over his muscular arms and shoulders. “I want you.” she whispers.
“Oh, Megan. I want you more than I ever have.”
Their love making was incredible that night. Both of them feeling something they’ve never felt before, yet neither of them knowing what the other was feeling. They laid in each other’s arms afterwards. Andrew was just about to fall asleep. He thought her heard Megan say, “I love you.” Did she really say that or was that wishful thinking? Megan appeared to be sleeping so he thought he was dozing and just dreamed it so he said “I love you too Megan.”
Megan’s eyes shot open as soon as she heard Andrew say he loved her. He loves me too she thought, I didn’t mean for him to hear me say I love him, but oh my God he loves me too. Then she too fell asleep, happy in Andrew’s arms.

Posted by blues2/mandylovett26 at 9:58 AM EDT
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