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The Attic



A place where grown women can come in and play dress-up.

We can be anything we wanna be here, we can be movie stars...

"Lucy and Ethel"........or...." Maggie Mae and Gerty Mae"

Remembering things from the past, the smell of old power

the smell of the cheap perfume we thought

smelled so good at the time ,"Evening In Paris"

The little tin canisters of rouge....the Red lipstick,,,that stayed on for days

the mascara that came in the little box that you had to add water

to get it to work....remember that one Gerty?.....hehehe


Maybe having a tea party for each other and our prized doll's

Dressed up in our old clothes. and big floppy high hells

that clicked across the floor, but made us feel " SO" grown up

and elegant....the tons of jewelry dripping from around our necks

and wrists,, rings on every finger....the old timey clip on earings.....glittering from all

the old Rhinestone jewelry.....We thought they were real Diamonds

at the time, hehehe...The old floppy brimmed hats with the big roses and satin

ribbons on the sides of them...


Telling each other just how beautiful we looked......wink~~~ wink~~~

Can you believe now how fast we wanted to be grown ups?

Now we want to be kids again...amazing isn't it?

But one thing I know for sure is we both turned out to be

very loving ,kindhearted, caring , beautiful women on the inside and out

no brag "Just Fact"....He He He"

and we still got alot of that little girl in us and I think it

shall always remain that way....

Love ya, Gerty Mae ,aka-Ethel-Alabama ....Happy Birthday!!!!

Your friend, Maggie Mae, aka Lucy

April 25, 2002




Page Designed By : Maggie Mae