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~<3~Justin Robert Crawford-Lucas~<3~

We love you always and forever and we'll forget you never

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~*~*~*~*~We Will Never Forget~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~How Could We~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Justin, I remember all those times in computer class. You and mike coming in when the hour is already half over. and how we use to torment Mrs. Murphy. I use to always take your necklace during that hour and I remember a couple times we forgot bout it and i kept it over night. You use to get mad when that happened. lol. And all those time we would all turn in everyone else’s paper and put our name on it. Shit I wish I could go back to then. When everything was half way good! you use to always tell me how you would be tearin it up on the football field and how no one could ever stop you. shit i wish i could hear you say that again. you were the shit at football .,., i can give you that. Shit you and mike had me and Becky go to your lil practice thing that one day this summer. That’s how I know you were good! Except you tripped! lol all those times last year at the lunch table. We would always be havin so much fun. that one time you made that rumor up bout Tori and how she fucked some black guy in a hotel room. And then when mike got some. and that one time Tori said that you were black in heart. (Your the only white guy that Tori Becky and i actually think truly is black in the heart!) you funny as hell and always had to put your 2 cents in. but i luv it. you and mike always sayin your comments when me and Amanda would fight. i feel so bad. you never go to met Deunte'. You use to always say that you to were tight before you too even met. and you still haven’t. i remember when me and you use to bitch at each other and i would always say that i wouldn’t want you to met Dee because you would end up becoming friends and you’d turn him into a dick head like you! i was never best friends with you but this summer me you mike and Becky were all pretty close. i use to talk to you like everyday. One day i got on line and i didn’t im you and you imed me and was like " oooo we cant talk to Justin anymore i see how it is!" and all i could do was laugh and you weren’t findin it funny. and then there’s that day you mike and Becky came over to my house in the summer and we all baby sat the lil baby. it cried like every time it left your arms. and every time someone would sit down. lol. you and mike and your post it notes! lol.,., now that’s some funny shit. there’s so much that you’ve told me you were goin to do that will never happen. you gotta get that varsity jacket and put Jay on it and you gotta get that nice ass car. and you gotta prove your a gangsta. but i guess you can do all that in heaven. its to weird that your gone. i have so much to tell you, that i never said because i though you would always be here. i remember this one day we were talkin on line and you could tell something was wrong with me. so you were like what’s wrong and i said nothing and you sat there for like 10 mins and said how i could always talk to you when i need something and that you would always be there for me. and im so so sorry that i wasn’t there for you! i luv ya Justin. and i miss you more then anything. i would do anything to have you back. i mean not only for me but for everyone else that was cryin for you Friday. you were so love and you still are. you are mine toris beckys and kara black angel now .,.,. so watch over us. you died like a tru gangsta .,., so you proved it! luv ya always Tara
