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about me

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my resume



WELCOME to my personal webpage!!!!!

It's been a pleasure for me to have the chance to create my own website. Having your own site isn't just a fulfillment for yourself. Just to think that different people around the world will view your site is just so stressful. So a factor of creativity and having a wild imagination applies here.

Creating just a single page entails a lot of work and really needs a lot of patience. But every single page here wouldn't be possible without applying knowledge and on what I have learned from the subject Internet Technologies which has taught by Mr. Gilbert Talaue. So I give my credits on him. Searching for other materials and asking for some friends help really helped me a lot to in improving this site. I consume most of my time and with all my efforts in creating my site to make it even more beautiful and be appreciated by everyone, especially the panels that will judge our work. I have also spent lot money of money here and I almost even forgot my meal just to have the assurance of having a good site.

This site includes some of my personal information, my resume, all of my favorites, friends and a literary folio, which is a collection of poems and essays by different famous and amateur writers, and my own work as well. I have also included a guest book for the viewers to have the chance to post in their comments and suggestions. Hope you'll get the satisfaction that your looking for in viewing my site.!!!