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The english summer-
meeting 2002
in august,
was hosted by
Tim and Emma.

Visitors were:


Hello... Finally..

Here they are, the pics that Shell and I have taken..

If anyone who was there would like to add something, comments or pics or whatever, email me!

Cecilia, me and Fi, probably getting the place for a fire

Pics are
for convenience,

clic for wiewing them
in larger size..

Shell, Bookbabe,  Fi, Lalera, Lal's daughter Cecilia,
Storm, Casey (sp?) and
her children Jamel and ?,
Aurenna, Tracy, 
Emma's son Bertie.

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The camp, making things in clay?? From left Casey, her son and daughter,  then Bookbabe sitting in pink, Tracy standing in blue, Fi sitting and then myself standing.

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Camp seen from the other side, our food storage under a huge
hazelnutstand visible in the foreground. Some of my tools are hanging from the tree, Casey and the youngsters are sitting
around the fire.


Preparing a pelt
Making a donii
Firing clay in a pit
Making a shelter
Sewing a block

(did I miss any?)

Tim had built a
shelter prior to our
coming, and 
Emma and Shell had
bought food
for the camp.


We chose a site for
our camp, put up our 
tents and the rest
is history *s*


Emma choosing sticks to break up for the fire.. and one of Emma's
dogs sitting, waiting for someone not to look so he can go into
the tent, exploring.

Fi and Shell, doing what ever it is one does when
taking care of a fox pelt..


Shell collecting fuel for the fire. One example of the hard
paleolithic work we found ourselves doing happily..

Fi helping me with the kilnmaking, Cecilia watching.


Storm, holding the axe


Storm and Casey's children
at the shelter


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Fi and Shell doing it the wrong way?



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Tim un-pelting the fox



Take a look at

The Artemadonii page

some painted pictures of
the Artemadonii camp,
the caves, a map,
pics of hearths, new avatars

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook


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Bookbabe at the station


These pics are from
Tim's and Emma's
house, the day before
the camp was
set up.

Cecilia and I came
from Sweden, so
we had two days of
driving and looking at
England before the

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Cecilia feeding Emma's hens while having a morning cup of tea

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Tim's and Emma's terrace,
a lovely place.


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The leader of the pack of hens,
ducks and the lot, in Tim's garden.
Being the littlest she must have developed an
selfconfidence the size of an eagle, and sized
dominance in the group.

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the wiew from the terrace

I'll be adding some
more pics soon..