More Sermons from Friendship Baptist Church Pulpit for 2003

Welcome to Pastor Ed's Web Pages, a place for pastoral helps, sermons outlines, and other helpful ministry items. If any of the information shared on this site is helpful, then just give God all the Praise. It is our heart felt desire to lift up the Saviour and Him alone. We make no claim to the originality of all the messages on this site, but some are gleaned from preachers and wonderful brothers we have known over the years. May God bless you and your minstry!


Preached Wednesday Nights

"I'm In The Lord's Army" - Joshua 1:1-9

"On Jordan's Stormy Banks" - Joshua 1:10-18

"Rahab's Faith" - Joshua 2:1-24

"Clean Over This Jordan" - Joshua 3:1-17

"Joshua's Memorials" - Joshua 4:1-24

"Captain of Our Salvation" - Joshua 5:1-15

"And The Walls Came Tumbling Down" - Joshua 6:1-21

"Do You Have An Achan Heart?" - Joshua 7:1-6

"Unequal Yoke" - Joshua 9:1-27

"The Battle is the Lords" - Joshua 10:1-15

"What Caleb Did, He Did Wholeheartedly" - Joshua 14:6-15

"Finding Refuge In Christ" - Joshua 20:1-15

"The Farewell of Joshua" - Joshua 23:1-16

"Joshua Challenges Israel" - Joshua 24:1-33


"Paul's Credentials and Enslavement" - Romans 1:1

"The Gospel is About a Person" - Romans 1:2-7

"Redeeming Righteousness" - Romans 1:8-14

"Unashamed Of The Gospel" - Romans 1:14-17

"Man's Rejection of God's Righteousness" - Romans 1:18-23

"Revealing God's Wrath" - Romans 1:24-32

"God's Case Against the Moralist" - Romans 2:1-5

"Impartiality of God" - Romans 2:5-13

"The Religionist" - Romans 2:17-29

"God's Case Against Man" - Romans 3:9-20

"Man's Refuge" - Romans 3:9-20

"Justification" - Romans 3:21-31

"Declared Righteous" - Romans 4:1-19

"Justification Applied" - Romans 5:1-5

"Depth of Justification" - Romans 5:6-11

"One Man" - Romans 5:12-21

"Sanctification of the Believer" - Romans 6:1-10

"Slave or Free Man" - Romans 6:14-23

"Confusion in Sanctification" - Romans 7:1-6

"Awesome Power" - Romans 8:1-17

"In Christ" - Romans 8:1-11

"In Christ: Freedom From Sin" - Romans 8:3-11

"Joy of the Spirit Life" - Romans 8:12-17

"Spirits Leading Gives Identity" - Romans 8:14-17

"Blessings of the Redeemed" - Romans 8:18-39

"Paul's Distress" - Romans 9:1-5

"Israel's Mistake" - Romans 10:1-5

"Watch Out" - Romans 14:7-12

"Artesian Well" - Romans 15:1-16


Friendship Baptist Church

Perry, Florida

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