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Monday, 15 March 2004

A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full?
They agreed that it was.
So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes".

The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and proceeded to pour their entire contents into the jar - effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your children - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the
house, give a dinner party and fix the tap. Take care of the rocks first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers."

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 11:30 PM PST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2004

The times are changing. When will people begin to realize discriminating against homosexuals is not right. Homosexuals have ever right to be here and deserve the same rights to wed if they chose to. We are no longer living in the 20th century. This is a NEW era in time, and like or not, things have changed for the better, especially for homosexuals. Even in the entertainment industry have accepted homosexuality, take "Will and Grace" for example. "Will and Grace" is one of the highly watched shows on TV at the moment, and what does it involves? It involves "gay" characters, and still people are watching it. The show probably change a lot of people’s views on homosexuality. Now, that is saying something. American Culture is accepting homosexuality. Why is it so difficult for the leaders of the free world (America) to accept homosexuality? Marriage is not what it use to be. It has also changed through time. Evolution is taking its place here in America, and it is about time we accept it because in ancient times, homosexuality was not a big of a deal. Men were marrying men, and women were marring women. People back then were able to accept same sex marriage. It seems that no matter how many steps we take forward, we are still taking a step back.

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 9:11 PM PST
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Sunday, 15 February 2004

A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
B You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.
C You definitely have a partier side in you, don’t be shy to show it.
D You have trouble-trusting people.
E You are a very exciting person.
F Everyone loves you.
G You have excellent ways of viewing people.
H You are not judgmental.
I You like to work, but you always want a break.
J Jealousy.
K You like to try new things.
L Love is something you deeply believe in.
M Success comes easily to you.
N You are always smiling & making others smile.
O You are very open-minded.
P You are very friendly and understanding.
Q You are a hypocrite.
R You are a social butterfly.
S You are very broad-minded.
T You have an attitude, a big one.
U You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
V You have very good physical attributes and looks.
W You like your privacy.
X You never let people tell you what to do.
Y You cause a lot of trouble.
Z You're always fighting with someone
F Everyone loves you.
R You are a social butterfly.
A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
N You are always smiling & making others smile.

K You like to try new things.

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 10:43 PM PST
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Thursday, 5 February 2004
Another Survey
I told myself I would never do one of these again ... But hey, we don't always keep our word.
'Name 2 bad habits you have'
1. Peeing with the door wide open
2. Burping and Farting in Public
'Name 2 people on your bad side'
1. No one is really on my bad side (I think)
2. If you think you’re on my bad side put your name _______________.
'Name 2 people on your good side'
1. Ralph
2. Kristi
'Name 2 scents you love'
1. Country Apple
2. Axe - Apollo
'Name 2 scents you hate'
1. Weed
2. The smell of my bathroom after my mom uses it.
'Name 2 things you would never wear'
1. A teddy
2. A bow tie
'Name 2 animals you love'
1. Horses
2. Turtles (Go Franklin and Squirt!)
'Name 2 tv shows you usually watch'
1. Will & Grace
2. Alias
'Name 2 ice cream flavors you love'
1. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
2. Chunky Monkey
'Pick A Random Lyric From A Song'
”I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor” By Switchfoot
'Have You ever lied to Get off The Phone?'
Who hasn't?
'Have you ever written a survey?'
Many Many Times
'How about a song?'
”God Is A DJ” By Pink
'A Last Time 4 Everything'
last book you read: hahahahaha … Can’t remember
last movie you saw in the theatre: Lord Of the Rings
last song you heard: “Uninvited” by Alanis Morrisette
last thing you had to drink: Squirt
last time you showered: This Morning
last thing you ate: Mexican Food
'Do You'
smoke: No
do drugs: No
have sex: Yes … I always wanted to say that to this question.
sleep with stuffed animals: I sleep with my penis pillow … hahahaha.
live in the moment: I don’t know
play an instrument: I wish I played the piano.
believe there is life on other planets: Hey you never know.
remember your first love: I haven’t been in love before.
still love him/her: n/a
read the newspaper: just the sport pages
have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes, I do.
believe in miracles: I don’t know.
believe its possible to remain faithful forever: Yes, I guess so.
consider yourself tolerant of others: Yes
consider love a mistake: It depends on the love.
favorite candy: Airheads
believe in astrology: Sometimes
believe in magic: No
believe in god: Yes
go to church: Yes
do well in school: Yes
go to or plan to go to college: I am already.
current gpa: 3.385
wear hats: All the time.
have any piercings: No
have any tattoos: No
hate yourself: No
have an obsession: Yes, I do, and his name is …
have a secret crush: Eugene, what a hottie!!!
do they know yet: I hope not.
collect anything: Yes, DVDs
have a best friend: Kristi
wish on stars: Yes, I have.
like your handwriting: Can’t complain about it
have a boyfriend/girlfriend: A boyfriend
Do You...
have a(any) crush(es): Eugene
think you've been in love: Not yet
want to get married: When it becomes legal.
get motion sickness: Sometimes
think you're a health freak: Sometimes, I try.
get along with your parents: Most of the time with my mommy, but I don’t get along with my that all the time.
like thunderstorms: They are the best.
Who is:
The weirdest person you know: Kristi … She’s just like me.
The Loudest Person you Know: My brother when he laughs
The Person that Knows the Most about you: Kristi
What is the last image/thought you go to sleep with: Eugene hahaha … I am serious.
Your best feature is: My smile
Got any good inside jokes: Have you heard about the blonde who thought Taco Bell was a Mexican Phone Company.
I AM: an Individual
I HAVE: creativity
I WISH: I could play sing.
I HATE: it when I was annoyed
I MISS: my friends who are all over the country.
I FEAR: Being alone
I HEAR: Music in the Background
I SEARCH: Ronin Warriors DVD Box Set
I WONDER: who is my future lover if I ever found it.
I REGRET: nothing, ever.
I LOVE: my friends and family.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: Mr. Nice Guy.
I WRITE: in my Xanga.
I CONFUSE: a lot of people.
I NEED: a six pack.
I SHOULD: be doing my homework.

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 9:01 PM PST
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Tuesday, 3 February 2004
38 Survival Activities For a Boring Class
If you're serious about combating boredom during class, these tips are for you. Please, don't think twice before engaging in any of the following activities.

1. During the lecture, throw a Frisbee past your professor and yell: FETCH! When he doesn't do anything, scold him: "That's a bad professor! Very bad!"
2. Ask the professor if this class comes with closed captioning.

3. When the professor calls your name in roll call, and your name is Smith, correct him and say: "Ahem, it's pronounced Bergowitz."

4. Come to class drunk and loudly proclaim in the middle of the lecture: "YOU GUYS ARE MY BEST FRIENDS!"

5. Tell the professor you're dyslexic and claim you need the answers to the test first, so you can work backwards to find the questions.

6. Bring a secretary to class. If the professor asks you a question, have the secretary explain that you are in a meeting.

7. Play Tetris in class, and every few minutes scream out "Fucking blocks!"

8. Respond to every question with "Nice pants." For example: Who was the king of France in 800? "Nice pants." What city did USA drop the atomic bomb on? "Nice pants." What is the Dockers slogan? "Nice pants." (Well, it doesn't work with everything)

9. Address your professor as "Tiger". "Is that gonna be on the exam, Tiger?"

10. Laugh uncontrollably while the professor talks about the oppression of slaves.

11. Ride into class on a goat. Act nonchalant.

12. Heckle the professor during attendance.

13. If someone tries to sit in the empty seat next to you scream out: "YOU'RE SITTING ON HARRY!"

14. If the professor asks you to answer a math problem, answer it in letters, explaining that you're allergic to numbers.

15. Interrupt the lecture with, "Do you dance with the devil under the pale moonlight?"

16. Chew down on your blue pen and get ink on your mouth. Casually explain to the professor that you were feasting on Smurfs.

17. Interrupt the class every 5 minutes with: "So where were the bodies hidden?"

18. Wear one of those disguises with the glasses, nose and moustache, and refer to the professor as "a stinka."

19. Insist that you wrote the textbook and that chapter 5-8 is all lies.

20. Hold up a big posterboard with JOHN 3:16 written on it.

21. Write your papers in IM language.

For example:
in ww2, french ppl didnt fight
they were 2 slop
then germany came and wuz like
french ppl lata!

22. Wear an eye patch to class. Change which eye it covers every 30 seconds.

23. Enter class with an entourage.

24. If the professor asks you a question, tell him you forgot to put in your contacts that morning and can't hear him.

25. Bring an alarm clock to class, have it go off, and repeatedly hit snooze.

26. Sit next to the kid that nods "yes" constantly while the teacher is talking, and continuously shake your head "no" during the lecture.

27. Excuse yourself from class and explain you're having "woman problems". This is especially effective if you're a guy.

28. Show up 10 minutes late, and yell out: "Stupid daylight savings time. I meant to be 10 minutes late TOMORROW!"

29. When writing a paper, plagiarize a trashy romance novel. Demand that Socrates did, in fact, have luscious breasts and milky white skin and you deserve an A.

30. Email your professor with an erotic letter complete with pictures, then send a followup with the words: "Oops, wrong email."

31. Bring in cabaret dancers and answer your questions in song.

32. If the professor asks you to answer a problem on the board, try doing it in pen as opposed to chalk, then start crying about how your pen doesn't work.

33. While the professor is talking, walk around the room. When he pauses, frantically try to find a seat. If they are all filled, yell out, "Damnit, I suck at musical chairs."

34. If the professor sneezes, say nothing. Ten minutes later, blurt out: God Bless You!

35. Show up to class in a pirate uniform. In your best pirate accent, yell out: "Arrrr, I demand mutiny!"

36. Draw yellow lines on the floor near your desk and put up a sign that says: PARKING ONLY FOR [YOUR NAME HERE].

37. Come to class in a Klan hood. Then remark to the professor, "Hey man, great to see you at the meeting last night."

38. Get to class before the professor, and station a bouncer at the door. Have the bouncer demand the professor pay a cover.

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 6:19 PM PST
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Monday, 19 January 2004
Another Survey

I AM: Kiko
I WANT: the dude who works at ATT Wireless in Fashion Valley.
I HAVE: $70 from my relatives up north.
I WISH: to see some of the friends I have lost touch with.
I HATE: the fact I have no courage when it comes to taking a chance with my lovelife.
I MISS: having a boyfriend.
I FEAR: being alone without anyone to turn to.
I HEAR: the Golden Girls and Jason Marz singing “You and I Both.”
I SEARCH: for the one thing I am missing in my life, a boyfriend.
I WONDER: what it would be like when I am all grown up.
I REGRET: nohing, I never regret anything in my life.
I LOVE: my friends, family, and life.
I ACHE: in my stomach.
I ALWAYS: smile because I have a nice smile with white teeth.
I DANCE: in the shower.
I SING: when I am driving.
I CRY: when I lost my grandfather.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: as perfect as I seem to be.
I WRITE: Xanga entries everyday.
I WIN: when I work hard and keep my eyes on the goal.
I LOSE: when I lose my focus.
I CONFUSE: a lot of people.
I NEED: a new and bigger DVD rack.
I SHOULD: get out more, start meet new people, and enjoy the night life.
DO YOU WRITE IN A DIARY: Yes, I write in my Xanga.
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK: I try, but I am not good at it.
DO YOU HAVE A SECRET: everyone has secrets, and they have the right to keep them.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE: If I didn’t I wouldn’t be complaining about my love life.
THE WEIRDEST PERON YOU KNOW: Kristi because she is exactly like me.
THE LOUDEST PERSON YOU KNOW: Kristi, especially when she laughs
YOUR CLOSEST FRIEND(S): too man to say.


HAVE (ANY) CRUSH (ES): at the moment, the ATT dude working at Fashion Valley
WANT TO GET MARRIED: yes, if it ever becomes legal.
GET MOTION SICKNESS: when I rode a 14 hour flight.
GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: I get along with my mom, but my dad, every once in awhile.
LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: they are cool, but I hate it when it messes up my computer.
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown.
BIRTHPLACE: Paniqui, Tarlac, Philippines


COLOR: Blue, White, Yellow & Gray.
DAY: Monday go figure.
MONTH: January.
SONG: At the moment, “I Dare You to Move” by Switchfoot
FOOD: Mexican Food.
SEASON: Winter.
SPORT: Volleyball.
DRINK: Hawaiian Punch




BOUGHT SOMETHING? Yes, a lot of things.
GOTTEN SICK? Gotten better now.
GONE OUT FOR DINNER? Yes, at an expensive sushi place in downetown.
WRITTEN A REAL LETTER? No, I don’t do those anymore.

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 11:52 PM PST
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Saturday, 10 January 2004
What was I doing when I was …
When I was one year old, I was living in the Philippines along with my mom’s family.
When I was two years old, my brother, Kelvin, came into my life.
When I was three years old, I realized who was really my father.
When I was four years old, I started preschool and got spanked with a meter stick.
When I was five years old, my mom, brother, and I were preparing to go to the United States of America.
When I was six years old, I stepped foot in America and got to meet my relatives in San Francisco.
When I was seven years old, Kenny (my best friend turned into my most hated ex-friend) throw up on my shoes.
When I was eight years old, my sister, Frances, came into my life.
When I was nine years old, I visited my Auntie Norm, Uncle Tom, Oliver, Shelia, and Eugene in San Diego.
When I was ten years old, I move from Alaska to California.
When I was eleven years old, I met my good Slagel in Port Hueneme.
When I was twelve years old, I entered the world of junior high.
When I was thirteen years old, I met Gil in my English Class.
When I was fourth teen years old, I experience my first gay crush, David Romero.
When I was fifth teen years old, I entered Hueneme High School, and the first person I saw was this gothic dude who look like a vampire.
When I was sixteen years old, I was reunited with Kenny, and through him I met Kristi, my best bud in the whole world.
When I was seventeen years old, well seventeen was the toughest year. First, a gunman came to my school and scared the h*** out of everyone. Second, I lost my grandfather who I haven’t seen in over eleven years. Last, a few months after I lost my grandfather, I lost my favorite uncle to cancer.
When I was eighteen years old, I followed Kristi when I moved to San Diego.
When I was nineteen years old, I was no longer a virgin, had my first boyfriend, and halfway out of the closet.
When I was twenty years old … who knows??? Life is full of turns and forks on the road. I never know what I am going to get with life, a sweet kiss or a nasty slap in the face. But in the end, I learn to take life as it is. It is the best way to live my life, and who knows someday maybe my wishes will come true.

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 12:17 AM PST
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Monday, 5 January 2004

Twenty Things You Can Get Frank for his Birthday …

1. Any stuffed toy, picture, etc of Eeyore
2. Any Adidas shoes, hats, or Apparel.
3. Gift Cards is always nice, especially from Old Navy and Wal-Mart.
4. A beanie would be nice because I have enough hats.
5. Video Games – I like Fighting and soccer games
6. DVD Sets – Alias Season 1 &2, Smallville, Queer as Folks, Mutant X or X-Men or DVDs – American Wedding, Underworld, and the Debut
7. Clothes from Old Navy or GAP
8. Fish for my fish tank
9. Clothes from Old Navy especially sweaters
10. Work out Equipment especially those for my abs
11. Blue Comforters for my bed
12. Sharper Image Things especially that coin organizer and DVD rack (I am running out of room for DVDs)
13. A New Backpack
14. Scrapbook Materials
15. Any Lakers, Duck, Kings (the Hockey team) Gear
16. A New Volleyball & Rackets for Badminton
17. A CD Player with awesome headphones
18. $$$
19. Boyfriend, Relationship, & Love (only gay guys can give me this unless you can hook me up with anyone)
20. Surprise me


First best friend: Gil
First real memory of something: When I was in preschool, and I got spanked.
First real kiss: ummm from a girl if you believe that.
First Job: Work Opp (a class)
First screen name: Nemesis84
First self purchased album: Love Always – K-Ci & Jojo
First funeral: My grandma (on my dad’s side)
First pets: A Turtle
First piercing/tattoo: Nothing at the moment
First credit card: No money for a credit card
First enemy: Dominador
First big trip: When I move to Alaska from the Philippines. (I got lost in the airplane.)
First play/musical/performance: A Christmas song
First musician you remember hearing in your house: TLC


Last cigarette: When I was 12 years old.
Last big car ride: I don’t remember.
Last kiss: New Year’s
Last good cry: It’s been awhile.
Last library book checked out: The Importance of Alexander the Great
Last movie seen: S.W.A.T. (Hot movie)
Last beverage drank: Spirit
Last food consumed: Shrimp
Last crush: Eugene
Last phone call made: I called Kristi to tell her about Orlando Bloom
Last TV show watched: Will and Grace (a touching episode)
Last time showered: six hours ago
Last shoes worn: Adidas
Last CD played: Clay Aiken
Last item bought: Carne Asada Burrito
Last annoyance: My Sister
Last soda drank: Sprite
Last ice cream eaten: Cookie Dough
Last shirt worn: Hanes white shirt
Last website visited:

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 11:52 PM PST
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Twenty Things You Can Get Frank for his Birthday …

1. Any stuffed toy, picture, etc of Eeyore
2. Any Adidas shoes, hats, or Apparel.
3. Gift Cards is always nice, especially from Old Navy and Wal-Mart.
4. A beanie would be nice because I have enough hats.
5. Video Games – I like Fighting and soccer games
6. DVD Sets – Alias Season 1 &2, Smallville, Queer as Folks, Mutant X or X-Men or DVDs – American Wedding, Underworld, and the Debut
7. Clothes from Old Navy or GAP
8. Fish for my fish tank
9. Clothes from Old Navy especially sweaters
10. Work out Equipment especially those for my abs
11. Blue Comforters for my bed
12. Sharper Image Things especially that coin organizer and DVD rack (I am running out of room for DVDs)
13. A New Backpack
14. Scrapbook Materials
15. Any Lakers, Duck, Kings (the Hockey team) Gear
16. A New Volleyball & Rackets for Badminton
17. A CD Player with awesome headphones
18. $$$
19. Boyfriend, Relationship, & Love (only gay guys can give me this unless you can hook me up with anyone)
20. Surprise me


First best friend: Gil
First real memory of something: When I was in preschool, and I got spanked.
First real kiss: ummm from a girl if you believe that.
First Job: Work Opp (a class)
First screen name: Nemesis84
First self purchased album: Love Always – K-Ci & Jojo
First funeral: My grandma (on my dad’s side)
First pets: A Turtle
First piercing/tattoo: Nothing at the moment
First credit card: No money for a credit card
First enemy: Dominador
First big trip: When I move to Alaska from the Philippines. (I got lost in the airplane.)
First play/musical/performance: A Christmas song
First musician you remember hearing in your house: TLC


Last cigarette: When I was 12 years old.
Last big car ride: I don’t remember.
Last kiss: New Year’s
Last good cry: It’s been awhile.
Last library book checked out: The Importance of Alexander the Great
Last movie seen: S.W.A.T. (Hot movie)
Last beverage drank: Spirit
Last food consumed: Shrimp
Last crush: Eugene
Last phone call made: I called Kristi to tell her about Orlando Bloom
Last TV show watched: Will and Grace (a touching episode)
Last time showered: six hours ago
Last shoes worn: Adidas
Last CD played: Clay Aiken
Last item bought: Carne Asada Burrito
Last annoyance: My Sister
Last soda drank: Sprite
Last ice cream eaten: Cookie Dough
Last shirt worn: Hanes white shirt
Last website visited:

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 11:52 PM PST
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Sunday, 4 January 2004
_ they call me: Frank
_ als0 : Kiko, Kiks, Lloyd
_ sex: Female
_ my first breath of air: January 10, 1984.
_ age: Currently 19 turning 20 in a few days
_ status: Single
_ nationality: Full Filipino
_ cl0sest friend: Kristi
_ worst: Getting caught sneaking out of the house
_ first word uttered: Mama??? I don’t know, ask my parents.
_ first best friend ever: Kristi P. Manalili
_ college: Fun, Interesting, and slightly better than High School.
_ occupation: Nursing
_ mobile: Dark Green 2000 Honda Accord
_ future resident of: San Diego, Ca
_ wedding: If this country ever legalize gay marriage.
_ children: @ most three .
_ looking forward to: my future b/f … whoever he is
_ NOT looking forward to: the end of anything meaningful in my life.
_ feeling: shitty
_ listening: Clay Akien – This is the Night (Danica Holler!!!)
_ talking to: Nobody.
_ watching: Record of Lodoss War
_ thinking of: How my meeting of Peter will turn out.
_ craving: Starbucks
_ missing: a lifelove
_ hating: my flabby abs
_ love is: Complicated
_ first love: that’s a toughy because all of my relationships never last long.
_ current love: no one
_ love or lust: Love
_ best love song: K-Ci & Jojo - All My Life
_ is it possible to be in love more than one person @ the same time?: Yes, things like this happens.
_ when love hurts, you: don’t let it get to me that much.
_ true or false: all you need is love: Yes, when all you have your friends and family loving, you couldn’t ask for more. It is the best thing you have.
_ is there such thing as love @ first sight: No, because all you’re in love with is their looks, and to me that isn’t really love.
_ turn ons: Physical – Adorable Face, Cute Smile, Nice Eyes, Slightly Taller, and not too muscular and not too skinny Personality - Sweet, Thoughtful (when they do something special out of the blues), Kind, Outgoing, Fun to be with
_ turn offs: Too Flamboyant, Liars, & Haters
_ does your parent`s opinion on your bf/gf matter to you? Not really, but when you’re unsure, their opinions can be helpful.
_ what kinda hair style? Hairstyle never really mattered to me.
_ the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: Whenever they do anything out of the blue, when you least expect it.
_ where do you go to meet new people? At my computer, I know I have to get out.
_ are you the type of person to ‘holler’ n ask for numbers?: No, I am the other person who gets hollered at.
_ dog or cat : Dogs
_ short or long hair: doesn’t matter
_ innie or outie: I'm an innie.
_ sunshine or rain: I like the rain.
_ moon or sun: Moon is less harmful
_ basketball or football: basketball
_ righty or lefty: I'm a righty
_ hugs or kisses: x0x0x0
_ 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 Best Friend
_ tv or radio: TV
_ starbucks or jamba juice: Jamba Juice
_ mc donalds or burger king: Burger King.
_ summer or winter: Winter.
_ written letters or e-mails: Written letters mean more.
_ playstation or nintendo: I have a Playstation, but I love Nintendo’s games.
_ disney or nickelodeon: Disney because Eeyore is Disney
_ car or motorcycle: Car
_ house party or club: House Party
_ sing or dance: I sing in the shower and dance when no one is around
_ freak or slow dance: Freak
_ yahoo messenger or aim: AIM.
_ google or ask jeeves?: Yahoo
_ can you swim?: Like a dog
_ whats your most embarrassing moment? I have so many.
_ whats under your bed?: dusk, paper cutter, DDR pads, barbells
_ what are you scared of?: Uncertainty
_ what is your greatest accomplishment?: graduating high school and making people happy
_ what kinda roof is over your head?: the one that keeps the rain from falling on me.
_ do you like tomatoes?: On a salad
_ internet connection: Cable
_ how many TVs in the house?: one for every room
_ how many phones?: one in everyone plus cell phones
_ how many residents?: Five
_ how many DVDs do you have?: too many, I am running out of room.
_ last dentist visit: Last year
_ last doctor visit: a couple of months ago
_ last phone call: to Slay
_ last IM: alowkrissy

Posted by blues2/kikoman at 1:19 AM PST
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