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                                                The Info!
1.  Cats paws are hard to notice but they have 5 toes on thier front paws and 4 toes on thier back paws.
2. Cats have the same blood has humans do AB Blood Type.
3. Cats think that humans are big cats which makes them think different.
4. Cats can't brush thier own teeth but are capable of getting diseases like we can in thier mouth so take them to the vet once a year to get thier teeth cleaned!!
5. If you have ever wondered why cats can fit through small spaces it is because they lack a true collar bone.
6.  The inner eye lid of a cat prevents it from getting dryness in thier eyes.
7. A certain form of aids can be in cats.
8. A cat is usually pregnant for atleast 2 months.

9. Mice can give cats tapeworms.
10. Cats claws go into thier paw when they are not in use.
11. The jaws on cats are strong and their teeth are sharp.
12. Cats have an undercoat and also an outter coat.
13. Cats enjoy human companionship.
14. When cats are born thierares are close but when they open thier eyes are blue they will change eventually turn a different color.
15. Cats can not see directly under thier noses.

16. Cats can live twenty years or more if they are well treated so take good care of your cat if you want it to live longer.
17.  Canine heart rooms are also something that cats can get.
18.  Most cats have no eyelashes.
19. Cancer can happen to cats but it mostly happens to older cats.
20. Cats can hear extremely well.

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