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Welcome to KARLA'S website

How do I begin to describe the best sister I have in the world? It’s true! Even if she is the only sister I’ve got! Seriously, though, I couldn’t ask for a better sister. She’s very sweet and caring not just to me but to our Mom as well. Sometimes she acts like a big sister reminding me of my responsibilities but, thankfully, these are few and far in between. She’s also quite studious. You’ll never know it the way she goes out malling and stuff but when it comes down to it, she can sit for long hours on end at the table just reading and studying. I wish I could do that. She also has a knack for singing. Nice to know those voice lessons paid off. We get along very well. It’s probably because we just ran out of things to argue about as we grew up. Overall, I wouldn’t trade her for any other sister out there. This one’s a keeper!