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Kelli and Justins Journal
Thursday, 27 November 2003
Lot Has Happend
Well alot has happend, umm starting with, Kelli actually spent the night, it was wierd she just needed to "leave" the second she woke up, she felt really uncomfortable around me i think. Then we got in a fight, i apologized for what she did, then we made up. Then another fight, Kelly and My fault. Then Kelli actually apologized. Which brings us up to right now, i invited her to spend the night, and she thought we shouldnt abuse the privilage, BS i say. I think she just doesnt like me as a bestfriend anymore. Honestly i dont either, i like her so much more than that. Its crazy actually, really, like but i dont know, ive only had these kinds of feelings one time before with Melanie the girl i liked for about four years straight. I wonder if it will be like this with Kelli. I hope so and also hope not.

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 7:58 PM PST
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Tuesday, 4 November 2003
Well Kelli likes tyler, but tyler, not so much. I think it wouldnt be such a good idea to go out, then kelli could never spend the night because he would be there, and i dont think her parents would let her if its just her and me, or i dont think she would. I dont know. Umm Wrestling started today. that pretty much it, im as sore as a mule. Bad inalgy but w/e. I am planning to go out with kelli this weekend she will hopfully pick me out some clothes and then she could spend the night. that would be fun. Fun fun fun. And tyler too, if he can. I will video tape everything again. We wont stay up as late and well hang out in the afternoon too. Well im gonna keep talkin to kelli.
Love so much,
"I have a hemeriod and cartman has a themepark" - Stan

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 8:18 PM PST
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Sunday, 2 November 2003
Well ummm... lets start with friday, we all went trick-or-treating. We were dropped off next to the park. When we go thier these guys threw a bomb at us and started chasing us. It was really really scary. Then we were trick or treating more with me acting liek i had terettes to get a laugh. We set off a string of blackcats next to Andrew Penroses house and everyone freaked out. We ran like hell. It was great. Then we got stopped by some mexican guy in a car. and he peeled off and shot a car. I personally dont think he shot it but everyone else is so sure. Then we ran and told these people and they called the coppers, Kellis mom picked us all up and we went to my house where we had tons of fun. Then on saturday Kelli came over, and we were having fun but kinda bored at the same time. Tyler finally showed up and things heated up. First he shit in this hat and threw it into the street. The he threw up in the "fag" bucket. Then i drop kicked him. Well then i finally asked if both of them could spend the night. My parents dilliberated for about twenty minutes and that was it. She spent the night. We really didnt sleep at all. Around two hours MAX. so when i had to wake up tyler she was in a rush to leave. I dont know why. She said she was just really tired but there had to be so much more to it. Im not mad cuz i know how akward it was for her. Tyler would not shut up about tits the whole night. Its cool that she likes him, hes soooo funny. I cant beleave how funny he is. Well im going to go.
"Screw you guys, im going home" - Eric Cartman

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 8:41 AM PST
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Thursday, 30 October 2003
Im going out trick-or-treating with Kelli tommorow. I think she got a little annoyed with me today, but i dont exactly know, she said she wasnt. Tyler is gonna hopfully spend the night tommorow. I feel like such a loser cuz i havent had any friends over or gone out in like three weeks. Its sad. But w/e i need a hair cut but i dont know how to cut it. Im done complaining. Umm, i didnt do any homwork. I will do it at school just one of those days i guess. Well im gonna go to sleep now,
La la lala is goes...

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 8:30 PM PST
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Wednesday, 29 October 2003
Bla Blah
Well today was really boring, i wanted to get a call during class, but i didnt. I dont know if i made the show, Alison said that he is always late with call backs but i really need to make it. I have to. Me and kelli are gonna trick or treat. I cant wait because we havent done anything forever. Nothing much to say. I might be doing another shoot on saturday.
Love Much
Rock non stop.

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 8:39 PM PST
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Tuesday, 28 October 2003
Well today at school was normal. Untill math. I sit behind Kelli and i was kinda being annoying. She kinda got pissy but i dont blame her. Then during PE i got yelled at by trying to go to get out of class. But it was fun during lunch cuz me and Emily hung cuz she helped me with a song for an audition. I think i nailed the cold read of the audition the music wasnt so good though, and i answerd a question wrong, im such an idiot. But i did good, they didnt call tonight and Alison said they are always slow with that kind of stuff. I hope i made it, i really really really dont want to be in Hershel. that would suck. But i have another audition tommorow for a radio commercail. I dont know how good ill do, i dont have the best voice. Jumping back to during school: I sawy Kelli and gave her a huge hug, she smiled. I like flirting with her, I like how we can do that. I dont know if Allie like me or anything, she keeps asking me about Klye Nolan, but i dont think weed make a good couple anyway. Well umm i still have homwork.
Love tons
chitty chitty bang bang

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 9:07 PM PST
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Monday, 27 October 2003
Blog Blog
Well me and kelly got in a "fight" i dont count it as one cuz i honestly dont care. The show for improve sucked today. And in math i get to sit behind Kelli, i am going to see how my test goes and if its better ill stay but if its worse im gonna move back cuz i get no work done. I have an audition for a show tommorow that i really want and need to get. I absolutley cant wait, i have no song though, im supposed to have one, but i dont. Kelli's new name is Dumb Face. I find it amusing i wish i had a nickname, ive never actually had one that people called me. But i like allie, i think, im not sure whats going on. Ive got no more thoughts for tonight and im gonna go do some math.
I am the dancing queen young and sweet, and i carry weapons.

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 9:08 PM PST
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Sunday, 26 October 2003
Well today i got up, late. I watched part of Legally Blonde with my sister, it was surprisingly funny. But then i had to go to an audition that i really didnt want to be in the show in the firtplace. I really really hope i make the audition on thursday, i better do awsome. Or else im playing a male Hershalette. I wouldnt want kelli to see that. But Then i went to the shoot. It was so so so so so so coool. Big lights, camera, action. I loved how the camera actually had real film. It made funny noises when it rolled. Cool. Then i had to wait for them to take me home. Lacey and her friend were the coolest, lacey was the director, they tuaght me alot. Now i know i want to be in filmaking somehow. I liked how they called me the talet and not the kid. Well that all i could think of. I didnt hang out with Kelli today, which made me upset, i mean now im the person who is always busy, and if shes anything like me she hates it. But i will make sure i have plenny of opertuneties to hang with her this week. Wensday, Thursday, and Friday, in the evenings work best. Well i need to get started on math. By by.

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 9:17 PM PDT
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Sunday, 26 October 2003
Well today i just stayed home all day, i woke up around 11 and i got a good nights sleep. Its soooo great to have Kelli back that i cant content myself. She went to the fair today will Allie, she said it was trashy but fun. She went on a ride that sounded cool. But tommorow i want her to come over, i doubt she will but i really want her too, we would only have like hone hour to hang, but hang'n is hang'n. I am excited about the movie tommorow, but kinda scared about the lady thats taking me home. There is a "cop" parked outside our house cuz our nieghbor got some threat of some kind. Im am scared, really, but nothing i can really do. I wish i was like at Kellis tonight. I really wish it was the type of thing where we could just be like "hey u should spend the night tonight, ok sure" and there wouldnt be any second thoughts. Cuz i mean we flirt but thats it, i like when we flirt, but nothing could ever happen. yeah well i think im going to go to bed now.
bad boys bad boy watcha gonna do...

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 12:18 AM PDT
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Friday, 24 October 2003
food for thought
Hey well i havent blogged in a long time. So ill just tell u stuff thats happened lately but it might not be in the right order. hehe. Well i went to the format concert, it was freaking awesome, i love them. I dont know why this is bugging me but i feel like kelly is kinda doing everything i do. I love ashton kutcher, her icon is "i love ashton" i love the format, all of a sudden she has i love the format written all over her and her stuff. i dont know why its bugging me but it is. But ive become really close to her, and I AM SO GLAD everything is back to normal with justin. I guess its kinda cool how we can flirt and stuff but we know where to stop. I feel kinda bad cause for like a week or two i was a BIG bitch to him and i have no idea why. It made me feel bad. But its all better now, Tonight was SO much fun. I am really glad ive become friends with Allie, Shes really awesome, we're alot alike. Jane is always so negative about everything and until tonight she was totally anti anything homecoming, and then she goes to the homecoming game, wtf? shes pissing me off, but were drifting apart anyways, same with me and melissa, i think shes going down the wrong path, shes becoming kindof a slut, shes gonna be soon if not yet. Its cause her parents are so protective she wants to rebel. but im not sure. I know if i were to lose Justin or kelly i would have to die. they are the greastest, i noticed tonight i always have fun with justin no matter what we do. Even running through an inflatable tent falling on our asses was great fun, i loved it. well im beat, im gonna go talk to ppl and go to bed

Posted by blues2/jandkelli at 9:53 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 24 October 2003 10:03 PM PDT
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