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Created by Jackie D. 2007 3 Column Layout Template


Please do not be concerned if you have given me information that is not yet linked.....I have it and it will return.

Also, please keep in mind, that it is almost impossible to build the families withour bringing in the families of Petty Harbour (connected to the South Side by a foot path), or even Port de Grave. They all fit in more than once.

Part of the revamping of the Southside entails bringing the Ebsary Web page here and I am updating at the same time.






I long for an old fashion summer, I pine for a swim in the ponds, I long for a row on the harbour and sigh for the days that are gone. Could I just once more stroll or roll down the old south road that I called home, and meet the boys that I worked and played with there, or stroll up the hill and pick a few bluegerries and meet people like the Harvey's, Whitten's, Ebsary's, Moores, Well's, Morris, Janes, Porters, Horwoods, Kennedys, Osmonds, Fogwills, Govers, Bishops, Meeles, Creelys, Fillers, Learnings, Cooks, Snows, Powers, Crainfords, Kings, Warrens, Ponds, Ford, Hiscocks, Shanos, Snelegroves, Clarks, Crith, Russels, Bennetts, Paynes, Kearleys, Roberts, Heaths, Kellys, Earles, Whiteways, Moreys, Mullets, Neals, Effords, Blundons, Gullages, Hunts, Noseworthys, Withecombes, Bensons, Hicks, Trenchards, Husseys, Byrns,Lidstones, Malones, Thomas, Thistles, Skinners, Mackeys, Tuckers, Williams, Curtis, Falks, Whites, Frenchs, Laundrys, Laymens, Skanes, Pintos, Cahills. Not forgetting our Battery Men, Guests, Burseys, Warehams, Lewis, Ennis, Holwells and the Tucker boys, Steels, Garlands, Kings Ryans and Captain Bob Shepherdd and family.

They had funny nicknames; Spider, Kian, Pat, Mick, Ginger,Goose, Banker, Bunny, Slogger, Gull, Soggy, Hickey, Chinney, Budsy, Quilty, Patch, Bucky, Shicky, Dicky, Two Holes, Anky, Diner, Duffy, Mac, Slim, Copper Top, Fox, Azzy, Splinter, Pudd, Ballsey, Barney, Fopper, Tiddly, Spatters, Hole In The Cake, Sonny, Twister, Hookey, Skit, Crannie, Cowey, Lady, Mogey, Chublin, Sammy Daw, Puppy and Inkey, Rashers, Poker, Spatters, Bug, Stud, Lige, Ockie, Barney, Dosey, Fagan and Shawner. What funny names yousay, thats how it was down the Southside in my day. It's all paved down there now with sidewalks, that nobody walks on. The old board walk is gone, so is the mud. Also St Marys Church and School and the good old Canon that served it well. If there is someone I have forgotten they were before my time. Oh how I long for those bright days to come again once more. But come again they never will cause now I'm 64


Thank you to the many people who have donated photos and information. I still have a long way to go to make this site into one that gives recognition to the community and the people that lived there.

Please email me if you have something you would like to add or if you can see that I am taking a wrong turn somewhere. A couple of people have added their ged coms to the site and old photos are turning up. Author Helen Fogwill Porter has allowed me to put up the first two chapters of her book, Under The Bridge, along with the photos that appear. This is a future project as I have loaned the book out……..

The Southside Hills 2007 project is giving the page a whole new look - I will give brief outlines of families with links to bio's, either found on the web or supplied by family sources. I am also working on a News Letter for you to leave upcoming events or inquiries, meet peopole who have contributed and some history on the families. This month I'll try my hand (with a little help from my friends) at the Adams Family - the first settler on the South Side (April)

Good Luck in 2007

Thank you for revisiting the Southside Hills.


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It is the responsibility of the user of this site to verify information against primary source documents before accepting as actual fact. The material contained in this website is obtained in a cooperative effort, and contain the merging of many contributors' data which often results in conflicting information. The law of averages dictates that there will be errors and ommissions.

We have made every effort to protect the privacy of living persons by attempting to eliminate the latest generations (primarily those born after 1930). Again, the law of averages dictate that, given the sheer bulk of information contained on this site, we will have missed some individuals.
