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Jacki's Page

I am designing this page to give others a little insight into my crazy world. Over this last summer (2003) I decided to start giving my life back over to Christ...where it belonged. I wasn't alone in this effort. I had a lovely support group along the way. Bryan and Amy, to you both I send out my deepest appoligies for all the nights you both must have sat up worried about where I was or what I was doing. You guys are the best, and I just thought you should know. Being "Cradyfied" isn't half bad either. I don't know who I would be if I didn't have a little crady blood in me. To Nich: Just for being the crazy guy you are...I say thanks, (I think). But honestly, you showed me a whole new side of dating that I never thought exsisted, or could exsist in today's world. You have given me the strength to do a lot of things I didn't think I ever could. You have lifted me up when I need it the most, and for that alone you are my Super Man. I love you and I can't wait until this summer... To Moose: I don't really have much else to say to you except thanks for letting me call you Moose, even when I said it to be mean. Last but not least, to my boyz back at JCHS: Danny, Jason, and even Chris- You guys make each day I actually show up for class a little more enjoyable. Chris man, you're always eating something, but thats cool because you know your stuff. Danny, you're always falling asleep some where, but thats cool too because I've never seen anyone work as hard as you do. And Jason, you really don't do much of anything, but thats especially cool because you're good at it. Thanks to all of you, you're a trip!
