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Version 2.0- Fallen From Grace
:.:Version 2.0- Fallen Angels.:.

Well, welcome to my webpage
As you can see, there's not many things here, so you just wasted about a minute of your life
But I'll get to doing

^That's my lupe in one of my favortie sites, Neopets. I actually like how I drew it, right now I'm just working on doing texture...most of the lupes I draw look like their fur is silken rather than..well...fur.

Inspiration derived from my soul...title of this work is: Hurt

CommentI like this one..that's all

CommentMy cybunny Sinave..that sardonic lil rabbit

Title: Summersleep

Title: Definition of Camaraderie

Title: Fly Away

Title: Shadoesong

Title: StarFireLupine

Title: MagicalChaos

Title: Thorn Banner

Title: Midoarie...again

Title: Paint MS

Title: A Rare Smile

Title: Trepidation

Title: Misfortune

Title: Cap'n Jack Sparrow...lupe form
For my wonderful friend Luna :3

Title: Savvy

Title: Cathedrial
Comment-First piccy of Cathedrial after being painted shadow

Title: Ave
Comment- Gem and Daemon ^_^..Actually very proud of this piccy

Title: Comrades
Comment- Misericy and Gemstar...friends forever