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Hardcore Who Am I
Fri, 15 Jul 2005
celebrity soulmate
Icca, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Indie

You're probably not one to take the path most traveled. In fact, an independent spirit like you would much rather carve out your own special niche. So it's only natural that your romantic match would be required to do the same.

Someone who's unique, intelligent, maybe a bit serious and brooding is right for the part. An indie actor like Johnny Depp seems best suited for that role. And it only makes sense that you'd rather have your rendezvous at places that are under the radar — just like you! So, keep making your own waves in the world. The awards and accolades are sure to follow for you and your celeb soul mate! And even if you don't live in the same reality as your celebrity soul mate, you can still meet someone who's indie close to home. So get moving!

Posted by ~ikka~ at 8:51 PM PDT
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astro in love
Ascendant in Gemini

With your Ascendant in Gemini you have a talent for variety in personal relationships, and you can enjoy many different kinds of lovers. A stick-in-the-mud partner who liked the same thing every time would be very boring.

Since you are an inventive lover, you need a very sensitive partner who can respond to your delicate touch and lively imagination. In fact, imagination is the keyword to your style.

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Sun in Virgo

Of all the Sun signs, Virgo is the most adept at the care and feeding of a lover. You will go to great lengths to find out exactly what pleases your partner and spend a lot of effort to provide it.

You also put a high value on a lover who is aware of what pleases you. You must, however, make a particular attempt to let your lover know just what makes you happy, because other people are not likely to be as observant as you.

You are more comfortable with a long-term affair that gives you plenty of time to structure the relationship.

Giving and receiving gifts, particularly hand-made presents, may be a very potent expression of love for you. But do not be disappointed if your lover does not appreciate your gifts as much as you do. Instead, find out the channel of communication that your partner treasures most and direct your love energies there.

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Sun in the Fifth House

For you, lovemaking is a positive and enjoyable form of recreation.

You do not sharply separate your love life from the rest of your pursuits, and much of the same pleasure you derive from sex you also get from other forms of recreation and social contact.

Your lover should be as much a free spirit as you, if you are to make the best use of your personal and sexual creativity. As long as you give yourself plenty of room, sex will always be a source of happiness and joy.

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Moon in Gemini

Your style of lovemaking is supple and adaptable; you happily participate in any kind of loving that pleases your partner.

Do not let the physical elements of sex interfere with or overcome the emotional side of loving.

You should have little trouble in discussing sex openly, finding out just what your lover's tastes are and how you can best please each other.

You should choose a partner who is not too possessive, for you need to know that you have freedom, even if you don't choose to exercise it. Be careful about making a personal commitment, for a lover may take it more seriously than it is meant, which could cause harm inadvertently.

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Moon in the First House

Your emotional state plays a prominent role in your decisions, and you respond strongly and quickly to the moods of those around you.

You are usually on top of any social situation and probably have the first choice of interesting or important partners in any group.

You have the ability to make up your mind very quickly in emotional affairs, and you choose the partner you prefer without hesitation. But it is wise to learn as much in advance as possible about your potential partners in order to avoid a too-hasty decision.

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Moon Conjunct Ascendant

Your strong personal presence makes you very noticeable and also causes you to have very quick, direct emotional responses. You should use extra caution and forethought, so that you will know how your responses are being interpreted by others.

At the same time, you should not dissemble, for you are not likely to be very good at that.

You may find that emotional problems lower your resistance to disease or that physical illness is a source of distaste or depression. In either case, you will be happiest with a lover who is sensitive to this problem and will help counteract it.

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Venus in Virgo

You are likely to be most comfortable with a familiar lover who knows your habits and desires very well. In order to enjoy love most fully, your partner must be completely aware of your likes and dislikes. Do not let antiquated moral taboos keep you from living up to your love potential.

You and your lover can find pleasure in writing down your fantasies in detail and exchanging them. This will make your lovemaking, in its own way, a dream come true.

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Venus in the Fifth House

For you, love is a happy, joyful experience, and your partner should share your open and optimistic approach. Whatever you want, you want it then and there.

Although you value close personal communication with a partner, you feel that it is better achieved on a mental plane rather than through sex.

You enjoy an artful lover, but one who retains a sense of youthful innocence, for whom experience and technique are not ends in themselves. Love must always retain the purity and beauty of a flower.

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Mars in Cancer

Your sexuality may have a very uneven rhythm, building up without expression for a time and then bursting out with considerable intensity. You are much more likely to get a satisfactory response if you let your lover know your intentions ahead of time so that he or she is fully ready for you.

Similarly, try not to be overprotective of your lover. Almost unconsciously, you may spin a web of protection around your partner, and even though it stems strictly from love, it may be too confining.

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Mars in the Third House

You are likely to be a rather conversational lover, and your gracious or stimulating phrases add a great deal to lovemaking.

You may express this talent by writing high love poetry or just by knowing how to talk a lover into bed, which can be a valuable gift in itself. Also you are a rather inventive lover who continually devises new delights for your partner.

On the contrary, if there is any problem here, it may be that you neglect to develop deeper personal communion within a relationship.

You are a very congenial person, and you aren't likely to be overly emotional or pompous about an affair, although you may be voluble about it. Your style in lovemaking is gentle and delicate, and you are happiest with someone who appreciates tenderness in love.

Posted by ~ikka~ at 8:29 PM PDT
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Sun in Virgo, Moon in Gemini

You were born with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Gemini. Both signs are rather intellectual, and you reflect a practical, utilitarian mind with planning and organizing abilities.

As a Virgoan, you are very subordinate and a servant of others. You pay constant attention to detail, and this makes you a very careful worker, especially in tasks requiring observation and exactitude. Through education and adaptation to environmental surroundings, your personality will become quick-witted, intelligent, and very versatile. You are one of those persons who can do any type of work that requires plenty of movement. In love matters you are rather cool but very expressive.

You must try to overcome your hesitancy and lack of continuity, dependability, and perseverance. Try not to be so critical of others.

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Ascendant in Gemini, Mercury in the Fifth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Gemini was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mercury is located in the fifth house.

Your ascending sign and the position of its ruler offers general information concerning the overall trends of the course of life and complements the data pertaining to your temperament, given previously by the analysis of the combined positions of the Sun and Moon.

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and among its key psychological influences over life there are the following: intellectual activities, humanism, and abhorrence of violence, constant doubt of all mental concepts, hesitancy and academic interest.

People whose ascending sign is Gemini usually appear as elegant, slender, expressive, and with very humane facial expressions. They are individuals with some literary inclination, dexterous with manual labors and crafts, apt, able, witty, inventive and very curious and subtle.

A Gemini in the ascendant will always distinguish herself by her rather eloquent speech and writing, her much occupied daily life, and her perpetual lack of an ability to effect swift and determined decisions. As a Gemini, you should try to compensate your hesitancy with fast thinking.

Your disposition to life-events will be kind and generous (within bounds) but not always fortunate, because of too much vacillation in decision-making circumstances. You possess the capability of rising in life because of your own intellectual assets.

Your mind is open and generous, and your intellect self-sufficient; yet on many occasions, judgment will appear as "twisted". You should restrain useless discussion, strife, and unprofitable argument as they're your worst enemies.

To achieve success, you should stress your literary and scientific studies, give free hand to your brilliant intellect in warranted circumstances, and apply your diligent nature to writing, traveling, communications, and human analysis. In all these activities you are at your best.

Mercury, the ruler of your life, appears in the fifth house. The primordial significance of this position is that the general course of your life will be closely influenced by and centered on matters of pleasure, society, business speculations, and emotions.

More specifically, Mercury tends to bring a certain anxiety in connection with sexual affairs, and further indicates a mental propensity in you to become fully absorbed by emotional conditions.

In summary, your life will be very much centered on the object of your love, and your mind will be concerned about the condition of your business.

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Moon in the First House

The Moon is in the first house. This position indicates that you are strongly influenced by your feelings and moods.

Your awareness of yourself is influenced by your momentary feelings, and this perception is subject to rapid changes of mood and emotion. In time, you will learn to understand why you react as you do to various situations, and then you can begin to change your response patterns and take more control of your life.

Others sense your lack of emotional self-sufficiency and tend to get involved in your personal affairs, even if you try to prevent it. You express your sensitivity through an emotional need to nurture and be nurtured by others. While you would like to have guidance and supervision concerning your goals and objectives, it would be better to achieve your aims independently so that you will not feel obligated to others.

The advantage of this position lies in your ability to sense other people's needs and desires.

In fact, you have a calming effect on people who are under stress, and this makes you ideally suited for working with the public.

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Moon Conjunct Ascendant

The Moon conjunct the Ascendant shows that you have some emotional hangups. You want close, intimate contacts with others, but you tend to keep people at arm's length because you are afraid you will become obligated to them.

You are a mass of contradictions - making demands on people but complaining when they do the same to you; expecting others to make overtures to you and withdrawing when they do. Although you are highly imaginative, you react to stimulating people in a generally negative and critical way.

On the surface you are independent, but you yearn for a quieter role in which you can enjoy the comfort of knowing that someone really cares for you. This can only happen when you lower your defensive barriers and learn to compromise by meeting people halfway.

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Sun in the Fifth House

The Sun was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This is a very significant location for the Sun.

There seems to be a progressive and gradual expansion of your feelings, especially the generative ones, throughout the years. Your life is oriented towards success in matters of enterprises, businesses, speculations, and society and pleasurable activities. Your love life promises to be very rich and will list many rewarding emotional attachments. In love you conduct yourself with dignity and certain poise.

Your pride is very sensitive in matters connected with your emotional nature. You are easily injured if your possessiveness and majesty in love is threatened. You can be very magnanimous and forgiving with the object of your love, and you will extend many positive qualities along with natural protection and strength.

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Venus in the Fifth House

Venus was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. At first glance this denotes rich, intense, and pleasant emotional events that will enhance your psychic nature. You are a person who could be regarded as fortunate in love and very successful. Whereas Venus grants the basic capability to reach full enjoyment from love and emotional involvements, it also indicates a tendency to be somewhat inconsistent, volatile, and changeable in romance. Although you are capable of loving intensely and with devotion, the tendencies are to lose interest after a certain time. You would be in a better position if you could exert some control over your span of interest.

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Saturn in the Fifth House

Saturn was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. Circumstances may oblige you to appear humble and patient in connection with love affairs and as a response to obstacles that will come between you and the object of your love.

It is possible that unless you can exert good control of your temperament, the obstacles can create a response from you that is harsh and severe. You must view these matters in light of the spiritual cause and effect.

We advise you to be very careful in business speculations and not to become involved in operations that have a risky element.

You should make an effort to become involved with the various human experiences of love so that your communicative power is increased. You must be sincere with yourself. Secretly you nourish the desire to be involved in human situations, but you apparently have lost the ability to relate to other people. A little more openness and confidence in your loved ones could be a good course to follow.

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AstroText Portrait - Short Edition
for Ikka (female)
born on 11 Sep 1979 local time 10:07 pm
in Providence, RI (US) U.T. 02+07
71w25, 41n49 sid. time 20:43:18
Planetary positions
planet sign degree house motion
Sun Virgo 18°43'45 05 direct
Moon Gemini 04°34'32 01 direct
Mercury Virgo 17°41'48 05 direct
Venus Virgo 23°30'47 05 direct
Mars Cancer 22°12'05 03 direct
Jupiter Leo 26°27'40 04 direct
Saturn Virgo 17°26'34 05 direct
Uranus Scorpio 17°52'40 06 direct
Neptune Sagittarius 17°45'58 07 direct
Pluto Libra 17°56'53 06 direct
True Node Virgo 08°25'14 05 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Gemini 02°38'00
2nd House Gemini 26°19'49
3rd House Cancer 16°38'12
Imum Coeli Leo 08°24'09
5th House Virgo 06°16'56
6th House Libra 15°48'04
Descendant Sagittarius 02°38'00
8th House Sagittarius 26°19'49
9th House Capricorn 16°38'12
Medium Coeli Aquarius 08°24'09
11th House Pisces 06°16'56
12th House Aries 15°48'04
Major aspects
Sun Conjunction Mercury 1°02
Sun Conjunction Venus 4°47
Sun Sextile Mars 3°28
Sun Conjunction Saturn 1°17
Sun Sextile Uranus 0°51
Sun Square Neptune 0°58
Moon Conjunction Ascendant 1°57
Mercury Conjunction Venus 5°49
Mercury Sextile Mars 4°30
Mercury Conjunction Saturn 0°15
Mercury Sextile Uranus 0°11
Mercury Square Neptune 0°04
Venus Sextile Mars 1°19
Venus Sextile Uranus 5°38
Venus Square Neptune 5°45
Mars Sextile Saturn 4°46
Mars Trine Uranus 4°19
Mars Square Pluto 4°15
Saturn Sextile Uranus 0°26
Saturn Square Neptune 0°19
Neptune Sextile Pluto 0°11
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

Posted by ~ikka~ at 8:25 PM PDT
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Now Playing: funk.
Birthplace:providence rhode islane
Current Location:humboldt county california
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:black
Height:5' 8"
Right Handed or Left Handed:LEFTY
Your Heritage:irish/italian
The Shoes You Wore Today:diesel breakin shoes
Your Weakness:bein weak
Your Fears:not doing anything with myself that amounts to anythin
Your Perfect Pizza:cheese,tomatoes,garlic,green onions
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:income
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:fuck this
Thoughts First Waking Up:reflections on my dreams
Your Best Physical Feature:i got a few good ones
Your Bedtime:when the party is over
Your Most Missed Memory:sleeping next to someone comfortably
Pepsi or Coke:neither
MacDonalds or Burger King:ick....neither never
Single or Group Dates:who dates??
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:fuck this noise
Chocolate or Vanilla:vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:white soy mocha with a raspberry shot
Do you Smoke:occasionally
Do you Swear:fuck no
Do you Sing:i try
Do you Shower Daily:yes
Have you Been in Love:yes
Do you want to go to College:i am
Do you want to get Married:probably not
Do you belive in yourself:hell yes
Do you get Motion Sickness:nope
Do you think you are Attractive:of course
Are you a Health Freak:maybe
Do you get along with your Parents:mostly
Do you like Thunderstorms:yes
Do you play an Instrument:psuedo instruments
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:umm...yeah
In the past month have you Smoked:yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs:yes
In the past month have you gone on a Date:date??
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:no.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:hell no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:yes
In the past month have you been on Stage:yes
In the past month have you been Dumped:nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:no
Ever been Drunk:yes
Ever been called a Tease:sorry. its true.
Ever been Beaten up:no
Ever Shoplifted:yes
How do you want to Die:quickly
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:happy
What country would you most like to Visit:bali
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:blue
Favourite Hair Color:blonde
Short or Long Hair:short
Height:taller than me in heels
Weight:somethin solid
Best Clothing Style:urban casual. no mess. no frills
Number of Drugs I have taken:yeah people on drugs count them...?
Number of CDs I own:millions
Number of Piercings:well...i had five. now i have none. im over it.
Number of Tattoos:none.
Number of things in my Past I Regret:a few


Posted by ~ikka~ at 8:11 PM PDT
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