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Step 2
First off find the Axp Extreme Beta 6 Mod or the mod your wanting to install, right click on the icon and it will pull up a menu in that menu click ( Extract Files ). Once you do that it will bring up this window below.
Step 1
From here go into your C drive ( default setting for install of AvP2 is Program Files on C drive ) or where you installed AvP2.
A View of what you Program Files folder will look like
Once you find the Program Files folder open it up and look for FOX folder and AvP2 will be inside that folder highlight AvP2 folder by clicking ONE time and click OK....Extraction will begin
Step 3
Once the extraction is complete open up AvP2 to the first load screen and click OPTIONs.
Step 4
After clicking OPTIONS this window will come up, type and or copy/paste the command you need into command line ( Commands are always in the read me files or find what file/mod name is and type......  -rez NameOfMod.rez ) then click OK and then Play. Remember by clicking the BOX under the command line it will always load that command when you start up AvP2..So leave box unchecked and just copy/paste when you want to use that mod.
Step 5
Here are the mods we run as of right now and the commands.
1: HR Map Pack 1 = -rez HRMP.REZ
2: Axp Extreme = -rez axpextremebeta6.rez
3: Both Axp X and HR Map Pack =             -rez AXPEXTREMEBETA6.REZ -rez HRMP.REZ
OK I hope this helps out those of you that dont know how to install mods, this is pretty easy to follow so you shouldnt get lost. Good luck and enjoy the mods. Goto for the files.
{HR}Maj.Suke'roku      A.K.A     The Fuzz
Ok first things first you need to have a program called WINRAR to extract these files, if you dont have this program goto and get WINRAR 3.3 it should be first one on the page. Also here is what a WINRAR file looks like once you get and install the porgram.

Those are the 5 steps to installing a mod, if it dont work after you install it you did something wrong so start from step 1 again!!!

There has been talk of people re-naming the -rez files after unzipping, PLEASE DO NOT re-name these files they have been named for you so leave as is!! Thanks

Brought to you by {HR}Maj. Suke'roku and the {HR} Clan
Installing Mods
Mod names and commands are at bottom of page
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