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Tears of relief... coping with depression

This website is for those in pain - it's a long, hard struggle trying to help yourself, or let anyone else help you, when you suffer from depression. You can feel frustrated, hurt, tearful, angry, guilty, sad, trapped and more - all within the space of five minutes! But you can get over these feelings, and see a much brighter tomorrow. I'm not there myself yet, but I have faith that I can make it, and I want to give other sufferers a little bit of faith too. Bex xxx

My Favorite Web Sites

Depression-forums: This website has helped me so much - thankyou guys! / com: The ultimate girly website.
Weebl (and sometimes his friend Bob): The funniest cartoons I've ever seen - PIE! The key to hapiness? A good laugh.

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
