Les Grands Moyens

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coname=Les Grands Moyens [ The story of a 'woman' ] CENSORED STORY...The day I publish the entire story,she would lose her mind or...more probably she would be killed... DAYS AND NIGHTS DARK NIGHTS OBSEVATIONS AND FACTS THE PLAN ACCOUNTS KAMASUTRA THE SICKNESS WITHIN I had started this log with the title of 'A night to remember' on the very first night.I was so happy and excited on that night... I changed the title today, 02.10.04. Important facts ORIGINAL DAYs AND Nights 20.07.-Fixed broken glass at Mme Shek.And electric job... ======================================== 02.08.04.Mme phoned me at about 7.00.Told me to come.Asked her if I would need any tools.Told me to bring some tools because a few things were broken. I went at about 8.00.Saw all the broken things including motorcycle.No-one was at home.I phoned her and she told me she was at her sis-in-law.Came about 30 mins., later and told me to repair motorcycle's broken things.And gave me Rs 2000 for expenses.(I returned the rest in the afternoon). Dismounted things and went home.Searched for headlight and mirrors.Finally got headlight and both lamps but no mirrors.Came home and drilled hole in headlight.After 'depannage' at Samud, went there again.Replaced headlight.Cut glasses (after several trials and errors) and fixed mirrors. Fixed telephone line. She came at about 16.00 together with Maria,the servant of calodine and her daughter.I was cutting the mirrors from her aquarium.It was a tedious work and took a very long time as several times I messed-up the work and had to do it all over again...At a certain moment Maria's daughter came near me and began talking and asking childish quuestions...She stayed for about 10 minutes and I was rather surprised...After all it was the first time that she saw and spoke to me...While she was still with me,M came out,followed by Mme who told me that they were going to shut the gates because of Him.....M told her daughter to learn/understand the works that I was doing,etc.The girl would have stayed longer but because I couldn't speak very much to her(I was a bit embarrassed),she went in...Mme and Maria had spent about 10 to 15 minutes inside in the absence of the girl. (I understood what happened during those 15 minutes much later…) I bought two padlocks and gave them to her and told her to put one in the house-door and one in the gates at night… He came at about 18.00 when I was finishing (replacing bathroom switch).Asked me about headlight.Told me to take out mirrors and cut new mirrors at 'Miroverrre'.And then told me to take out doorlock and replace it.I told him I'm going to tell Mme but he said 'no,I'm telling you'.I took out mirrors and doorlock but didn't replace it.At a certain time he told me that I didn't go to repair his mother's 'douce'.I told him that I would go on the following day.He went.away while I was still taking out the lock....... (See 'Dark Nights'). At about 23.00 Maria phoned me to say that she counted on me if there was a problem.I told her it's ok. I had left at about 20.00 to 20.30 and they were on their own till 23.45 (probably a second and rather long session was taking placeJ ) when Maria phoned me again and told me that he was here and to phone the police.I phoned 999 and asked about pte aux ca., station number.Then I phoned and told the police.They told me to come and make a statement.I told them I don't know what will happen by the time I came there.They again told me that I must make a statement.I went there and Milo's neighbour me that the police had gone there but they were not finding his house.And he told me to go there.I went and from a distance I saw two 'cars'.I phoned Ma.. and asked if the police had come.She was crying and told me they hadn't come.I went to the station again and waited for about fifteen minutes.Milo's neighbour asked me 'Sa Sungkur la pe fer coumsa hein ? Ki lin gagner sa Sungkur la ?' and then he told me that in a husband-wife relationship the police cannot do much.I asked 'even if he threatens,beats and strangles his wife ?' He told me that even then the most they can do is to talk to him and that they had no right to lock him up,unless she goes to 'The woman and child protection unit' or else if she asks for a 'FORM 58' and goes to the hospital.But that if he was in a staying order then they would lock him up.I told him that she had applied for a staying order today.He then asked me if they were in the act of separating.I said 'yes'. At some moment he said 'Lin lacke ar sa femme la'. Then again 'femme la in lack li sa.' Then the police car came followed by HIM.One of the police (who was in the station,and not the car,probably Milo's neighbour) came out smiling and said in a friendly tone 'aw re , konchi hol...'.Then I went out and phoned Ma.. several times (engaged) then I phoned Mme.She told me that HE had cursed her and Ma.. big words and I could hear Ma.. crying loudly and saying that she was going home...Mme kept talking to me and telling me all that heppened.I understood that she wanted some comfort.From time to time she talked to Ma too....My mobile credit ended. 03.08.04-(Following day) I phoned Mme and she told me all,about Maria having departed during the night,about what he said to the police.I told her about what story he had been telling the police and told her about 'form 58' and 'woman and child's protection unit' Told me ‘Quand la police ti vini lin (the PD) dire zot ki moi et Maria noun bien boire et noun soule et apres nous in alle ‘faire’ ar so tifille…’.I thought I hadn’t heard it well and I re-asked it. She also said that the child being little,she didn’t understand anything and she was just watching dumbly…Then the PD went in the house to search for empty bottles and cans…He didn’t find any.(Of course I had taken them and thrown them at the road-curve on my way homeJ ). Then He took some old bottles of wine and showed them to the police.She told them that they were old bottles and they were dry.Then the PD told them to give her an alcohol-test.She told them ‘Ou envie prend ene alcohol-test ar moi? Be prend li’. All the policemen began laughing… Then she told a policeman she wanted to talk to him alone.She told him that she just had a few drinks in her house.Was it illegal? The guy said ‘no’. While telling me all this,she was laughing merrily… Some minutes later she phoned me and asked me if I could come and repair the lock at her house itself (though I had told her that I was presently repairing it).She was probably feeling afraid/alone.And she told me to take measures for the 'barreaux'.I said ok,I'll come soon.But the lock took me rather long.When I was finished,she again phoned me and told me not to come today because she was alone and the 'fouca' would probably begin accusing her of having something between us... The PD'S DRAMA Mme and me,we saw his red 4x4 going in the direction of Minou's house but it didn't stop.Mme said that it was Shek.(He saw that I was still there.) When he came much later (probably thinking that I had gone) I made a show of still working ,though I was finished,because Mme didn't want me to go.During this time he had used some harsh words about not wanting a person like Ma.. in his house.(He had probably wanted to use violence to expel her,but didn't because I was there at that time).(And that's why Ma.. was so afraid since his departure).Then he told me to take out the doorlock and go and buy a new lock (probably to leave Mme and Ma..alone with him).Then seeing that I was still taking time to remove it,he went at Minou's house,according to Mme. At about 19.00 I went to buy the beers and came back.(He was probably watching all).Mme,Ma.. and me talked for a long time but still he didn't come.(Probably still waiting for my departure).I went home at about 21.15.But he only came at about 23.45.(All those minutes he was probably waiting to see/hear me go home ,but I had gone home by the opposite road :) And probably his mind was boiling with images of me,Mme,Ma.. and her daughter drinking and making love on the bed!) So when he finally came (probably tired of waiting or boiling hot :) ) ,he didn't see me and so he told the police (in front of Mme,Ma.. and her daughter) that they had got very drunk and were palnning to go to bed and have sex with Ma..'s daughter!! He had probably avoided doing his 'delerium' in front of me for the following obvious reasons - He knew that I had a certain respect for him and that he would lose it,I use to work for Minou's family and for his mother and I would tell them all,I could be a witness for his 'fouca', and maybe because I was a man and he always terrorized women who are alone... (04.08.04 to 07)- Have been going to Mme's house everyday to do odd jobs.(I don't remember what works I did,but they were numerous...)And I almost always take the other road,so as not to pass before Takoori's and Minou's house.Repaired phone two times because he had broken the wire two times.And then he wasn't satisfied with the moto-mirrors.Her sister was to get married during the following week-end.Her other sister and her French sister-in-law had come to stay with her. She had told me to come and do some works. When I was there at one moment she told me to put the water-pump in the pool.While we were walking to the pool,she said ‘Avant Kiran ti pe faire tout c,a’.I smiled and nodded my head.And then… I saw her watching me with a serious and suspicious face…I didn’t understand anything then…But of course much later I understood it all after I knew her relationship with Kiran. She also asked me if my ‘helper’ was free.I said ‘no’.She told me that because there was company at her house,she wanted to clean up the garden and asked me if I can help her when she returns (they were going out in a car).I said yes.But they were so late(they came late in the evening) that I did all the clean-up all alone.The PD had come when I was doing the works.He asked me why ‘they’ were making me do the garden-works? I told him that Mme had told me to do it because she has got company. 06.08.04(Friday)- Did some works and Mme told me that she would go to her sis's wedding and asked me to give food to the dogs during two days.And told me to accompany the servant,Geeta, tomorrow (due to the dogs). 07.08.04- Was at the wedding.I went and waited for Geeta but as the dogs were friendly with her I went away.Phoned her and told her about it.She said that I wouldn't need to go in the evening. 08.08.04(Sunday)-Was at her house at about 10.30. 4X4 was in the yard.All the exterior lights were on.Went to the house-door and knocked and waited.He was talking to someone (direct or phone) and he never came out.I gave the food and water to the dogs and waited for them to eat and then went away. 09.08.04(Monday)-Went at about 10.30.No 4x4.Only 'terasse' lights were on.The yard was littered with pastic bags containing the rests of foods.The loose dog didn't want to eat anything.But the tied one had great appetite.And the one at the rear of the house had little appetite.Gave them water too and waited until the tied one had had enough.Then went out.A man was standing on the road at the front of 'voisin' house.Pretended not to look at me.Just when I was going saw a white car ,almost like Mme used to have,which seemed stationary at Minou's house ,take off too.Went slowly.But the car was coming much,much slower.Came to 'patisserie' which was closed and then I turned back to go home.Just when I was going by the 'debouche' I saw the car stopping there.I made a mental note of the number - 180 june 93. 10.08.04(Tuesday)-At about 7.30 Mme phoned me and told me to come at 8.30 or 9.00 as she had some work to be done.Also told me that her current Nokia mobile was lost at her sister's wedding ,that's why she couldn't phone me.I came at about 8.45 and she told me to put in her account a cheque of Rs 34,250 at her bank (Barclays). (All her bank dealings are done with her maiden name- (Veena),Miss Deeviajotee Jeeneea.). Also told me to repair a pair of glasses (Anjali’s) and to give RS 1500 to Gulshan and tell him to make the 'antivols'and then to come back as she had other works for me to do.I went to the bank and then to the optician,which was closed.Went to search for an optician at Super U,but there was none.Phoned her.Told me to see at Triolet and pay Gulshan and then come.I did these things and bought some batteries for her phone indicator and repaired her broken phone wire as a 'reserve'(I had replaced it with a new one).Then I came back to her.Told me that she will need to put 'antivols' in the two upper-doors too,but she was preoccupied with the cost.I proposed a simple one.She agreed and told me to take the measures.Also told me to look for someone for the garden.(I intended to see Nikola and told him about the work in the evening.He told me he will come to see at about 12.00 the following day.)We talked for about 30 mins.,while we drank two beers in 'gilass' (because she didn't want her children to know it was beer).She told me that when he comes he will ask the eldest one about what her mum had been doing and she will tell,and she always does...That's why she put on a show that we were discussing about works. Told me that she was going to France (I was the first to give her that idea to her,though she was reticent at that time),with her children,where her mother and sisters live,probably in September and that she hoped her divorce would be finalised by then.On 12.08 she was going to finalise the 'staying order'.Jokingly told her to look for a good man next time.She said that she wants to live a life of freedom for a long time as she had had enough of all these problems.Again jokingly I told her to change her hairs and make it 'blonde' as it will look pretty on her ,and then to send me a pic of her.She said that she has already planned that and much more for her future life in France.Told me that she will again be rich and come and build a house in about ten years.She had lost all because of him.She had contributed half of the cost of the white car which had cost Rs 1.5 million.And because he had destroyed the car in an accident ,while he was drunk,the Insurance wouldn't pay and she wouldn't get a ruppee.She told me that she was sorry for what would happen to her dogs.I told her to tell the MSPCA to take them away.She also told me she wanted a night-guard.(She has been telling me this almost everyday,though we both understand that it would cost her money that would be difficult to afford.)At one moment I meant to tell her to stop being afraid of him and I started thus ; 'Mo pe faire tou se ki mo pe capave pour tire ou dans sa problem la...' .She thought I was talking about money and began to say that,that was no problem she has already thought of that and to calculate all my works,..etc. I told her I wasn't talking about money but I wanted to tell her to stop being afraid.She told me that when the 'stay order' would be finalised she would no longer be afraid of him.I also asked her what to do if he told me to stop coming there.She told me that with the 'stay order' I shouldn't listen to him anymore but to her,as she is the one who tells me to work for her and who pays me.I asked her if Maria was still working with the brothers.She told me that Ashok too had cursed her for that night but that she was still working for them as she liked working there very much….At one moment she said that she feared that 'He' would begin doubting our relationship,as he had done to the others.I told her that it would happen sooner or later.. Same day at about 20.15 ,I was repairing her 'samsung' charger,she phoned me to tell me that she urgently needed a charger for a Nokia that she had,as she was going to make overseas calls and she was afraid that her home phone might be on 'surveillance'.(She had already told me of her doubt that he might have done that as he had friends in the Telecom.) I phoned Raj at home.No answer.I phoned Samud.He said ok.I phoned Mme and told her I got it.After a while she phoned me again and told me that if anybody asked why I had come then to tell that I come to fetch the Rs 1500 (that she had already given to me) for Gulshan.I took the charger and went.Stopped at her gate and she came.I gave it to her through the slit of the gate and then she told me 'I know that you are doing much for me and keep this Rs 500 and deduce it from ny account'.I told her 'You know,I'm not doing this for money.' She looked in my eyes, a bit uncomprehensively,and I stared her back ,all my mind trying to send the silent message as to what I felt for her.I think she received the message.She said 'I know Soobee.I know how you are'.And that took away all my doubts that she was insensitive as to what I was doing for her.I felt such a relief...I knew what I was doing for her wasn't being wasted. I told her that I only wanted to get her out of her problem.She told me that she would get out.And again she told me to deduce whatever expenses.I told her that all this wasn't my job and I don't know how to estimate it and I haven't estimated anything.And that it's up to her to give me any sum that she would feel right.All the while she was acting 'childish', hurrying,telling me to go before anyone sees me.I liked that 'childishness' very much. 11.08.04 - I phoned her to tell that I was bringing Nikola to see the works at about 12.00.She said ok but to talk about the labour cost with him,myself. So I brought Nikola to see the work.She explained him and told me that tomorrow she won't be at home and to be with Nikola.And she told me that the toilet water hose was leaking.I moved it a bit and it broke out.I told her that it needs to be replaced and we searched for a 'cle a mollette' but there was none.So I told her that I would bring it from home.And she told me that the water-pump wasn't ok.I told her that I would service it too.Went home (after leaving Nikola at Choisy) ,took all the tools.But then thought that it wouldn't be a good idea to do it today,but tomorrow when she wouldn't be at home.(We have been trying to avoid being together as much as possible,mainly because of him, and also because of other people too.Besides when I was comimg with Nikola,I saw Mme Takoori standing outside and looking at me with a smile on her face...Probably that night's events reached her ears...) So I decided to ask Mme if I should do the servicing today or tomorrow.I bought a one-foot hose and went to her house.I fitted the new hose.And before I asked,she looked at me and told me to do the servicing tomorrow.I looked at her and...we understood each other and I told her it's ok.She also told me that she had asked her mum (who was still here since the wedding) to come and stay for about 10 days,i.e. till she returns to France,but that other women relatives were coming with her...She told me that when the relatives depart,she would tell her mum to stay with her alone for three days.. I also asked her as to how I would contact her when she were not at home.She said that her mobile being lost... I told her that she had the Nokia.. She told me that tomorrow she would tell me how to contact her.(Probably kept the Nokia-number totally private).She searched for her 'samsung' mobile everywhere but couldn't find it.She gave me RS 8000 to give to Kiran),(she still keeps contact with him despite everything she says to me about him being her husband’s spy,etc) who will give it to her landlord….I left and went straight to Plaines Des Papayes so as to repair the hole in the moto's air-chamber and to replace the worn-out tyre.While there she phoned me to say that the landlord was at her house and asked if I could come.I told her where I was.The landlord asked me about the location and told me that he was coming.He came and I gave him the money. 12.08 - Came with Nikola and we did all the yard-works together.At 16.30. we departed,even though she had told us to wait for her,for Nikola was in a hurry. From that time I waited...and waited for her call and I was feeling to sense that something was wrong... 13.08.- As she still hadn't phoned I phoned her at 9.00 and told her that Gulshan and me will come to fix the 'barreaux' .She told me that she would go out during the afternoon and I told her that it would be done by that time.I also told her about Nikola's balance...she told me if I want to come.I told her I would come in 30 mins., .I went and she gave me the balance.Then when in the 'terasse', we furtively talked a bit. (This has become a ritual since the children have come and are staying glued to the TV.) She told me that He had come yesterday evening and had done a big show of being angry in front of her sister and ...(maybe her brother-in-law).She had answered with a firm 'NO' to his questions about where she had been. And she told me that the 'stay order' had been finalised and signed by her and she was only waiting for the 'barreaux' to activate the 'stay order'. Then...one of the chidren called her (as always, when we talk in the 'terasse') and she went hurriedly...and when I was leaving she asked me if I was sure that the 'barreaux' would be fixed tomorrow.I told her that it was sure to be done. 14.08.04- Phoned me at about 8.30 and told me that He had come and had done his 'fouca' again and she had called the police and he had ran away to Minou's house.She asked me to come now itself if possible.I said that I'm coming and Gulshan had said that he would come as soon as he gets the 'transport'.I went there almost immediately.She had put the 'cadnas' in the gate (on the phone she had told me that she had done it because of him).She came to unlock it and asked me if there was a blue car on the road.I told her there was a blue car with a yellow plate near Minou's house.She told me that it was him and that he was waiting.She put the 'cadnas' again and we went in the house.She was somewhat afraid and she told me to act I were doing some works at the backyard.We went there and she hurriedly told me of the events ( she told me that when he was near Minou's house he intercepted the police on the way and told them that she wasn't letting him see his children.She told me that she couldn't wake up her children who were still sleeping.And when she asked him as to why he had come exactly,he said that he had come to rest..She told him 'you were out all night long and now you have come to rest?') We went inside and she told me to act as if I were doing works at the back-yard.I did some works there and then Gulshan came and his driver's diesel was finished and immediately I had to go to bring it.When I came I saw that the car was in the yard and he was in the 'salon'.I took Gulshan in the salon.(Then,I started breaking the ice for Mme and for Gulshan and for me).We went in the 'salon' and found Him looking at the wall and writting things on a notebook (he was probably making a show,because he had come to harass Mme and he didn't expect us).I spoke jokingly with him and he did the same.Then he said that he was working there (or occupied) and wait for Mme to come,outside.We waited in the 'terasse' for some minutes.Then I told Gulshan that we start connecting the soldering-machine and we went in the salon.Once again he said 'mone dire ou mo occupe la.Attane madam la vini.SORTI EN-DEHORS'. When Mme came and we started working he asked me if we were to put 'barreaux' in the upper doors too.I said 'yes'.Then took us to the gate and told us to solder a piece of iron plate to the gate so that a 'cadenas' could be used there. When the works were over I told her to come at the back-yard and gave her Raj's mobile which she happily took.I told her if she could buy the battery herself.She said yes because she was going to her mom's house and she would buy it on the way.I asked her if she were to return back the same day.She said 'no'. Gave her the sword (that couldn’t cut anything) and told her to always keep it under the bed-mattress.She said that she already had one but she will keep it too. 15.08.04 - She didn't phone me.I thought it was normal as she was at her mum's house.(But I learnt later that she hadn't gone there). 16.08.04- Today I was very worried as to why she wasn't calling me.I was worried that maybe something was wrong again...Phoned me at 16.04 and as I didn't answer (was sleeping) phoned again at 16.18 to tell me that she was trying to call someone's 'Emtel' and that maybe the credit was finished,and as I use 'Emtel' ,to call Asha or Mme Teeluck (probably the same person) at 7117211 and tell her to phone Mme.I asked her to wait while I get a pen and paper to write down the number.While I was getting them,I asked her if she had already bought the mobile's battery.She said something like ...'no-one came to take her (probably to her mum's place).And then she began giving me the number even if I didn't tell her to go ahead(I hadn't got the pen and paper yet).I phoned the number but there was nothing to be heard... So I phoned Mme.She answered after a long while and I told her I didn't make it.She hurriedly said 'it's ok' and said that she was going... 17.08.04- No contact and no calls. 18.08.04- Phoned me (from Anjali's mobile) at 17.18 and told me to go see if everything is ok at home as 'she wasn't coming home'.Also told me to see if the servant comes tomorrow at 8.00.(First told me to go and see,and then told me to phone at home and see if the servant answers tomorrow).I went at about 19.45 and when there,phoned her and told her that one of the dogs had strained the gate's chain and had got out and that she had left the new cassette-player in the porch and that everything else was ok.She told me to hide the cassette-player and to tie the gate-chain well.I asked her if this is her new number.She told me that it's Anjali's mobile and that I could phone her at that number without any problems. 19.08.04- I phoned at her house to know if the servant has come.She answered present.During daytime I phoned her to tell that someone is interested to work and stay at her home at night (Nikola's mum).She said she'll phone me later to talk about it and also asked me if the servant had come today. 20.08.04- She phoned me at 16.12.I asked her if the 'stay order' was ok? She told me that it will be soon. She also told me that she had gone on a tour to Mahebourg with the children.I jokingly told her 'Pe alle promener tout hein ? Sa mem mo pe penser ou pas pe sonne moi narien!' (I was so relieved that she was talking normally, without telling me that she had a new problem,that I felt happy and I automatically began joking with her,for the first time).Then she told me that she still didn't get the opportunity to buy the battery.Before she asked me I offered to buy it.She said she wanted to ask me just that as Anjali and she ,they were continuosly fighting about it.Told me to put Nikola's mum 'en attente' (I told her who wanted the job) ,as she was worried that He would create problems with her too.I asked her if the 'stay order' wasn't applied yet.She said that it will be soon.I said that it was taking time.She said something like ' there were a few matters to settle first and then it will be ok.' She also told me to phone her when I was coming to give her the battery in the evening...then she said that it would be better if she phoned me as He was coming to take the children to his house.(But she didn't phone me again that day).I asked if she was to stay alone at night? She said that she will be ok now,what with the 'barreaux',etc.And then she had the servant who comes to help her in the morning. She also said something like 'As the children are now going to school ,they got to be prepared in the morning ...' ...and then stopped.I could hear Anjali complaining to her.And Mme was telling her 'Anjali moi mo pas in sonner'.Anjali was again complaining and then Silence...I said 'allo' and then...the call was cut. 21.08.04(Satur.)- That was the day,my friend.She called asked me if ti weren't better if I took the mobile and test the new battery first.I agreed.(I left Tulsi's work and went at her home to take it).I then went Grand Baie and was told that I wouldn't find it there.It was raining and by the time I reached home I was totally drenched.I changed clothes and went to port Louis and searched and searched for the battery...until I got it.When the seller tested it,it worked.......(See Dark Nights). 22..08.04(Sunday)- No calls,no contact. 23.08.04(Monday)- She called (on her secret mobile) and told me that's the secret number where I should send my sms's.(has been telling me about it since 2,3 days but maybe she was hesitant about giving it to me...).Inquired about the mobile(Raj's one).I told her that I would bring it in the afternoon. I asked her if there was any problem on that day.She said that there was no problem but the relatives were 'ti pe tire la tete pour guette ou' .And she again said that I should have departed earlier. 24.08.04- I had gone to visit her building ,with Raj.Just when we arrived at the building...she phoned (even if she didn't know that I would be there,that day and that time...) She asked me where I was.I told her 'do you know where I am...I am at your building!' Then she asked me at what time does the banks close.I told her 14.30.She told me to come home at 14.00 as she had some money to deposit at her bank.I told her that maybe it would be better if I came a bit earlier.She said yes,but she doesn't know if she will be at home,as she was at Mont Choisy.Then she told me to phone her when I'll come. Raj and me,we visited the building and spent a long time outside,talking.Suddenly I saw that it was already 13.50.So we went away hurriedly.I left Raj near his home and speeded to Choisy.When near the toilets (on the main road) I phoned her.She told me she was on the beach,near the toilets...and there was a red 4x4 near her (His ).I went and found her and she came from the other side of the 4x4.She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit with a pareo around her hips.She said that I shouldn't be there for long 'cause people might see...asked me if I had her acccount number (I hadn't).Then she told me the number and I stored it on my mobile.She gave me Rs 10,000 to deposit in her account.She also said that I shouldn't phone on her 44 mobile often as it could be seen in the end-of-month bill.I asked her if the bill wasn't in her name.She said yes,but 'il suffit qu'il voit une copie au Telecom et il vera tout mes appels'.I speeded to her bank and arrived there 14.25.I made the deposit and sent her a confirmation sms with a 'bonne baignade' greeting. 25.08.04- Though I sent her 2,3 sms (to her secret mobile) and a missed call on her normal mobile,(she calls it ‘44’) she still hasn't phoned me.In the evening I phoned her from Super U on her mobile and told her that she hasn't phoned me since yesterday.She asked me if there was any problem.I told her no..but I was worrying for her in case she had any problem...She said no,everything is ok and that if she gets any problem she will call me.She asked me if I had visited the building.I said ye,that's why I wanted to talk to her.She said that she knows that she should have phoned but she just doesn't know how and maybe she should phone from her secret mobile (the one she uses to get sms's).I told her not to forget to phone me in the evening.She said that she will. ....but she didn't. At night I sent her an sms 'Je vous comprend tres bien madame mais c,a ne m'empeche pas de me tracasser beaucoup pour vous.Desole :) Passez une tres bonne nuite'. 26.08.04- At about 5.30 sent her an sms as 'Tres bonne journee madame.Puisse ce jour vous apporter plus de joie et de bonheur.Surtout oubliez votre ange noir.Il ne viendra que si vous l'appeliez :)' At 7.30,got the 'confirmation' sms and her sms 'MERCI'. No call even today... 27.0.04- She phoned me at about 7.20,2nd time on her secret mobile.I didn't answer as I was rather angry with her for her long silence.Phoned a second time at about 7.40.Told me to come at building at about 10.00 to 10.15 as she has got papers... Went there and waited for her.Phoned me at about 10.20 and told me that she has got some problems with a wheel and that she was coming in ten mins,. Came in about 20 min.,. I asked her if she changed the wheel herself? She said ‘no’ it wasn’t punctured but it had some problems…She showed me a front wheel,but I couldn’t see any problem,neither did she tell me what was the problem…Then she told me that she had gone to take the children to school and that He was at the school too.He was waiting outside for her.When she came out He told her that he wanted to talk to her.She told him that she hasn’t got the time and she went away.Also told me that the children’s fees weren’t paid since several months,that’s why the principal had told her to come.She had talked to the principal and he had agreed for a late payment. Told me that such things have happened in the recent past too… Gave me a pic of the building and told me that she will keep the papers with her as she will sign the contracts with any potential tenant herself.She was watching me…I told her that it was only natural,as she is the owner.(She had probably changed her mind on the way tto B.Mangue).and we went through the corridor.I was in front and suddenly she gave her girlish cry.I turned immediately and asked her what happened and I saw her balancing on one foot.My hands flew out involuntarily but I controlled myself didn't hold her.One of her shoes had come off.She waited for a few seconds...I couldn't decide what to do...and then she hopped to her shoe.We went in the top building and talked about the works. At a certain time I was smoking and she said she wanted a cigarette too.I offered her one but she said that she had got cigarettes and she gave me four of her 555,saying that she had taken many cigarettes from me 'on that day'. And she was watching me...I looked at her and then I looked away.I told her 'si coumsa,be moi mo doit ou boukou la biere'. She said 'sa la biere...' and she shrugged.I saw that she had bought a lighter.(Days before she had told me that my lighter was pretty but she never buys a lighter as she doesn’t want him to see it). Finally we went to her 4x4,still talking.She sat at the wheel and smiling,said 'c,a va soobee?' (At that moment I thought that she was talking about the building,but later I realised that she was talking about me,probably asking about how I was feeling after that day...) I told her that it's ok,I'll begin the works tomorrow.She again asked me...’c,a va? Vous vous sentez bien?’ Again I didn't get the point... Still smiling,she said 'ou met sa dans compte la' and she made a gesture of writting with her hand. I told her 'mo ti dire ou ki mo pas pe fer sa pour l'argent' We kept smiling and looking at each other...Then I said 'Selment faudrait pas ou laisse moi tomber...' She smiled more beautifully and turning to the steering-wheel,said 'pas tracasser soobee...' 28.08.04- Went to the building at about 15.00 and did some works. 29.08.04(Sun)- Upon reception of my new poem,she immediately phoned me and asked me how do I get such nice poems...’Oh qu’il sont si beaux,vos poemes…je les adore…’. And we talked a long time and...her sms mobile credit ended.(I was at Aslam,coromandel). 30.08.04(Mon)- I phoned her to tell her that both of her mobiles weren't functioning.She then told me that she has got a problem with her water-pump and asked me to come and check it.I went and saw this girl who resembled Him very much.Mme was doing a 'grillade' and they were drinking and eating.I checked the pump and she called me twice to give me glasses of beer.At a certain moment Mme and the servant were in a humorous mood and were joking about doing everything there though I were only an electrician..(were talking about making me paint the door)..Then she told Reshma that because I hadn't a girlfriend and I was looking for someone,she was presenting her to me...I told her 'no,I wasn't looking for anyone...'.She got offended and when she was at the door I heard her say 'Avec ses yeux de drogues...' I turned to look at her ...and she had disappeared inside,probably afraid that I would say that she is the 'droguee'..Reshma was looking with astonishment at me...and I joked away the matter... Somewhat later,she told Reshma that she will present her to kiran,that he was a very good guy...She asked me if that weren't right?? I said that kiran already had a girlfriend..She said that these things don't matter.I went at the backyard and then called her on the pretext that I had to show her something in the pump...When she came I asked her 'Mais qu'est ce que vous faites' She told me 'Moi? Mais je ne fait rien.Vous m'avez appelle et je suis la'. I told her if she knew in what mess she was going,calling kiran to her home and presenting Reshma to him? She told me that she wouldn't call him at home...Then she said 'Ou pense mo couyon moi ? Mo bien intelligent moi.Mo pe faire c,a parski mo konne ki LOULOU pour rode ‘faire’ sa tifille la et si kiran aussi pour rode 'faire' li,alors zot pour laguerre entre zot.Mo le cree laguerre entre zot'..Then she said 'Mo konne ki sa pas pour servi grand chose...'. A bit later I called her at the backyard again and asked if we could get a chance to talk alone.Shee said ‘Vous savez ce que je vait faire? Je vait envoyer les enfants a la plage avec les enfants’.She then sent the children together with the girl to the beach.She brought a bottle of wine and repeatedly told me that it’s an expensive wine and that she doesn’t serve such a wine to everybody.We drank and talked and talked.At a certain time,smilingly,she said 'Ou croire mo bete moi ? Mo maline moi ! Mo pas ti bisin appelle ou pou repare la pompe la.Mone faire c,a pour ou vini'!! I wanted to ask her if she felt the same for me as I felt for her and if we got that special relationship that I imagined....Time and time again she said that she doesn't want to have sex with me....until I was tired of explaining that sex wasn't the issue.Then she said that she doesn't want me to come close to her...that she doesn't love me...that I need a 'confident' and she can help me there...she is very intelligent...has done courses...has seen life...is interested in space and the stars,where she wants to go when she dies...has enjoyed life very much...will be like before once more...she doesn't need anyone's help...she has always stood on her feet...has got a very strong personality for me that's why she doen't want to love me.Asked her why she doesn't like me...While looking at me with a shockingly evil face,she said 'ou le connait vrai meme?…' I thought that it was coming...all my physical defects..and I said 'oui'. She was about to say it but...for reasons to be guessed at,she said other things like she is not like that,that she respects me very much and sex would spoil it all,etc...Then she said ‘J’ai une personalite trop forte pour vous.C’est pourquoi ca ne marchera pas entre nous!!’. She asked me ‘qu’est ce que vous voulez? Vous voulez marier avec moi ?’ I ‘mo ti bien envie marier ar ou mais mo konne qui mo pas pour capave nourri ou’. Smiling,she said ‘oui…Rs 200,000 et plus par mois…’. Then she said ‘Mais mo pas content dependre lor quiken.Mo content depend lor moi-meme.’. I ‘mo konne ou content depend lor ou meme mais li ene zom so devoir pour nourri so madame’. She ‘Mo ti content mo mari ti pour comme ca,mais li pas comme ca li’. At that moment all I had wanted to know was if we really got a special and unique relationship,a relationship of trust tender love..or even of a ssympathetic emotion...She refused and refused it all...Every time she was bringing the conversation to sex and telling me that she doesn't want to have sex with me.She also told me not to 'approche' her as she can be very cruel to those who approach her...Finally I asked if in France or elsewhere she has never known of anyone who is only interested in emotive love and not sex? She said no,that when a man who has sentiments for a woman it always comes to sex...I told her that I'm not like that.She told me that I'm ill,I should treat myself,I'm 'bloque'.She refused it all - sex,love,emotions,good and loving friendship.....She also told me how she was to know if I wasn't His man ? (Of course I knew it was her usual stuff,nothing serious there). I brought in several arguments and she tried to overthrow them all... Finally I told her 'You know what I think is the truth? You have a total faith in me'.She began smiling and asked me how could I tell?I told her that it's instinctive in me.Then she said that I was right.She has '98'% faith in me and she was only fighting because I 'challenged' her.(One time she told me she hasn't faith in me and the next time she said that she'll leave the building in my hands !) I asked her what kind of men she would fall for.She said,someone for whom she would fall for instantly and instinctively and when she marries him she would like to go for her honeymoon in a ship or on an island.And then smiling and waving her hands,she said ‘Mais je sait que tout ca sera juste pour un moment…Apres, tout c,a retournera a la normale…’. I lost all my illusions when she said that she doesn't love me...I even doubted if I could do anything for her anymore... Avec tout ce que je faisait pour elle,une fois elle m'a dit 'Je vait y arriver.'.Puis en me regardant elle a dit 'on va y arriver'. Je la regardait et elle a re-dit 'je vait y arriver'!! Told me that she has only had sex with two men,one her ex-boyfriend and the other with Him.(probably half-lies,because once she told me that she had sex with only one man-Him. Probably has slept with several men).I told her that there was the portuguese too...She said that 'Moi mone faire li parski mo ti envie,mais mo pas in laisse li faire,nous pas in faire l'amour'.And she also told me for the first time that she had sex with a Mauritian woman.I asked if it was good.She said yes,it was more sensual,more romantic,nothing sexual..I told her that of course there was sex.She said all right it was sexual but only with the fingers (she did a 'fucking' gesture with her fingers while saying this).Asked her that she could have it with a Mauritian woman but not with me?....She said 'non soobee,non....'. Asked her since when she hadn't had sex.She said one year.She told me that once she proposed Him that she wanted to 'faire c,a ' with a woman(with Maria of course) the three of them… and that he became afraid and refused.She told me (like on our 'first day') 'Si mo pas ti pour c,a avec li,ar ki san la mo ti pour faire c,a?' She also told me that Maria though married,had a lover and that her husband had proposed that the three of them have sex together.She told me that she is a woman of a very clear and liberal mind and she wasn't angry with her at all but she refused her politely as she didn't want to do it.I told her that I can do it with Maria and her.For a while she seemed thoughtful,her eyes as if in a dream....and then she said 'non,pas ar Maria...’ Then after some more silence she said ‘non soobee,non'. She told me that she knows that a married man must have a mistress outside,that's why she didn't tell him anything even if she knew all about him... .(Has told this to me on several occasions...)Then without looking at me,her head bowed down,she said ‘Mais quand line commence accuse moi lerla mone en colere ar li’.(Probable half-lie.She stopped questioning Him about his affairs so as to have relationships with other men too.The exact words that she didn’t say are ‘I know that a married man must have mistresses that’s why I never stopped him.But when he tried to stop me,I became angry’.I told her that she was denigrating herself by giving this right only to men...She told me no,but a woman must do it 'intelligement...'.But she didn't say anymore and I didn't ask... I told her about the movie,hesitantly...she told me not to hesitate to talk things with her even if we are 'a jeun'. She gladly told me to bring it to her.And asked me to bring the Kamasutra when I've finished reading it.She said that her lending me the book was more serious than if we were having sex...(she was searching for the words) ..'Because you are a woman' I said and she agreed. She told me that her lawyer often used to come to the 'boutik' and on the pretext of buying flowers,he always proposed her to go out and have sex with him. When I asked who had done the order-up of the yard she told me that He had brought his 'chamcha' and four men to clean and order the yard three days ago.(And yet it has been only a few days that she had told me that she will bring men from 'Le Meridien' to clean up the garden completely.Much later I asked her(from Bois-Mangue) if it was she who had called Kiran and the men? She denied).And he brought the girl to supposedly watch over the children.I asked her as to why she hadn't told me about it all.She said that now I know it.(Now I am sure that He has some power over something in her,what with her constant shieing away from the 'restraining order',her constant refusal to file depositions against him...Once when I asked her about it,she said that all that wouldn't have any effect upon him and that she has done one or two things that are far more serious...) I asked her when we could have some time all alone to talk in peace...she said she doesn't know.Finally He came in the green car with the children and the girl.Quickly Mme told me to go to the backyard and pretend to do some works...I went and after a while she told me that he had gone to take the girl home together with one of the children (probably left one child at home to watch us...). When at home I phoned her.I asked her if it isn't possible for us to talk in peace some time...she said she doesn't know...maybe never... I could hear her being excited and occupied.She told me that she was tearing and burning all her marriage photos...I said it's a good thing and that she should burn them and forget them.I told her that I wanted one of her photos.She refused. At home and specially after talking with Raj,my mind cleared up and I have decided to renounce all my love and desires for her and to watch over her dispassionately. 31.08.04- Phoned me during daytime.Told me that he had told her to pay for the children's books herself 'To capave debrouiller toi-meme.' She told me that her only resource now was the building and to see to it that I get some tenants inside two months,as she can only live for two months on the money she has now.I said I'll do my best.She also told me to see 'Rajeev' (for the second time),the guy who had once wanted to take a storey for Rs 3000.I told her that I was getting problems making both ends meet,what with fuel costs and mobile costs.Besides my work was not going on well.She said that she knows/understands it well but that she has almost no money...I told her that I understand her and not to worry...(though I had much to worry...money had become an acute problem,for me and for her at the same time as usual...). I told her that the movie ‘Etreintes passionelles’ was already copied and asked her when I should give it to her.She said that someday she will snap a wire and tell me to come to repair it and then I can give it to her.She told me to give her the Book after I have read it.I told her that I'll give it to her as I have no interest in it now.She told me that evn then I should read it as it's very interesting.Then I told her as to why I've no interest in it anymore... When I began to tell her that 'Mo pe renonce ...' , she asked me 'ou pe renonce moi?....' I told her that I'm only renouncing my love and desires for her....Told her that maybe I was being egoist and maybe I wanted something in return for all that I'm doing for her and that I'm sorry.She told me that I shouldn't worry that she understands and that it's better if we stay just good friends... ‘ On va pas detruire notre amitie pour une histoire de….’ Qu’est ce que vous pense? Est ce que ca ne serait pas mieux si on reste des bons amis ?’ I told her that I agree and that I thank her for washing away my illusions... She again ‘pas tracasser soobee. On va pas detruire notre relation pour une histoire de….de…’ C’est mieux comme ca. 01.09.04-No contact. 02.09.04- ........................... 03.09.04- Phoned me early in the morning.Asked me what I was doing today.I said that I was to go to B.Mangue.She told me to wait for her at 9.30 to 9.45 because she was going to take the children to school (Labourdonnais) and on the way back she would like to come and see the building.So I went immediately (because Nikola hadn't come to clean up yesterday) and I began cleaning very quick.. She came in her taxi and we talked for a certain time ,while visiting the building. She told me that she has got paint at the 'Boutik'.I told her that we should use it.She told me that she would go there and see.When she was gone,the ugly woman came and talked her nonsense stuff.I phoned her and told her about it while she was in the Boutik.Then she came again after a while (still in the taxi) and gave me the paints and the other stuffs.I continued working and I established electricity in the upper storey.At a certain time she phoned me and talked for a long time....He had told her (using Anjali's mobile) to pay for the remaining credit for the 4x4.She had already paid Rs 60,000 out of the remaining Rs 200,000.She had refused,etc,etc.I comforted her as always.....I also told her that she should take the Emtel simcard so that we wouldn't lose so much money talking.She agreed.(a few days earlier she had asked me to keep a Cellplus simcard for our communication but I hadn't the money...). At about 15.00 she again phoned me to ask me to come and take the first radio-cassette she had ever bought and to repair it.Said I should come before 16.30 as he was to come to take the children.I told her that it was a good time to bring her the Movie and the simcard.She heartily agreed :) but told me to be discreet as the children and the girl were at home.I stopped work and hurried there.In the porch,I signalled to her to take it.She told me to hide it under the vase.Then she brought the radio-cassette and we sat happily and began talking about the movie.Asked me if there was a title written on it.Smiling,she told me that she had wanted to phone me and tell me not to bring a video-cassette as she hadn't a VCR. She told me that Loulou had told her to give him his moto-mirrors and she had refused.And she told me not to give it to him.All the while we were smiling and happy like two conspirators :) But such good moments with her always had a short life... At 16.30 his 4x4 stopped in front of the open gates and she told me to go away.I reopened my bag where I had already placed the radio-cass., and made a show of adjusting it in the bag and I stood up.She too made a show of telling me about problems with two lights.I said ok,I'll do it tomorrow.(Shek was quite near).I went out and met him in the yard while he was coming..I shook hands with him politely and smiling as usual...He responded,smiling as usual and asked me about the mirrors.I told him they were at my home and weren't repaired.He politely asked me if I can bring it.I said ok,I'll bring it tomorrow.While on the road (vingt pieds) I looke at my mobile to see if she had phoned...she had phoned twice.So I phoned her and she asked me as to what he had told me.I told her that I had promised to bring it so as to avoid arguing with him.And I asked her what to do.She told me not to give it to him.I told her what if someday he met me and asked about it.She told me to say that I hadn't the time.I told her that I felt as if in a vice-grip...Then she said 'donne li do soobee.Mo pas le gagne probleme ar li.Mo nek envie alle la france tranquillement.' At about 19.40 I was at the Choisy beach with Raj.I was taking him to work and as it was too early we were chatting as usual.At a certain time I was thinking as to what she does when at night she has no cigarettes...After a minute she phoned me and asked me to buy her cigarettes and as she had none and she hadn't a car...She asked me where I was.I told her I was at Choisy.She asked me if that was true.I said yes,I am at La Pointe.So I left Raj at the turn-about and gave her the nine Matinee-lights that I had as all the shops were closed/had no cigarettes. 04.09.04- No contact. At about 13.00 I went Bois Mangue with Raj.I asked him to clean up the big hall and the corridor.I began painting the 'barreaux' today.I took out a neon and put it in the big hall,temporarily.We climbed on the roof (first time). We searched for water and got it! We left at about 18.00.At about 22.49 I received confirmation that she had activated her sms-mobile and that a sms I had sent yesterday was received.I sent a 'good night' and it was received immediately.A third...and it was off...Sent one to the Emtel number,... she still hasn't put the Emtel simcard... 05.09.04-Today I sent her an sms in which I expressed my sentiments at being ignored...and she phoned me and asked me ‘vous voulez prendre la responsabilite du batiment,oui ou non?’!!! We talked for a long time.She told me that ‘Je ne suis pas comme ca,je ne reste pas derriere quelqu’un. Je peut pas telephoner pour rien.Je me sentirait tres mal.Je ne suis pas comme ca.C’est pas dans ma nature.Vous ne pourrait pas me changer’….etc,etc. (Please refer to the instant sex with the Portuguese…she didn’t ‘senti mal then’!). (All I wanted was a bit of encouragement…)Also told me ‘Vous savez ce que j’ai envie de faire? J’avait envie de venir moi-meme dans le batiment et peindre les fenetres moi-meme.Mais a chaque fois j’aurait a depenser Rs 300 pour le taxi et j’ai pas le moyen pour c,a’. I told her ‘Non,faites pas c,a. Je vait faire tout le travail moi-meme’. She told me that I have helped and encouraged her since a month and that she will never forget that.Then said that she will pay me when she goes to France.Then again she told me that she wouldn't pay me with money but she will send little gifts.I said I agree because what I've done for her cannot be paid with money.We decided to talk more about it,when we meet on the following dat at 10.00. 06.09.04- She phoned me to ask if I was coming.I told her that it wasn't necessary(I had already told her in an sms,but she hadn't read it yet).But she told me to come as she had some works for me to do.So I went.Told me to change 300 Euros,credit Rs 3000 to her tenant's account,weigh her jewelleries,etc...I returned and we had such a good time...even if we drank only about three beers.We were talking about selling her jewelleries...She estimated Rs 4000 instead of Rs 40,000! I joked with her about her forgetting a zero.The servant appeared at the door and joked at her too.At a certain moment I told her that the servant was probably hearing everything we were talking...She called her and told her to shut the 'salon' door!! I also told her that I could put in the internet the household things that she would like to sell.She asked me 'really?' I said yes.Then she told me that she wouldn't sell the two big chairs.I asked her what she would do with them when she goes? She told me 'Ena dimoune cote mo kapav garder...' I asked if they were relatives.She said yes.And she was smiling...Strange that sometimes she says that she has no contact with her relatives...and sometimes she says she has.(Like that day when I told her that her relatives would come to persuade her to go to Anjali's birthday.She had said that she has no relatives...). Told me that yesterday Ashok had come and given her a big deer's leg.And then she said that a few days ago Shek had come and left some potatoes and salads..she was laughing mockingly and she asked the servant 'Shanti, tu veut des pomme de terres et des salade?Je te les offre et c'est gratuite hein!! Told me that she took up an apartment in France when she was quite young so as to be 'free' and also as she had boyfriends. Her 'ancien copain' who liked driving motorcycles with his friends,died in a motorcycle accident.Another one 'Li ti pe trop content moi.Li ti trop attache ar moi.Alors mone quitte li'. I asked her if she had watched the porn movie.We were smiling at each other...and she said that she hadn't the occasion and she would do it as soon as possible.She then said that she will need an hour probably...I told her she would need more than that...She said 'more than that?' I said ,'yes, and you'll probably watch it day after day...'. She then pretended being angry at my sending that message.Then she smiled and told me that I should send 'those beautiful messages!'. At a certain moment she told me that He had told some boys at 'the Boutik' to watch over her.So she told one of the boys 'Lin mette zot pour 'garde' moi? Mais li bon zot garde moi!' Later,one day when she was at Ashok's home with the wife of Padaruth(terminus), she was telling them about that.When she heard that,Padaruth's wife told her 'Eta liki to mama,are ki garson tone dire sa?! When she was told about the Mauritian meaning of the word 'garder' ,they all burst out laughing. At another moment she told me all about how she and Kiran went to Gabon.She had got a work of decoration from the mistress of the president of Gabon.Had told Him to go.When the day came He said that he didn't want to go.She became mad at Him and told him that he wasn't a man,etc.Then he deicided to go with Kiran.The day that they went to the airport,they lost their passport! (Later Kiran phoned her one day to tell her that he was sure that He had hidden the passport,that he was a dangerous man,etc).Some time later the president's mistress sent two tickets in her name and Kiran's name.Shek began fighting with her and telling her that she had done it on purpose so that they would go to Gabon without him and have sex all alone…At the given day,they all went to the airport.He was fighting in front of all the people.He wanted to change Kiran's ticket to his name but the airport officials refused.And so she and Kiran went.She said that later He began accusing her that when they were in Gabon,she used to call Kiran in her room at night and they drank much.I asked if it was true.She said 'what do you think? We used to have dinner together everyday.And in the plane I told kiran to go sit at the back because I needed to sleep.But we never drank like this,like we are doing now'...She was smiling and making signs with her hand at me and herself.I told her that the fight between shek and kiran and the latter's expulsion was only a 'show' so that she would trust kiran and tell him all and then he would tell everything to shek.She said 'si kiran ti pour so zom be kifer li ti pour raconte moi bane zafer lor li?' I asked her what he has told her about shek? She told me about his hiding their passports.I asked her if that was all? HESITATINGLY SHE SAID 'YES'.Then I told her that if they fought for real they wouldn't be friends again.I told her that it was only their plan.She said 'Mais c'est vraiment degeulasse, hein soobee'..I 'oui,mais c'est ce qui s'est passe'. She said 'oui,mais c'est quand meme degeulasse'.It was clear that she was acting now...to make me believe that she is convinced that kiran is his man... Told me that when she was working for the small hotels,once she had hired a driver to do odd jobs and to drive.The PD and Kiran did everything to drive the man away.Kiran and the driver were often quarelling.Finally she told them brutally (in her usual manner) to come to an agreement and stop worrying her. During that conversation I asked her twice as to when I would get a chance to travel in a plane with her,or eat together with her? She didn't answer even once...She told me that she used to have body-massages in France.I asked if the massagers were women.She said 'no',she was never comfortable with women massagers.She preffered men...(On another day,before she said that she preferred male gynaecologists too).Told me that she has a 'beau-frere' who proposes her to have sex with him each time they meet.(Now I understand why she once asked me 'est ce qui oun deja 'faire' ar ou belle-soeur'...At about 15.00 she told me that she doesn't want the same thing happening as that day (she was refering to Him seeing us at the table,that day).Told me to repair the 'burnt lights' and go.I repaired them and went out.I saw the 'nounours' outside,she was coming at the same time and as she was afraid of the loose dog, I accompanied her in the porch. 07.09.04- Bois Mangue. 08.09.04- We phoned each other several times as I had to pay CEB,Telecom and mobile bills,put ads in L'express and the Internet.And I had to repair her watch,her chain and I had to find someone to sell her jewelleries at a good price.In the morning when I asked her if I should come to give her the receipts,she said ‘no’ as she 'pe sorti' (told me two times).I went to Port-Louis and did almost all of the works and she told me to come give her the chain.(She always used to tell me that when she wears it,it gives her great courage).I went at about 15.00.(I had brought the fake penis she had asked for,in my 'sacoche', meaning to give it to her,but couldn't because of the children).She came out with a piece of paper and pen and pretended writing on the porch table.I had a very good look at her breasts that were plunging down... As the children were there we couldn't talk,specially as Anjali came with her usual excuses.When she came,Mme looked at her in a 'regard traver' and muttered angrily in her mouth.I was looking at her and Anjali looked at me strangely and then at her... I thought that she looked as if drunk...and I got a bit hurt as I thought that she had gone out and drunk and talked and laughed with someone else...She then told me that I shouldn't lose time as the children were there.So I went to the shop opposite Super U and drank a 'chopine' of beer.I put the ads on the Internet and I started sending her the sms's from the outside table...Then I went on the way home.While on the 'chemin 20 pieds' I stopped in a sugar-cane field and wrote her the more serious sms's...It was then that she phoned angrily...telling me that she hadn't drunk,she hadn't gone out,to ask the servant ,etc.I wept and excused myself...but I thought that she was putting her usual act.... 09.09.04- Been working at Bois Mangue from about 10.30.(scratching windows' rust).Phoned me at 13.13 and told me that I should stop sending sms's.That I should decide if; I want to continue working for her,If I cannot work in the building due to 'fatigue moral'.She wants everything to be like one month before or one year before.That I should put order in my life.That 'nous in vine trop proche'.And told me to 'reflechir bien et decider'.All in an insulting manner... I continued working till 18.00... At about 21.00 I phoned her.I told her if we could talk about what she said during the day.She said yes,but not for long.I told her that we could talk tomorrow if she preffered it.She said all right. 10.09.04-(Fri) I phoned her at about 9.30.She appeared waking up from her sleep and I asked her if she had been sleeping.She said yes (still sleepy) and told her that her radio-cassette has been repaired and if I could bring it to her and talk about what she said yesterday.She happily asked me 'c'est vrai? La radio est repare?' I told her yes,and what she is hearing right now is her radio-cassette (I was playing (Kaho na kaho...) from tthe movie 'Murder').As she was just waking up,I told her to phone me later.She said ok.At about 13.00 to 14.00 she phoned and told me that she was out (I could hear vehicles) and that she couldn't 'recevoir ou aujourdhui,et que c,a doit cesser tout c,a,et ne m'envoyer plus des messages,et je veut que tout soit comme un ans plus tot....'.All in an insulting manner,2nd time I told her that I had excused myself for my mistake,and yet she is doing this to me for such a thing? She said that when we were talking that day,we hadn't finished yet,and she received my third message( where I told her that I would like to undress her and lick her whole body 'de miel') .I told her that we use to talk of everyting when we meet face to face,so what is the big deal if I sent her the messages? She said 'justement,je veut que tout c,a s'arrete parce qu'on s'est trop rapproche'.'.And she continued on with her usual shit...'reflechir bien si capave prend responsabilite batiment la ou non....' I told her ' Mme si pas ti capable pour travail labas,est ce qui mo ti pour travail ziska 18.00 hier?' She was silent for a while and then she said that I do not understand ,etc... I thought of all the consequences if I stayed for her...and I saw all her shit manners coming up in the future.And I made up my mind... I went at Bois Mangue and took all my tools and phoned her from there.I told her 'Mo B.Mangue la ,mone ramasse tout mo bane outils et mo pe alle.Be quand mo capav vine quitte ou radio et bane la cle?' She asked if we could talk later? I said ok. In the evening (maybe 16.00) she phoned me and said 'Je m'excuse pour tout a l'heure,j'etait chez quelqu'un et j'etait occupe...!!(??).And then 'Qu'est ce que vous disiez tout a l'heure?' (and then without waiting for my reply) 'vous ne voulez pas prendre la responsabilite du batiment et vous voulez me rendre les cle?' I said a brief and hard 'YES'.Silence.Then 'Vous voyez comment vous etes,vous ne voulait plus travailler sans melanger sentiment et travail et vous ne voulait plus prendre la responsabilite du batiment maintenant?'. I said 'oui et c'est vous qui l'avez decide'. She said 'Non, c'est pas moi qui l'ai decide,je vous avez juste dit de continuer de travailler mais avec une difference que vous travailez comme un proffessionel.I asked angrily 'Quel difference? Depuis un mois il n'y avait pas de difference et maintenant il ya un difference?' Silence...and then 'oui'. And then...melanger,etc... Again I angrily told her 'Quel melanger? Hein? Quel melanger?' Again she told me 'vous ne voyez pas de difference...?' Again angrily I told her that I didn't see any difference.That I worked like that for everyone... Then she said that her phone was ringing and she'll phone later...I said ok.(Of course I knew she was lying,like that night when I brought her the cigarettes and she was making a show of talking on her mobile...so that I wouldn't stay even a second...). 11.09.04-(Sat) At night I sent her a missed call on her mobile.No answer.A bit later (18.43) I sent her two sms telling her that I would like to try working for her as a proffessional but we got to talk first,about my job conditions,the costs,etc.I we could talk on the road if I'm undesirable in her yard now.She read it at 22.58.But no answer as at 12.09.04,14.00. 12.09.04-(Sunday) Nothing as at 14.53. At 20.00 I sent her five sms (which she received immediately) to tell her that I was really sorry for everythinng and that I want to work for her no matter in what condition.Also I told her that it was my last message to her.I mistakenly sent the messsages to her 44 mobile.At 21.20 I sent her a message to her sms-mobile to excuse myself.She switched on her sms-mobile at 21.32 and received it. 13.09.04-Tue- Bois Mangue.(We had made up by this time (recorded).She called me at Super U.I went and found her sitting under a ‘parasol’ all alone…We talked a bit then we went to a café and I had a tea and she had a coffee.She told me 'Ou conne' depi quand mo pas in prends ene dejeuner le matin dans en restaurant?'. She also told me that she was bringing Ashok's men to clean-up the buiding's backyard.And Kiran would come too.I asked her if she was sure that she weren't doing a mistake,calling those very guys who used to spy upon her? Avoiding my question,she told me 'Au point ou j'en suis je ne peut pas prendre compte de ce que les gens pensent'. At one moment she asked me what time it was ? I told her it was 9.00.(It has been some days that I knew she hadn’t a watch and I decided at that moment to give her one…). While walking her to the other walking-passage of Super U,I told her that I'm sorry about all that happened days before...She told me to forget it all. I told her that if she hadn't talked like that on that day I wouldn't have said that I refused to take charge of the building for her.She said ‘tant pis,mais je suis comme c,a et je ne peut pas changer’.I told her ‘Moi aussi je suis comme c,a’. Twice she said that what I had written in the sms's were pornographic...I told her that we always talk of these things when we are face to face,so what's the big deal in a sms? 14.09.04-Wed-Called me to do some errands for her...Told me that the servant wasn't at home,as she doesn't come on Wednesdays.First we each drank two glasses of juice.Then I asked if she has beers.(First time that I proposed to drink and last time that we drank together).She told me 'no' but told me to bring 4 cans.I told her if a pack weren't better.She told me that because her stomach was beginning to show,she wouldn't drink much.So I brought 4 cans from nearby supermarket.And we drank and talked... Told me that Reshma didn’t do anything at all,she just sits and watches TV.Once she came and sat before her and began reading a magazine.She brutally told her to look after the children instead.(Some days before she had told me that Reshma and the little girls were at Ashok’s swimmimg-pool.She had gone somewhere…When she came home she saw one Anjali who was weeping.She had lost her glasses in the pool.So she had rebuked Reshma brutally…). And she told me (in her shit-mentality) that today she was going to tell her that she didn’t need her,that she does nothing here… I told her not to be brutal to her as she is a young girl and tell her gently to stop working for her… Told me 'En fois quand nou ti faire l'amour, Shek in penetrer moi sans capote' et le lendemain mone commence gagne gratter.Lerla mone alle chez mo gynecologue et mone raconte li mo problem.Lin demande moi si mo ena plusieurs partenaires.Mone dire li non.Lerla line dire moi coze sa ar mo mari.Mone dire sa ar shek et lin commence laguerre ar moi et lin dire moi ki mo meme in attrape maladie ar kiken.A coze sa meme mo pas content faire l'amour sans capote.Mo prefere 'faire' ar mo vibro-masseur'.While she was saying the last sentence she was making a to-and-fro horizontal movement with her finger...And smiling,she said parfois mo pense ou 'mo faire...'. At a certain moment she said that her mother had an intimate relation with a pakistani,a short time after her father's death,and she was madly in love with him...Sometimes she would become depressed and would do nothing but sit still and very depressed...She and her sisters tried to talk with her several times but she would not listen...'Couma papa in mort tone content en lot dimoune?...'.Eventually the pakistani married a girl but still kept intimate her mother as his mistress.So she and her sisters talked seriously to her...'Qui to pe faire? To pas trouve lin fini marie? Qui to pe faire ar to la vie?' Finally her mother came out of her depression. Told me that He had stolen her passports, jewels, identity cards,etc..But when she went to the 'commissariat' to report her lost passport,Anjali probably told Him and the next day she found all her things on her table...He had given her a necklace a long time ago,which she had stopped wearing.And now he had told the children to tell her that it was they who had offered it to her and to wear it.She said that she is too intelligent to be fooled like that. At 12.00 Reshma was coming and She told me that she will know that we are drinking.I told her to pour a little juice in our glasses.She did that… And I took the plastic bag where we had put the empty cans,to throw them away,as usual… 15.09.04-Thu-Called me to credit Rs 5000 in her 'proprietaire's ' account,Mr Devanand Dhawotal, (A/C 012463272),(did it at 12:44:40), and to pay one month of CEB bills,to change watch-strap (of the watch that I had offered to her),and to keep about Rs 400 for myself. CEB receipt No;20000029272,A/C No 100795136,Cash center;45,Time;13.17,Total amount Rs 1546. 16.09.04-Fri-Called me to post two letters to her lawyers.As she told me that I should post it before 12.00 and it was already 11.00,we didn't lose much time and I went and posted it at Super U post-office. (Receipt 1/ REGN.No B3715 ,adressed to 'Hariol Jagoo,chancery house,Room No 406,Listet Geoffrey st,P.Louis.). (Receipt 2/ B3716, adressed to 'Etude de Taihe (?) Rama(avoue),ABC Build.,SSR st,P.Louis. (Ram's wife who works there recognised me and asked me if I came often there...). 17.09.04-Sat-This is the day she came to the building with Kiran and the workers...At about 9.30 I phoned her and asked her if I should come tto her home to give her the watch(whose strap I had already changed) or if I should go to Bois Mangue straight away.She told me that she was at B.Mangue… and told me to come there but that I shouldn’t stay there for the whole day…I asked her why? She told me that Kiran and the workers were there,etc.And then told me that she will tell me when I’ll come… I went there in 15 to 20 minutes. 18.09.04- I was working at B.Mangue from 9.00 to about 14.30.Phoned her several times from 14.00.Each time I could only talk a bit as she was always 'occuper'.(First time she told me she was watching a movie…).Sent her seven sms to her sms-mobile at 19.57,to tell her that I’m stopping works in the building because of her mistreatment upon me.Also told her that I saw and understood her's and Kiran's doings yesterday at Boi-mangue... (What I understood on that day is that all those times she had been lying to me about Kiran.That day I discovered that she had kept her relations with him…). On that day I waited for her call till about 9.30 ,but no call...I phoned and 'asked her if I should bring the watch before going to bois mangue? She said that they had just arrived there and told me to come.I asked her as to why she didn't tell me about it? She told me that she herself didn't know,that THEY(why did she hesitate to tell me that Kiran had phoned her?!) phoned her in the morning to tell her that THEY were coming to take her.And she told me that when I come,I shouldn't stay there for long.I asked 'why'? She told me that she would tell when I come... When I went there,kiran ttold me to accompany him up...They were talking for about 5 minutes, while she was 'sweeping'.(THOUGH SHE HAD JUST COME,SHE HAD ALREADY SWEPT TTHREE-QUARTERS- THAT TOOK ME 1 1/2 HOURS SOME DAYS BEFORE!!). When I came before them,he went away immediately...She was wearing a very sexy blouse,not quite fitting for the works...I asked her why she didn't tell me she was coming..Again 'she didn't know' and WHEN I HAD PHONED,THEY WERE STILL IN THE VAN! (WITH KIRA HEARING ABOUT MY BRINGING THE WATCH TO HER?! ). THEN WITHOUT A MOTIVE,SHE ASKED ME 'DO YOU KNOW WHY I'M SWEEPING?'. I 'NO'. SHE 'BECAUSE SOME OLD PEOPLE HAD TOLD HER THAT SWEEPING BRINGS LUCK!' I asked as to why I shouldn't stay for long? She muttered some incomprehensible words...'ils sont la,j'ai peur de shek,etc...' DAYS AGO WE HAD DECIDED TO TELL THE MEN THAT I WAS ONLY DOING THE ELECTRICS and she had told me that I should bring all my tools so as to fool Kiran and the other workers.But there SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE HAD already TOLD KIRAN THAT I WAS PAINTING!! In about five minutes the 'luck-sweeping' had ended and she went down... While I was down,she asked me if I could help the men.I said 'no' at the same time as kiran.She looked serious and offended... At another time she asked the men if she could help.They weren't listening and I discouraged her.. Told me that she wanted to hear the radio.So I brought her my small radio and put it beside her,though the battery was weak. She asked me if I could bring a litre of soft drinks for the workers.I asked her if I should bring her a beer too.She said ‘no’.Then again said ‘yes’.Asked me what I would take? I wanted a can of beer too.She told me to bring her a ‘chopine’ of sprite and some light snacks too.And told me to buy a padlock for one of the building’s shutters.(Two keys of the padlock have remained with me till this day). So I went and bought all the things and some new batteries.I came and put all the things before her onn the ‘table’ which they had improvised for her.She told me to hide her beer in a plastic bag.And she told me not to drink my beer before her.I jokingly told her not to drink her’s in front of me either.I put the new batteries in my radio and placed it beside her.She asked me if I wouldn’t take it up with me? I said ‘it’s ok.You are alone here,that’s why’.She was watching my face… I was working in the front of the building.She didn't know it.They were talking and coming and suddenly she saw me.She said 'Ah vous avez reussi a ouvrir la porte?'. (PROBABLY SHE DIDN'T KNOW THAT I WAS THERE AND HAD MEANT TO GO WITHOUT MEETING ME). Didn't lose a second and told me that she was going home and that she will phone me...but she didn't...Kiran came about 1 1/2 hours later (maybe his show,or they had been up to something...Later a worker told me that he had told him to bring him cigarettes but 'lin avoye moi faire-foot'). I phoned her at about 15.00.Told her that she was again 'voyager' with kiran...She said ' ki voyager, nek lin prend moi gramatin et lin quitte moi taler la'. I said 'oui mais astere lin commence aller vini kot ou pareil kouma avant'. Elle 'C,a mo mari ki ti arrete li vine kot moi,....AFTER SOME SILENCE 'LI BON MEME LI TI ARRETE LI PARCEQUI....'.(SO AS TO MAKE ME BELIEVE THAT SHE IS AGAINST HIM!!!). 19.09.04-Sun-Sent her a sms to her normal mobile at 5.02(morning) to tell her to read my 7 sms on her sms-mobile.About 15 to 20 mins later I received the 7 confirmation sms's indicating that she was reading them.No calls all day...(WHATEVER HAPPENED BETWEEN 5.02 TO 19.00???). At 19.00 she phoned me and told me that she has just read my sms's and to bring the keys and the Kamasutra tomorrow,anytime before noon,and to wrap the book well as the servant would be at home and she doesn't know if she will be at home or not.I said ok.At 20.00 she again phoned me to tell me that tomorrow she won't be at home and to bring it on tuesday.I said ok,and then asked her if she has a minute.After a few seconds of silence she told me 'allez y'.I told her 'ou konner mo pas envie separe ar ou,mo pas le quitte ou.L'amour,l'amitie'affection tout sala mo ti fini abandonner.....and she cut my words and said 'non,non meme a part sa pena narien.C'est mieux que c,a se termine ainsi.Mo pas capave donne ou narienJe ne veut plus rien.C'est mieux ainsi.Ok?' I told her 'ok'.About 15 mins later I sent her the foll., sms to her normal mobile 'Apres tout ce que j'ai sacrifier pour vous,il ne fallait pas me parler sur ce ton Madame... A partir de maintenant les choses seront tres differentes entre nous... 20.09.04-Mon- I sent her the foll., sms on her normal mobile 'Madame je suis desole pour le sms d'hier soir.J'avait un peu mal..Mon respect pour vous ne changera jamais..Et cette fois c bien ma derniere sms..Adieu madame.'. At 7.56 she phoned me on her sms-mobile and talked rudely to me...'Ou ti avoye sms lor mo portable normal' Me 'oui madame ,mo ti avoye sa pour excuse moi pour hier soir'. She 'Mais vous etes fou ou quoi? Si mes enfants l'aurait lus'. Me 'excuse moi madame,c'etait la derniere fois,mo ti pense ki portable la reste ar ou meme tout le temps'. She 'portable la reste partout,partout.Imaginez si mo bane zenfants ti lire sa et ti alle dire sa ar zot papa! Vous etes malade dans votre tete ou quoi? A chaque fois vous faites une gaffe et vous me demandez des excuses.Arretez de m'envoyer des sms.C,a suffit'. Silence... She then 'Et retournez moi mes cle...'(I didn't hear well and then she had cut the call. 21.09.04- Phoned me at 9.10 from her normal mobile.Told me,in a cold voice 'bonjour.Ou capave amene mo ban cles et livre la?' I told her 'Mais oui,mo pour amene li la'. She told me 'ah,ok.Quand vous pouvez venir?' I 'Dans 15 mins.,'. She said,in a relieved voice, 'ok,alors a tout suite'. I arrived at her house at about 9.30 and gave her the things.Then she gave me the porn discs saying 'Je n'ai vraiment pas eu le temps de le voir.Et je n'ai pas besoin de c,a et je vous le rends.' (Of course I had already predicted this since about two days).I told her 'non,non, mo pas pour prends li'. She 'pourquoi ?'. I 'parski quand mo donne en zafer mo pas reprends li'. She 'mais ki mo pour faire ar c,a ?,Kot mo pour garde li?'. I 'jette li dans poubelle'. She 'Kot mo pour allee jette li dans poubelle? Ou capave zette li dans poubelle pour moi?' I 'Ok'. She also tried to give me five,ten ruppee-coins,saying 'c,a pour ou annonce qui oun met lor internet'.(she had probably downloaded my 'Net-access' cd and gained access to internet and seen my ads). I told her 'Non,non,mo pas pour prends casse'. She 'parski mo pas content (doit or some other word..) kiken'.But I refused.She accepted both my refusals quite easily.Probably was afraid of me creating a scene...Then I turned away and began to go.She asked me 'et pour ou essence et carte?' I said 'non,non, tout sala in fini paye'. Then I asked 'Madame, Fax la ki ou pour faire?' After a bit of thinking and hesitation,she told me 'non,laisser tomber,j'ai vraiment pas le temps pour sa'. I said ok and went...From the street I turned to have a last look at her.She was talking on her mobile...I departed and threw the cd's after the turn... 29.09.04- Was working at Tacouri.Went to 'Coruna' at at about 10.00.Passed in front of her house.Gate was slightly open but house-door was shut.When I was returning I saw shek and Anjali (the little one) and another person(...) to whom shek was talking.That person was hiding behind the gates in such a manner that I couldn’t see him/her.The road was rather blocked and I had to stop (because of a car) and I looked at them.Shek and Anjali were looking strangely at me and I nodded my head at him. At about 14.55 I was working at the back of Tacouri's house when suddenly I thought I heard her voice talking to Mme Tacouri...I went in the shop on a pretense of collecting my tools...and saw her buying bread and milk with Anjali who was looking at me strangely with big eyes….Though she was there for about three minutes she never looked at me...and she went after buying the things.My work finished at 15.05 and I went to the supermarket and while drinking a beer I phoned her on her normal mobile.I told her 'Bonjour madame'.She said 'Bonjour'. I 'Taler la mo ti dans la boutik la.Ou pas in trouve moi?' She 'Non mo pas in trouve ou du tout...pourquoi?' I 'non, mo pe pense oun faire semblant ou pas in trouve moi et ou pas in dire moi ene bonjour narien'. She 'Mo pas in trouve ou du tout...C'est tout?' I 'Oui c'est tout'. She 'Apres sa ou pas appel moi encore'. I 'ok madame'. She 'Ok' and while I was saying 'au revoir' she cut-off... After finishing the beer I again went through her road.She heard my moto's sound and looked and holding something in her hands with an angry look,she 'boldly' began walking as if coming in the garden,in my direction...That look was like…Probably I had never seen anyone have such a look…It was a look like a person has eaten shit and has only shit in her mind… 05.10.04 (Mar)- Phoned me two times,17.36, 17.37.As I had erased all her numbers from my phone,I didn't recognise her and I didn't answer,as I always do in such a case.Later when I recognised it,I stored her name/number again. 06.10.04(Mer)- Phoned me two times at 14.49.I didn't answer as I was busy.When I came home I phoned her at 14.56 and asked her why she phoned.She began talking about her shit....that I use to phone her from phones in my village,that I 'racroche au nez'. Told me to stop sending her sms's.I told her that I only sent her one yesterday,as her secret mobile didn't seem to work and I meant to ask her about my payment.Threatened me several times that she will 'emploi les grands moyens maintenant'...etc. Also said several times that I was 'ill'!! Then finally told me to 'faire' ou compte et dire moi.(RECORDED).(She was probably not yet accepting the fact that I rejected her building...) About one or two hours later Mr Alain who lives in the same street,near Minou’s house,phoned me (2532261).Told me ‘Moi Mr Alain..eh…mo ena pour cause ar ou’. I told him to talk.He told me that he can phone later if I’m busy.I told him ‘it’s ok.Go on.Then he said ‘ou rapel ene fois ou ti vine cote moi pour faire en deux ti travail et ti ena travail douche la pour faire? Noun fini acheter bane materiaux la et mo libre Mardi et Jeudi.Dire moi qui jour ou capave vini’. I told him that I’ll phone and tell him. I never went and he never phoned again as at 27.10. After calculating my costs,I phoned her at 18.01 but someone cut-off the call.So I sent a sms telling that I've already counted my costs,and telling her that it was she who had told me to tell her about my costs.Before I received the confirmation sms,the Mfucker phoned.I thought it was she.He began cursing...I tried explaining but he went on. (RECORDED) So I cut it off. (He/She) phoned again -18.06, 18.07, 18.08(same mobile), 18.09, 18.10 from 7800753(his mobile), 18.11, and 18.13 from 7590377(Anjali’s),(DIDN’T USE HER SMS MOBILE…) when I was already in the police station. I wanted to make a 'deposition' but the sergent tried to disuade me.Then he phoned the mother-fucker and they talked for about 5 minutes.While still talking to him,the the sergent told me that the fucker said that if I didn't make a deposition,then he will rest the matter there.And then the sergent told him that I was 'persister' and I wanted to do it.Then the sergent told me to 'reflechir' and to decide if I wanted to do it or not.And he said that they(shit-woman and Mfucker) have got a letter that I supposedly wrote to her... Then the shit-woman phoned and talked and talked to the sergent.Each time he wanted to end the call,she went on and on...for about 10 minutes.While still talking,the sergent told me that she wanted to know the amount and he held the phone to me.I told him I do not want to talk to her.He again told me to do it but I told him to tell her that it amounts to Rs 11,000.When she had finished,the sergent told me that the shit-eater had said; I had proposed to her,I was mad and not to listen to what I would say (Man,why was she so afraid of what I would tell the police?!),I used to phone her and send her sms's,that she didn't agree with the sum,that she'll go to the court if I don't agree,that I've only changed two bulbs at her home,that I do rounds in front of her house and whistle...(After all that I did for her during 1 ˝ months,this fucking shit of a woman finally found out that I was mad…just after I told her that I wouldn’t work in her building). After much waiting a policeman came to take my deposition, though he too tried to disuade me.Finally I said that I wanted to make only an 'l'entree'.(Several times the sergent and the policemen were talking about sending a message to the 'other' police station and giving the fucker a warning).Even then,the sergent when he came,tried to disuade me not to put the curses and the threats.But I put it.Deposition on pages 75 , 76. Statement on form number 82161. At 20.13 (when I was writting this) a policeman phoned from 2618637, to inquire about the fucker's exact location. Today I realised another aspect of this woman's character,though I had a vague idea of it lately... SHE TURNS MEN AGAINST MEN SO AS TO ALWAYS BE THE WINNER... To save herself from the Mfucker she told me a lot of his bad manners and cruelty so as to win my sympathy and get help. To supposedly 'save' herself from me she again turned to him ...(By the way I still don't understand what danger or trouble she felt from me...).That day at bois mangue all her doings with kiran... she was probably turning him against me to save herself,because she had told me certain bad things about him... (Because we already had,had two little quarrels by this time,and she had understood my no-nonsense side and she was anticipating for the future....). She is still taking help from Ashok and everytime she talks of a problem coming from the Mfucker,she says that she will tell Ashok... 28.11.04- At 12.45,I was going to Aslam Coromandel.I entered the ‘Indian Oil’ filling station of Arsenal,just after the road to Baie-du-tombeau,and while I was being served the fuel ,I saw the shit-bitch in the 4x4.She was alone,wearing her sleeveless dress and looking straight ahead,seriously, and was going at rather full speed. Number; 1770 Ap… 07.12.04- At 06.45 Kiran came and asked me for the CD palyer and the cassette-player.I gave them both.He was wearing good clothes and shoes.He asked for my number twice… because ‘si mo bisin toi…’ I gave him and he put it in his mobile.He was holding the mobile almost vertically and I had to go beside him to see what he was doing as I doubted tha he was taking my photo…But I saw that he was already scrolling in the menus.I asked him if he was still using the same number? He said ‘no’ he has changed it as he didn’t want people to ‘fatigue moi’. Then he told me twice ‘Quand telephone toi,to pas repond?’…I didn’t answer.I didn’t see any vehicle on the road so I asked him how he had come? He told me that he had come to his ‘nanny’ and that he had come by bus,etc… 21.Dec.-Raj told me that he saw the shit-woman with her children and a 15-year old white girl.They were walking by the ‘rond point’ of La Pointe.She was wearing her ‘beige’ blouse and trousers and had big glasses on.She had turned to watch the the guys(who were drinking with Raj) but when she saw Raj she instantly turned her head away..as quick as fire….Why? Same day at 20.33. I was in casino and that queer guy asked my mobile and phoned 2883136… 31.12.04- At about 16.00 I was passing by the building of B.Mangue.I saw that most of the metals that I had painted in blue,were now painted in white. And some of the window glasses were patched with putty (mastique). I asked a man if the building was rented.He said that he doesn’t know.He then told me that it was being painted and yesterday (30.12) he had seen a man painting the metals. 05.02.05 I worked at Dil Tac. 06.02.05 I worked same place.At about 13.30 I saw the red 4X4 in front of the shit’s gates. It was facing away from me.Then it moved towards the left of the road still facing away. I saw the shit-eater going to and fro to the van at least two times.She was wearing big white ‘patte d’elephant’ and maybe a red blouse.It was clear that she wasn’t at the steering-wheel. Then the van departed and…stopped for several minutes.Then suddenly it came in front of the gates again facing towards my direction.Probably very fast.It stopped for several minutes.Then it began coming in my direction. I began moving the materials from the yard to the shop.As I had to go to and fro several times,I saw the van coming very slowly about two or three times.When it was past Minou’s house I was going inside the shop and I meant to come out immediately so as to see what the shits were up to,but Sa… talked to me and I thought that the van would have long gone by now. But no! The shit was probably waiting to see me because when I got out again I saw the van coming slowly.I walked slowly on he road and when it was near me,I jerked my head to see who was inside.The elder girl, who was holding a mobile towards me and who was probably taking my photo with it,was watching me as well as the Mfucker and they both bowed their head down quickly.The Mfucker kept looking at my glasses that were hanging from my belt. And though I kept looking at him directly he never looked at my eyes.The shit-eater was nowhere to be seen…Write about what they really did in ‘Observations’. -19.02.05. At 12.08 constable Doyal phoned me and asked me if I had filed a complaint against the Mfucker.I said yes.He asked me if I had received any more calls from the Mfucker.I said no.He told me that he had to take a statement and told me that as I was at work ,he wouldn’t bother me and asked if I can come tomorrow at 9.00. I said yes. At 15.47 I received a blank sms from 7226160,same thing as on 30.01.05. Rather strange coincidence that I should receive it on the very day that the police phoned me about the above matter. -20.02.05. I went to the Police Enquiry section and asked for constable Doyal.The officer said that he had gone out and phoned him.The latter probably told him to take my statement and he did. I stated that I haven`t received any further threats and that I end the matter here.(Actually the officer wrote it all and I just forgot to read it and just signed.) While there, I asked him if I could know what the Mfucker had told in his statement.He turned the pages and told me that the MF had only been warned and hadn`t given any statement. ======================================= BACK TO TOP ======================================== Dark Nights 02.08.04- ..(cont., from He went.away while I was still taking out the lock.).... She offered me a beer and they told me to bring a pack.I brought it.And they began pouring and talking...and crying.How he beat her and tried strangling her that night.How he used to send 'spies' to follow her,including that one at Calodine... She had noted the van's plate number and asked a 'copain' who worked at the NTA to find out to whom the van belonged.The guy told her that the number was from a car and that 'Loulou's' spy had probably taken it out put it on his van.How he used to tell her that he will put ten spies to watch her,and she told Him that if she sleeps with the ten men,would they ever tell him? And then what was he going to do? Then he used to remain silent. At other times he used to tell her that he will send four men to rape her.Once (at G.Gaube) when she was naked,He pushed her in the bathroom and told her to walk naked outside.She went in the 'terasse' and began going out and then he shut the door of the terasse to prevent her from doing so.'Because he knew that if people saw it all,they would laugh at him' .She had applied for divorce since that time.He had been beating her since three years.Had even been fined in France.(About 6000 francs).How he began acting like a maniac since two years.How he slept and proposed every woman..and those who refused him came and told her.Told us that he was always having affairs with young women,including those who used to work in the 'Boutique'.One girl from the 'boutik' came and told her about it.He always went for the young ones as they wouldn't tell anybody.She has a friend (here or in France) but she has never let her come in his presence as she was sure he was going to propose to her..Then she asked about me.When I told her that I hadn't had it since about 13 years she asked me why and also if I do it alone...(This was the first ‘shock’ I got from her.Day by day she continued talking about sex…and eventually I understood that it was a ‘normal’ thing for her).I told her,yes,I do it alone and I'm not so obsessed with it..Then she said that she was not longing just for sex out of vengeance against Him but wanted someone who would love her, take care of her and respect her and she could have it with such a man..At one moment she said that she had followed several courses...including hotelry,martial arts and…Kamasutra,about how to control her desires...How He said that she slept with every man,including Ashok and Kiran. He told her that he had photos taken of her by his spies,photos that he never showed when asked.When he used to go to France he had instructed Kiran as a spy to watch her every move.And finally when he came back,he said that Kiran too had slept with her.And then he had told Kiran to stop coming to his house.(Strange..at that time she didn't tell me as to why he doubted kiran...maybe she thought if she told me about his coming in her room to drink at night,then I would have doubts about her too...). And then Kiran told her some things like 'beware of him,he's dangerous,he sends spies after her,etc'.about pictures that he had taken,about his incessant quarrels.How he never gives her money except Rs 10,000 that he gave for some houseworks. How recently she didn't have even a hundred ruppees..(probably the day when the toilet hose broke and she had only a hundred-ruppee note that the dogs had munched and was useless).Her eldest daughter questioned her about her growing pubic hairs..and asked her as to how to put the 'tampons'.She herself doesn't use tampons as it somewhat 'shows' but uses some other thing...Twice told me that 'ou conne ki sa ene zafer extraordinaire pour ene maman ki so tifille vine dire li ki lin gagne poils pour la premiere fois?' Each time I told her,yes her daughter was crossing a level in her growing-up.Told us that once they had to go to a marriage ceremony and she had dressed up with care,in a sari,with a 'string' as underwear and when He saw her he just gave her a peck on the cheeks and told her that if someone touches her,he's going to kill him! Repeatedly told me (and us) that she had her courage back due to me (and us) and that she was feeling very good at that moment.The servant was trying her best to talk about sex...'so tete pe vin gros,so poil pe pousser,etc'..And twice she tried to say that maybe he would think that she and Mme were to go to bed together...but was twice angrily stopped by Mme...(Why? I knew it all later!). -In Gabon,she was offered a job with a salary of Rs 300,000 ! But she didn’t accept it because of her children…She didn’t tell me what job though…. (Not to forget that she got the garden decorations works through the mistress of the president….understandably the president wouldn’t be satisfied with a single mistressJ). -Also told me that she was being offered a job at the MBC… (But never heard of it again J). When beer was finished,she told the Maria to bring a bottle of wine.When Maria couldn't find it,She stood up to go find the wine.I told her that maybe she should eat something first...(I had a vague feeling that if they drank too much there would be trouble...).But she was feeling too happy at that moment to stop and she brought the wine and drinking continued.Each time I wanted to leave she told me to have a last one...Her sister was to marry (with his cousin) next saturday and she had organised an 'enterrement de vie de jeune-fille' at her house on wednesday.I told her that I know about such a party.She asked me to tell her.I said that it's like a 'pyjama party' and some of the girls dress up like boys and dance.She laughingly told me 'Mais on s'arrete la hein!'.Her other sister had already married with his brother.She told Maria to come help her on wednesday but not to bring her daughter as she was too young for the activities.Though Maria told her several times that her daughter was ok,she understands,Mme told her each time ‘non,elle est ttrop jeune pour c,a. C’est un truc pour les adultes c,a’. She had left her first 'bolom'(was probably refering to her first lover)..Her friend who stayed in her house for a few days had slept with her first lover.(Later wheen I asked her about her first husband,she said that she never had another husband...Maybe she was talking about her first French lover with whom she was living..). ====================================== 21.08.04(Satur.)- (cont., from....When the seller tested it,it worked....) I came back to Mme at about 14.30.She put the phone on charge and we drank a beer each,in 'gilasses' (the servant was still there).Then asked me to get her a pack of six and two bottles.I went to the supermarket and bought them,and two cell+ cards (for her) and a packet of Rothmans for me.I came back and she told me to sit and we continued to drink and talk in the 'gilasses'.Then the servant went away.After a while she brought two big glasses and we continued...We talked about our intimate things,sex and our secret desires openly,without any complexes...Talking about kiran,she suddenly said smilingly,that 'mo croire kiran ti amoureux ar moi...Oui mo sur li ti amoureux ar moi...Mo rapelle couma li ti pe faire...Apres sa en fois quand nous ti dans 4x4 mone dimane li est ce que sa va avec ta copine(maybe 'priscilla') ? And kiran told her that his girlfriend has left her because she thinks that he and Mme are having an affair'. Then she said 'mone mette li dans so place.Mone dire li arreter ar sa bane betises sinon sa pour vine bien grave'. She was again smiling and staring at the table thoughtfully...She said 'Je ne sait pas pourquoi tout les gens veulent faire c,a avec moi...'. Je lui ai dit 'Parce que vous avez un corps comme c,a et vous etes gentille comme c,a...'.Then she said 'Ayo mais mo pas pour 'faire' ar li.Capav dans dix ans quand mo pour retourne mo pour laisse li 'faire' mais pas astere la...'. Told me (once more,though she had already told this before Maria,though without the bra stuff) that once they had to go to a marriage ceremony and she had dressed up with care,in a sari,with a 'string' as underwear (told me that she never wears a bra-it was the first time that I knew that she doesn't wear bras,and from that day I always noticed that her nipples point through her blouse/dress), and when He saw her he just gave her a peck on the cheeks and told her that if someone touches her,he's going to kill him! In France He used to come to their house often,though she didn’t like him.But her sisters encouraged her to go out with him.He had known her when she was 16 and then they got separated.After several years they made contact again and they began going out together.One day he was talking loudly to her and her sister talked back to him,telling him not to talk like that to her sister.She was pointing two fingers at him and...he took hold of her two fingers and broke them clean...(She was showing me the act with her hands).When she became pregnant with him (‘because she missed taking her pills one day,just one day’), she didn't want to marry him but he sent all his relatives to talk to her and finally she had to accept.ON THAT NIGHT(when M…was with her) He said that he didn’t want such persons as M… in his house,and who was just a servant.He always used to mock her mother,saying that she was just a servant.I asked her if her mother worked as a servant there? She said ‘yes’,she had always worked as a servant there.She said that Catherine too was a servant back in France… Once when she went to France for a vist,she saw her mother sitting and crying because her other sisters never cared about her.She was the only one who used to care about her mother and when she came here for her business, her mother was left all alone… She said that in France she was addicted to drugs (‘not hard drugs,but pills’).Once she took a large quantity.She lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital.And because the police began questioning Him, he took her to a clinic,without her knowledge.She woke up in the clinic without her knowing how she came there.It all happened because of Him,of his perpetual harrassements, fights,etc...It was on Catherine's advice that she eventually stopped...She said that she hadn't had sex with Him since a long time... .Told me that He ejaculates in just about five minutes...or about fifteen,if he retains himself..She was laughing at that moment,and repeating 'Je n'arrivait jamais a ressentir quoi que ce soit..ni de jouir..Je venait juste de m'exciter et c'etait deja fini...I told her how everyday I imagined making love to her in different positions while masturbating... She was shocked and then she said that she knows I do it alone...She does it alone too...She has a 'vibro-masseur' but it moves very slowly...I told her about the fake penis I had found and that it has testicles too...She burst out laughing and I asked her if she would like to have it.She smiled happily and said 'ok' and to bring it to her discreetly...I told her that as for me,I need a fake vagina,as I so wanted to make love...She said that when she goes to France she will see to that.She burst out laughing again and said 'imagine if anybody or Him hearing us talking!!' She then said that in France these things were sold normally in sex shops.Hearing my confession,one time she would be taken aback and the next time she would burst laughing... and she would say 'non,non,non soobee.Li pas bon.Mo pas peur pour moi mais mo peur si kitchose arrive ou'....ou conne' dans ki problem mo ete meme... I told her that I knew that I was dark and not beautiful,that's why... She asked me if I thought she didn't want me for those reasons ? I said 'yes'...She didn't say anything...Several times she told me maybe she will do it with me when she returns in ten years...She told me that I should seek other women for sex and that she can present me some...Then I told her that I cannot have sex without falling in love..She was taken aback.She asked me if a woman undresses before me,can't I have sex with her? I told her that twice friends took me to prostitutes and even if one woman did a 'fellation' to me I couldn't be hard enough...She said 'soobee en femme a poil faire ou ene fellation et ou pas bander,ou pas pour faire l'amour avec li?' She then said 'mais ou bisin amuse dans la vie,soobee.Il faut jouir la vie...'Twice or thrice she told me (while pointing inside the house) 'soobee si mo alle deshabille moi,mo mette moi tout nus,a poil ,ou pas pour faire l'amour ar moi?' I told her that I would make intense love to her.She told me that she doesn't understand....(then it probably dawned on her...) She asked 'est ce qui ou content moi?' I said 'mo content ou madame.Mo amoureux beaucoup ar ou..' She was shocked.Then she burst out laughing.Then she said that her 'female instinct' had hinted upon her that I had fallen for her..Then she said that she couldn't believe that I had fallen for her..Then she asked me 'sa in arrive' depi ene mois non?' I said yes,because we had grown closer to each other.. She asked me if I have ever had sex with my sis-in-law.I looked at her,somewhat surprised and said no,and she turned her face away...She told me she asked me because as she and Ashok had the same architectural tastes ,He had begun doubting of them having an affair. (Much later on another day,she said that because Ashok and she could have intelligent conversations, and because He isn't intelligent like them,...He was jealous of them and He began telling her that she was having an affair with Ashok).. Told me 'vous voyez,les voitures,l'argent,tout c,a n'est rien.Quand on n'en a pas tout les gens sont pareilles..’.I told her ‘Non,non, pour moi ou pour reste sa madame la meme ki mo ti konne avnt’.She was looking at me,smiling.She continued ‘J'ai bien depense et aider mes familles mais aujourdhui ils ont tout oublie. Je les invitait dans des belles receptions.Je depensait Rs 10,000 par personne.J'ai deja offert une brochette (...ou autre etrangete) d'une valeur de Rs 5000 par personne! Mais je ne regrette rien.J'ai bien joui de la vie et je vait le refaire...She also told me that though people think that all that money belonged to Him,in fact it was her's... On two occasions she talked like this 'Soobee ki fer ou fer tou sala pour moi,oun amen couteau pour protege moi,oun amen portable pour moi parski mo pena portable...? All the while looking at me deeply...'Eski ou famille ar moi?' Me 'non'. 'Eski ou ene connaissance longtemps ar moi?' Me 'non'. 'Be ki fer ou fer autant kitchose pour moi?' All I could say during those moments were 'mo meme mo pas kone, mo meme quand mo lakaz mo pense ki fer mo faire tout sala pour ou...' I also told her that I would like to come to France and work for her and her mother only. She said that once Kiran told her to bring him to France.Then she said ‘Mo pour faire ou demarche quand mo pour alle la-bas.C’est tres difficile mais je vait essayer’.(She thought that I was asking her to make the arrangements for me to go to France.But I only told her that I would like to work for her there…). She also talked about the portuguese she met at an airport and with whom she slept (she was already married ) who was like brad pitt...'oh,qu'il etait beau comme un prince,des yeux bleus...(ses deux main etait devant elle comme si elle tenait un visage...).'Des qu'on s'est vu j'ai eu envie de lui...Des qu’on s’est vus on a compris qu’on allait le ‘faire’…' I could see the smile and happiness upon her face...Elle a dit 'On a pris quelques verres ensemble et on a prit une chambre et on a dormi ensemble sur un grand lit,on a tout fait,sauf la penetration, il n'y a pas eu de penetration...J'ai demande 'Vous vous etes explorez vos corps?'. Elle 'oui, on a tout fait,tout les choses qu'on fait lorsqu'on fait l'amour, mais je ne lui ai pas laissez me penetrer. Je lui ai ‘fait’ parce que j'en avait envie (elle faisait un petit mouvement de masturbation devant sa bouche avec sa main) mais je ne lui ai pas permis de me faire...'. J'ai demande 'Mais comment? Il n'y a pas eu de penetration? Je ne croit pas.Alors est ce qu'il vous a fait jouir a vous aussi?Je veut dire avec sa main et sa bouche?' Elle 'oh oui,je n'ai fait que jouir cette nuit la...En fait on a pas dormi jusqu'a peut-etre une heure ou deux heures du matin.Et lorsqu'on s'est reveille,on a fait encore...mais je ne lui ai pas laisser me penetrer parceque je n'en voulait pas et tout...et aussi parce qu'on n'avait pas une capote.Je n'aime pas faire sans capote a cause des maladies ou peur d'etre enceinte'. Then she said,smilimg, 'Tenez je ne peut pas faire c,a avec vous maintenant parce qu'on n'a pas de capote...'. Je lui ai dit 'Mais je n'ai pas fait l'amour depuis plusieurs annees,alors quels maladies vous craignez avec moi'.She kept smiling but didn't say anything...The portuguese liked her so much that he presented her to his family...(surely she hadn't told him that she was already married).When I told her to find him and marry with him when she goes to France,she said 'Li pas pour excuse moi parcqui mo ti quitte li soudainement...'.All the while her eyes in the void and smiling... Told me that when she goes to France and when she will begin to start her restaurant business,she’ll need a strong man with her… Then said that once she was trying to lift a heavy vase and her back got sprained.Then,touching her back,she said ‘je ne vait pas vous le montrer mais j’ai une petite bosse sur mon dos maintenant’. Twice I touched her knees with my fingertips, without any reason while talking (on etait assez sou et on parlait beacoup) and she asked if I wanted to touch her...I couldn't believe my ears...immediately told her 'yes'.She then pointed her right leg towards me and said 'Tenez,touchez moi...'....I carressed her foot and leg up to the calf and then her thighs. Though I wanted to do it forever.. I feared if someone saw us...(She never seems to mind/remember about people seeing us in the porch). When I let go ,she asked 'in assez' ? I said 'yes'.She asked 'ou sure,vous avez eu assez?' I nodded my head...At a certain moment I asked if she can lend me The Kamasutra.She asked me 'now?' I said yes.She went and brought the book and sat down opening the book and beginning to explain it to me...I sat close to her (never sat so close to her as at that moment) and while watching the book I put my arm around her and stroked her waist.Half-heartedly she told me 'non,soobee,pas faire c,a '. I removed my hand and she continued explaining.Again I stroked her waist and again she half-heartedly told me to stop,though there was less resistance this time... Also twice she had wanted to be the 'dominant' sex-partner with him (once she even tied him up).But he had been afraid and she had stopped after that.She told me that she had wanted to practise all types of sex and asked me if she couldn't do it with her husband,with whom could she do it? (On two occasions she told me that she hadn't done it yet but that she will do it all when she goes to France.(She wants to do all types of sex,including three-somes ,lesbianism and bondage).I asked her if she wouldn't do it with Mauritians? She said 'no’,she doesn't like Mauritians.She told me that France is a very big country,unlike here,and there she can have sex with whoever she wants to and nobody would know).She even wanted to do it 'threesome' with Maria and Him and told Shek about it but he became afraid and refused...She told me she could imagine herself and M naked and undressing him and him running away... (she misses M very much).I told her that I can do it all with her.I am here to satisfy all her desires...Smiling,she told me that I had promised never to ask her anything and yet I was asking... I told her I didn't mean her physical desires...(though I meant it !!).She was smiling ... I also told her that I can make love to a woman non-stop for half a day.She laughingly said that women will like it...I would just have to take out my erect penis and they will just adore it... She told me 'non soobee,non,non...' A bit later during our conversation,she told me that she had sex with a woman.I asked her if she was a Mauritian? She told me 'yes'.I asked her that she can do it with a Mauritian woman but not with me? She again said in her childish manner 'non,non soobee...'. One time she was telling me that she wore a saree on a given occasion..and I asked if she wore a top too.She said yes.I asked her that surely she wore a very small bra too.Watching her breasts she said that she doesn't wear bras...and she pulled her shoulder-string.I looked carefully and I realised that her nipples were jutting out inside her blouse.I told her that they were showing... Another time she stretced herself and tried sitting with folded legs...and I saw her white panties for long seconds...and she folded her legs under her.I told her that I saw her panties.Again 'non,soobee,non'... Turn by turn we were going to pee... when she was in the toilet,she said 'soobee pas vini hein!'... Once I asked her 'madame mo envie enlace ou,prend ou dans mo lebras'...She said 'non soobee,non,non, lipas bon'. When the beers were finished she began taking the empty bottles and cans inside. I took the empty big glasses and put them on the table.When she was inside I asked her' madame ou pou laisse moi prend ou dans mo lebras ?' She said 'non soobee,non.' So I went and sat in my place.She came near me and asked me 'ou pe envie prend moi dans ou lebras ?' I said 'oui'.She said 'alle vini'. She was standing right near me ,in the terasse.(HOW COULD SHE BE SO UNCONSCIOUS AT THAT AND YET BE SO CONSCIOUS THAT SHE REFUSED HAVING SEX WITH ME???) I told her 'pas ici,anous endans'.So we went in the salon and she stood before me.I held her by her waist and ...she immediately held me in her arms...and let out a 'OUI'...and I surrounded her waist in a firm grip.I stroked my head upon her cheeks and shoulder.I then kissed and licked her cheek,her ear and then back to her shoulder...I then brought down my hands to the beginning of her ass and pressed...I then realised that our pubis weren't touching.So I moved my pubis closer to hers and I grabbed her ass firmly and pressed them towards my penis...She immediately disengaged me.So I took her by the waist again.I turned my face to hers and our eyes meeting,I moved my lips to hers...she moved her face away.Still grabbing her ,I hung down my head,discouraged.She was waiting for me to do some more things because she again held me in her arms and stroked my back…but I was feeling down…To encourage me,she pulled my head down and kissed me on the forehead.I didn t move and she kept stroking my back.Yet again she grapped my head ,firmly this time, and pulled it down to her and kissed my forehead again...She was waiting for more but I was feeling down…Then patting my shoulder, she said ‘S… ça suffit,vous devrez partir maintenant parceque mes (cousins/beau-frere) vont venir’.Then we disengaged.Just when we came out in the porch,her relatives’(a young man and a young woman) car came directly in and stopped near the porch.In a frightened voice she told me ‘Ah merde.S…, bane la in vini,alle,alle’.I had already put the Kamasutra inside my jacket and I started to go.She told me ‘A demain hein.Ou vine faire li demain’. Understanding her ‘show’,I told her ‘ok,a demain’.I smiled and waved a hand to her relatives who were staring somewhat strangely and I went away. When I returned home at night (about 20.30) I phoned her and asked her if there was any problem.She said 'no' but the relatives were looking at me when I was going.And she said that I should have gone earlier.Then she asked me 'In passe ene bon moment,non, soobee?' I said 'Ah oui.Mo pe encore pense ou'. BACK TO TOP ==================================================== OBSERVATIONS and FACTS -Has almost no contact amongst common people (admitted it once).I know that she has fought with almost every of them..Once told me that she doesn't have any contact amongst most relatives.. -Is very much afraid of Shek knowing our doings...or our intimate relationship... THIS WAS THE REASON AS TO WHY SHE BETRAYED ME IN THE END….SHE THOUGHT THAT IF SHE TELLS HIM LIES ABOUT ME,BEFORE HE HEARS A FEW TRUTHS ABOUT HER REAL NATURE,THEN HE WOULD BELIEVE HER.POOR SUCKER THAT HE IS,HE BELIEVED HER ALL RIGHT.BUT….TRUTH IS LIKE THE DAY.IT MAY TAKE SOME TIME BUT EVENTUALLY IT COMES OUT IN THE LIGHT OF THE DAY… -Doesn't like Mauritians (wants to have all types of sex only with Europeans).Doesn't like ugly people or things.Doesn't like poor people (as she did in Gabon).Probably came here just to act like an aristo,to have an illusion of power over poor,stupid black Mauritians... Is always 'wandering' like she did when she had cars,4x4... And now whenever she is given the 4x4 (Choisy,Mahebourg)... -Likes to drink and talk (and probably to win them over...) with 'whites' (blanc, mulatres) for whom she used to work for the renovation works in the small hotels.Ex: That night (several months ago) when she had asked me to come help her team at baie du Tombeau,at night,I saw the two white men talk something to her and after a few minutes she went inside with them.Probably to drink and...who knows? Second Ex:Once when I 'connected' her boutik,she was rather excited and had put glasses on the 'comptoir'.She told me that the men from the hotel were coming to negotiate an important contract and that she was going to offer them drinks.Probably she used to meet the white men 'off-duty'…. ('INTELLIGEMENT' , HAS TOLD ME OF HER HAVING SEX WITH A MAURITIAN WOMAN..BUT NOT A MAN---HER USUAL MANNER OF TELLING HALF-TRUTHS , ALWAYS HIDING THE MORE SERIOUS ONES.ONCE EVEN FORGOT THAT SHE HAD ALREADY TOLD ME THAT SHE HAD DONE IT WITH A WOMAN.ON THAT OCCASION SHE REPLIED TO ME THAT SHE ISN'T PARTICULARLY ATTRACTED TO WOMAN BUT SHE WILL TRY IT ONCE IN FRANCE JUST TO 'SEE'. ALSO WHAT ABOUT HER INCESSANT WANDERINGS,HER ALWAYS RECEIVING AND MAKING CALLS - RS 1000 JUST FOR HER NORMAL MOBILE,SPECIALLY WHEN SHE IS SO LOW FINANCIALLY...,HER SECRET MOBILES (SUPPOSEDLY TO CALL HER MOTHER AND FRENCH LAWYERS) AND ALL HER DIFFERENT SIMS…Once I even asked her if she doesn’t feel like a maniac with all those mobiles and sims? She smiled and said ‘no’,she is used to it…). -Once,in the beginning,about three years ago ,she,me and a driver,we were going to Port Louis to buy hardwares and glasses for her ‘boutik’.She saw a girl on the road.She exclaimed ‘Ah! Regardez moi cette jolie fille !’. Then seeing us watching her in surprise,she said tried to joke the matter away ‘Mo croire zordi nek mo pour guette bane jolie tifille!’. -Several times she has told me (smiling happily,eyes in the void..) that when she goes to France she would have several 'pretendant' already waiting for her. -When she had phoned Rajiv of Bois Mangue (who had once wanted to hire her building) she told him that she wasn’t in Mauritius!! -Always used to tell me that even when she goes to France,He will follow her and harass her like now…. I never undertood this….Now I think I understand her fear of Him and the power He has over her….probably knows some secrets of hers which he threatens to reveal…. -She always used to tell me that He has spies everywhere… One day when I came to her house I saw her watching the street.Asked her what she was watching? Told me that she had seen some men walking to and fro and she thought that they were His spies.. Then looking at me with eyes that always made me pity her,she said ‘Ou conne soobee,mo croire mo pour reste comme ca meme tout le temps…tout le temps mo pour pense qui dimounes pe veille moi…’ IT’S FOR SUCH THINGS THAT I WENT BEYOND ANYTHING I EVER DID FOR ANYONE.JUST TO RELIEVE HER FROM HER SUFFERINGS…MAYBE SHE DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING I DID FOR HER.MAYBE HER ANGER BURNS AWAY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. WHATEVER THE REASON/S I JUST CANNOT ADD TO THE SUFFERINGS OF SUCH A HELPLESS SOUL…..SO WHAT IF SHE GAVE ME SUCH A GREAT GIFT IN RETURN OF MY SACRIFICES? -Several times told me that she and one of her sisters aren't in good terms. -When I was working for Ashok,she often used to tell me ‘ou rend ou compte,lin prend treize ans pour range sa lakaz la?’. At that same time,when once she wanted me do some works for her,I told her to ask Ashok to let me be absent from his works.She did that.But later told me several times ‘Selment lin reproche moi.Lin dire ki mo pas ti capave attane? Lin attane 13 ans, be ene deux jours ki pour faire li ?’. -Several times she told me that she doesn’t like Minou and his parents.That they were selfish people! Once when I told her that I needed their step-ladder,she told me not to take anything from them… -As the building will eventually belong to all three sisters,they would ask her for their share later,but she will deduce money from them for the renovation she is doing.I told her that’s right, and she should tell them that she has paid workers to do the works (the works that I was doing for free for her). -Says that her mother is helping her with the little money she has...as she had spent most of her money during her other daughter’s marriage.But she asks me to change Euros several times a month...and sometimes gives me cash to deposit. -Says that when she returns from France in ten years (that's the time she has given herself to attain a financial status that will be higher than she had in the past) she will do politics here..She will not be like those politicians who only fill their pockets…She'll take money from the rich and give it to the poor!!! -In the beginning she talked as if she will return to Mauritius for good...But lately she says that she will return just to build a 'maison de vacances' and she will go back again, for France is her country,where she belongs... -Several times she says that when in France she won't do a business in flowers or 'the others' might think that she gained the idea from them..She'll open a Mauritian restaurant just for ...the French people!!!(OF COURSE :) ). -Several times has said that she didn't like her father as he used to quarrel and beat her mother and his children ('pak,pak' while doing a slapping gesture with her hands). -Still living in the memories and illusions of days gone away... -Everytime she told me of some intimate secrets of her's she told me 'Soobee ne racontez pas c,a a shek ou a d’autre personne hein.Car ce que nous faisons c'est plus grave que faire l'amour.Je veut dire que bien qu'etant encore officiellement mariee ,je vous raconte mes secrets les plus intimes et je parle de sexe avec un homme...'. A chaque fois qu'elle me parlait de ses aventures ou de ses desirs..je croit qu’elle jouissait dans sa culotte....Car souvent elle ramenait ses jambes(dans cees moment-la je voyait ses culottes blanche tres clairement) sur le sofa et les repliait sous elle et tout en me parlant elle devenait soudain silencieuse,le regard dans le vide pendant quelques secondes...Et apres elle me disait 'excusez moi' et elle s'en allait au toillettes... -Chaque fois que nous etions en train de boire et qu'elle etait en train de parler de sexe ou de sa vie intime...soudain,sans aucune raison apparente, elle mais disait en souriant 'soobee je ne vait pas faire l'amour avec vous...'. Ou 'Soobee je ne vait pas coucher avec vous'. Ou 'non,non Soobee, nous pas pour faire sa...!'. C'etait vraiment deroutant car jamais je ne lui ai dit directement ou directement que je voulait la baiser...Peut etre une fois quand elle m'a dit qu'elle avait refuse de faire ,l'amour a trois, avec Maria et son copain.Elle avait dit 'Vous vous imaginez, je fait c,a avec Maria et son copain et le lendemain tout le village est au courant!' Alors je lui ai dit que moi je pourrait le faire avec elle et Maria.Alors elle a hesite' en reflechissant...et elle a dit 'Non,pas ar Maria, mo pas content faire ar li'. Et puis,en me regardant,les yeux dans le vague 'non soobee,non'.Meme aujourdhui je ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi elle me disait c,a a chaque occasion,sans aucune raison... -Quand elle parle de son mari,elle l'apelle souvent 'Loulou'. La premiere fois je lui ai demande qui etait 'Loulou'.Elle m'a dit que ses travailleurs l'appellait ainsi...et elle aussi. -Elle repetait sans cesse que des qu'un homme devient un peu proche ou a un sentiment d'amitie avec une femme alors c,a veut automatiquement dire qu'il veut coucher avec elle!!!!! On a eu plusieurs discussions/debats sur ce sujet,une fois tres longuement (voir plus haut). -Une ou deux fois elle m’a dit ‘Parfois in arrive qui mo pas ti ena meme Rs 100 cote moi.Ou imaginer ene personne couma moi ena jour cote mo pena meme Rs 100 ? (Un apres-midi 11.08.04- Le raccord d’eau de sa toilette etait casse et il etait obligatoire qu’on le remplace a l’instant meme.Elle m’a demande combien c,a couterait.J’ai dit ‘environs Rs 75.’.Elle cherchait l’argent partout dans ses tirroir,etc mais ne trouvait pas.Elle est revenu et m’a dit qu’elle ne trouvait pas d’argent.Je lui ai dit que j’avait Rs 75 avec moi et que je vait l’acheter et elle me pourra le payer plus tard.Elle m’a dit ‘mais non,j’ai un peu d’argent mais je ne le trouve pas.Attendez je vait le trouver’.Elle est reparti chercher. Finalement elle est revenu avec un billets de Rs 100 completement abime.Elle m’a dit que son chien l’avait mache et de voir si le Quincaillerie l’accepterait.Le billet etait troue partout et on ne voyait presque rien… Je lui ai repete’ que j’avait l’argent.Elle m’a demande ‘vous etes sure que cela suffira’. Je lui ai dit ‘oui’. Alors je suit parti acheter le raccord.Tout les quincailleries etait ferme’. J’ai decide’ de tenter ma chance et de voir si’il y avait une nouvelle quicaillerie ans la rue de ‘sotise’. Et j’ai trouve une nouvelle quicaillerie qui etait encore ouvert…J’ai achete le raccord et je suis alle’ chez elle.J’avait mit le raccord dans mon pantalon.Quand je suis arrive’ elle ne voyait pas le raccord et son visage etait dec’u et triste.Je lui ai dit que j’avait le raccord et je l’ai montre’.Elle s’est eclate’ de joie… ‘ Avant mo ti pe marche ar 1 million roupies dans mo sac a main.Ene fois en France mo ti faire recette recette 2 million roupies en une seule jour’. -Les premiers jours elle etait terrifie a l’idee que IL pourrait casser les vitres ,entrer dans la maison et la frapper.Elle me disait tout les jours qu’elle voulait mettre des anti-vol mais qu’elle n’avait pas d’argent.Et finalement quand elle a eu l’argent j’ai emmene un soudeur pour faire le travail. -Chaque fois QU’IL venait et la terrifiait,des qu’il partait,elle m’appelait et me disait de faire semblant de faire quelques travail…car sinon IL reviendrait. -One day I told her that the irons on the roof of B.Mangue building were rusted and if it wern’t stopped,the rust would penetrate inside the concrete and evntually the roof would be ruined.I told her that I was going to stop that.Twice she asked me ‘Li pas pour coute moi chere non Soobee ?’ I told her that it would need only a bag of cement and I would stop the rust temporarily. -Told me that her mother always told her that a priest had predicted when her father would die and that he had made another prediction,but she never told her about the second one until she was grown-up… The second prediction was that she would get the hapiness of her life at the age of 44… She asked me ‘how many years are left now’. I told her ‘nine years’. She said that it’s ok as she has decided to be at a level much higher than before in ten years…She always used to repeat to me the last part… -Told me that once when in France,a lawyer was taking much time to settle a case of her’s.When she phoned him,the lawyer told her that she owes him Rs 300,000.She went to the lawyer and taking out the money,she tore the notes in front of him,telling him ‘Vous vouliez de l’argent? Eh bien,voila votre argent.Et je vous donne 2(ou 3) jour afin que vous finalisiez cette affaire’… Then smiling and bowing down her head,she told me ‘Je sait que cette argent m’aurait aide aujourdhui’…(and then lifting her head again) ‘Mais il m’avait mis en colere’,etc…. -Twice told me that someone had told her the PD had spent Rs 60,000 in one night at the casino. -She used to say that ‘Ou rend ou compte? Li (the PD) li sorti ar Shalini so bane camarades… Ou conne non,Ashok so tifille?’…. -She ‘only’ drinks one or two beers before supper everyday. But when she and me drink together,she doesn’t stop till the drinks are all finished.A pack of beers + a bottle of wine.A pack+ some more cans…and smokes about ten cigarettes per day.Difficult to believe …even I who worked for her since three years never knew these two facts about her till now. -Once,I told her that I’m a free man and that I have no boss.She said ‘Mo oussi mo ti content reste couma ou soobee.Mais mo pas capav a cause mo ena bane zenfants’. -Once when I came to her house,several months ago,I saw her talking to her dogs.She told me ‘ou touver non soobee,plutot mo cause cause ar mo bane lichien plutot ki ar tout qualite dimounes’.I told her ‘Mais oui.Li chien ca meme meilleur ami de l’homme’. -Whenever I would come to her house and if the children were present,we would talk in the porch while still standing.After a while she would ask me if I wanted a beer? I would say ‘yes’.She would then bring two beers in two ‘gilasses’ (stainless steel glasses), telling me that like this the children would think that we are drinking juice.Sometimes when our glasses were empty she would go and re-fill them and bring them again.This has happened many times. -She often told me (first time on the 21.08.04) that at night sometimes she would stand naked before the mirror and cry a lot.Then she would take an object and hit the table very hard…When I asked why,she told me that in this way she uses to drive away her sufferings and stress…Sometimes I saw the part below her eyes ‘enfle’…I was puzzled and once I asked her about it.She told me that she had been crying before the mirror on those nights… -During this 1 ˝ months that we were so close,she never gave me a piece of bread to eat…Gave me two glasses of juice and a cup of tea on two occasions when she herself wanted to drink it too….Once we were in the porch talking about ttthe things that I had to do for her on that day.When I stood up to go,she asked me if I wanted to drink something.I ttold her ‘no’,I was hungry (I meant to tell her that I would first eat someything on my way to Grand Bay).She thought I was asking her for something to eat…She said ‘Pena narien pour manger cote moi soobee’. -This woman can have a very personal relationship with a person who sacrifices his time and money for her.She can tell him to phone her anytime.She can tell him to send her sms’s of beautiful poems.But when she decides to end the relationship all alone,she expects the other person to stop calling her and sending her messages,no questions asked…And because it’s all ‘very natural’ for her,she expects the other person to remain dumb and silent and to bow before her will…Such is the real nature of this ‘woman’. -Several times used to tell me that her lawyer used to propose to her but she’s not a woman who uses to sleep with everyone….But she never said that any white man proposed to her!!! Rather curious,considering all the white men she used to be with….(What did actually happen when they proposed to her?).Well,maybe THEY never proposed to her J -Everytime I asked her about some fucking-shit atitude of hers’ ,she would say ‘oui mais moi je suis comme c,a et personne ne pourra me changer. Once,several months ago I was installing her garden-lights.At a certain moment,because I had broken a flower-root,she was muttering her shit to herself.(First time I saw her shit-character.And just some hours before,when I was telling her about my problem with Ashok,I had already told her that ‘jamais mo soumette devant kiken’).Then seeing that I had become serious,she came near me and tried to excuse her atitude by telling me ‘Soobee vous savez,vous faites un beau metier? Vous donnez la lumiere au gens’….I wish she hadn’t said that.Because before she excused herself I had already decided to stop working for her…I only changed my mind when I saw that she regretted her attitude… A bit later,I needed some hardwares to do the works.As she had no money,she told me to go to ‘Quincaillerie Pele-Mele’ as the man gives her credit.I went but the man told me that he no longer gives credit.I came back and told her about it.She gave me some money and told me to go buy the articles.She also told me to tell the man to talk to her on my mobile.But when I told the man that she wanted to talk to her,the man told me no, he doesn’t sell on credit now. She and her team had to go to work at a hotel at Baie-du-Tombeau,that very night.She asked me if I could come and help them.I accepted.When we were there she told me that she phoned the ‘Quincaillerie’ owner and she talked to him in a diplomatic way- ‘votre credit vous pouvez la mettre ou vous le pensez’!! Such is the nature of this slut…but at that time my mind refused to take note of the fact that her mind is full of shit and nothing more… -Once said that her sisters don’t meddle in her peoblems as they are married in the same family.In particular one of her sisters…she doesn’t like her at all. -During the 1 ˝ months that I did all those things for her,several times she told me that because I had said that I’m not doing all this for money she is taking my help because she has no monney to pay me.In the first weeks she didn’t even think of paying me my mobile and fuel expenses,until one day I asked her Rs 100 for these expenses.So each week or two weeks she used to give me about Rs 200 or Rs 300, which never covered the expenses I went through so as to help her.Moreover once she even told me that she knows that I’m not taking money for what I’m doing for her,but she knows that she should give me money for the expenses,but she hasn’t money even for that…I told her that it’s ok,I can manage with the little money I was getting from my own works.(My work was rather scarce during those times…As a curious coincidence I always noticed that each time she had some money to give me,I had money too…but when I was penniless,she was penniless too…). -Once she told me that sometimes she used to go to Bois Mangue,enter her father’s old iron-sheet house,which is at the back of the yard.There she used to sit and ‘reflechir’… I asked her if she did it all alone? She said yes… -Once while she was talking about herself as usual,she told me ‘I don,t need anyone’s help.I can manage my life on my own.I am a strong woman’ etc…When I looked at her,she had a moment of hesitation,but continued with her shit-talk excitedly.This shit-eating woman was saying tthis while I was doing all these things for her…and while she was begging to her mother and her brother-in-law… Tonight,Deevali night,12.Nov.04, 23.55, I guess I wrote it all….One more thing; She always used to say that she likes light very much… Well,if she betrayed the very one who used to give her light… THE SICKNESS WITHIN… -ABOUT ACCIDENTS -Months ago,told me(on two occasions) that He had an accident and that he almost died… -At another time when I was at the ‘boutique’ she told me ‘Moi mo loto sa mais li li servi sa plus ki moi’. -The accident happened when he was driving HER car…. -When he was drunk… -During these 1 ˝ months,she told me ‘Mo kone si mo met deposition contre li sa pas pour servi narien.Mais mone faire en,deux quitchose plus grave envers li’…all the while smiling thoughtfully… -During the 1 ˝ months,once she told me that because he was drunk at that time,the insurance wouldn’t pay.I asked her if that were always the case? She said ‘Mais que-est-ce que vous croyez? Partout dans n’importe quel pays si quelqu’un a bu et fait un accident,c’est toujours lui qui est fautif et l’assurance ne paiera pas…’.On that occasion I was surprised that she didn’t complain that because of Him,she lost about Rs 750,000 that she had spent for the purchase of the car.(He had spent an equal sum on it).Though she always complained and talked ill of him on every possible subject,at this time it was me who told her that because of Him she lost all that money…Thoughtfully and smiling,she only said ‘yes’…. -The first time I met the Mfucker after he returned from hospital,he told me that he had stopped and a lorry came and crashed against him…. -Have seen the crushed car all those times…At Grand Gaube,then at pointe aux cannoniers.It was hit very,very violently… -She told me that in France she had a ‘copain’ who liked riding big motorcycles and…one day he met with an accident and died…I asked her to tell me about it.She said that she doesn’t want to talk about it as it brings her bad memories… -The last time she phoned me she said ‘Je vait utiliser les grands moyens…’. -She is always very,very terrified of the mfucker.Never dared to file a case against him.Never put a ‘restraining order’ against him.He has some sort of power against her that he uses to bend her to his will.(According to her,he even prevented her to befriend people.It was he who chose her friends! Once he even presented a woman to her and told her to befriend the stranger-woman!! -At the bois mangue building, when kiran,me and the shit were talking just outside the house made of metal sheets, I was talking about the house being abandoned. Kiran found a `natte` inside and told us `you were talking about abandoned, watch this`. He repeated it twice and the shit was watching seriously… Then kiran found a syringe and was going to take it and the shit stopped him at once…Almost as if she knew something about the syringe… I remember that once she told me that she used to go in the house in the past and sit and meditate. I also remember that once she said that she was on drugs in France… THE PLAN (‘INTELLIGENT’ CARRIED OUTJ) -Now I know what these two shit-eaters had planned against me as ‘les grands moyens’…. That day when I sent her the sms and told her that I’m stopping to work in the building,she read my message in the morning then phoned me in the evening,telling me that she had ‘just read my sms’! It was clear that she was planning her vengeance during the day….Examples of her plans; That day it was probably she who was hiding behind the gates,while telling him her fucking-shit lies about me.That’s why he and the child were staring at me seriously,as if shocked…That day in the shop,her daughter was watching me wide-eyed…The last day that I was walking away from her house,when I turned to look at her from the road….she was talking on the phone (guess to whom?!). Onn the 29.09.04-(See above). The person who was hiding behind the gates was the shit-eater.Even at that momennnt I thought that it was she and now I’m totally sure.No-one else would hide there,in her yard,and talk to the mfucker.What actually happened was this; She had been filling shit in the mfucker’s mind since some days.And at that moment she knew that when I would see her,I would greet her in a normal and pleasant manner…and THAT would arouse the mfucker’s suspicions that she had been lying to him. So when she heard my moto’s noise,she hid behind the gates and was telling him that I was doing rounds in front of her house(refer to what she said to the seargent of the police station).And that’s why Shek and Anjali were looking strangely at me…and I who smiled and nodded my head at him normally... That day when her secret mobile was ‘on’ the whole day…she was probably making the mfucker read my sms’s (she had probably filled his mind with her shit beforehand)….Those two days when she phoned me two times each day,at almost the same time in the evening (the mfucker normally came to see his children at that time)… That part of her plan was as follows: she had told him to listen as to how badly I talk to her.So when finally I answered the phone,she began talking to me in an insulting manner…(you would have thought that there was a chilly right up her ass)! She did it because she knew that I would answer in the same tone (we had had several ‘quarrels’ during the past weeks and we always made up the following day,so close were we…on those occasions we quarelled in similar tones).She knew that the PD knew nothing about our intimacy and when he would hear me answering in the same tone,he would be angry against me and at the same time believe every shit that she had filled in his mind during the recent days…And that’s what the ‘hen-pecked’ did…Though I know that he isn’t entirely satisfied with her explanations even today.Specially…(Now here’s a good joke; Instead of a house-owner/s reporting ‘the thief’ to the police,it’s ‘the thief’ who reported the house-owner/s!!! Second part of the same joke; Moreover the house-owners pleaded with all their might with the police not to take my complaint!!!!!!). My guess is that even the most hen-pecked of all PDs would find this situation rather doubtful…what do you say? My filing a ‘warning’ at the police station ruined their plans…They hadn’t expected this.And they couldn’t put their plan in action… BUT IN THE FUTURE IF ONE DAY I’M A VICTIM OF A HIT-AND-RUN ACCIDENT,THEN YOU KNOW WHERE TO LOOK FOR…Because these two shit-eaters have found the ‘perfect’ way to kill people…it’s almost become a game for them.See, a hit-and-run criminal can never be found out if his plan has been layed out carefully… ====================================== ACCOUNT Owed me Rs 600 from past works.During above days gave me Rs 600.(past account settled).Cost of works since 02.08.04; Difficult/impossible to estimate. 10.08.04-Gave me Rs 200.I had already taken about Rs 200 (for fuel,etc) out of the Rs 6000 that she had told me to keep with me up to now,and which I returned today itself.At night she gave me another Rs 500. 11.08.04- Bought a hose for toilet (Rs 35). Total she gave me for 'New Works'= (200+200+500-35)=Rs 865. 12.08.04- Gave me Rs 400 as advance for Nikola. 13.08.- Gave me Rs 400 (300 for Nikola and 100 for me). Total given to me =(865+100)= Rs 965. 14.08.- Gave me Rs 300.Total (955+300)=Rs 1255. Later I gradually took about Rs 400 from the money she gave me to pay her bills. All the money I took from her during these five weeks,I spent for her,on fuel and mobile cards and for cigarettes.My work wasn't going well those days.The little money I used to get from sits of works,I spent almost entirely for her works... BACK TO TOP ===================================== KAMASUTRA PICS LEGENDS page 0 - 'le yoni est frais,ferme mais delicat;et il ya amour et respect pour le mari.Ceci est ...le type de temperament le plus eleve' (inde centrale). PAGE 19- Positions traditionelles qui ne peuvent etre realisees que par des experts de yoga (style Grissa,Bengale). page 21,2eme photo- Meme si Vatsyana conseillait a son lecteur de se comporter librement,selon ses propres inclinaisons,il pensait toutefois que le coit oral devait etre pratique seulement par des 'femmes impures et dissolues'. page 23- (L'amour par le penis et les quatre membres). L'etude des textes sur l'amour etait essentiel si un homme riche avec des nombreuses femmes voulait les satisfaire toutes (Rajasthan). page 155- Toute position ou il est impossible de s'embrasser n'est pas satisfaisante. page 129- (Lesbiennes s'embrassant et caressant les seins...) L'artiste Mughal,qui a peint ces femmes voluptueuses d'un harem,possedait une sensibilite pour les tons de la chair qui rappelle celle de Vargas. page 105- L'equivalent contemporain d'un jouet mecanique (Jaipur). My s_ _ _ _ on pages... 87,79...and many more... BACK TO TOP ========================================