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The meaning of a "forever friend"
is: our friendship will never end.

We will always be special to one another
knowing our friendship is like no other.

We laugh, we smile, we yell, we cry
but no matter what, we help each other get by.

I hope you realize how much I care 
and I hope you know I'll always be there.

In times of laughter in times of need
caring for you I'll always be.

Friends are precious
In every way
Friends are there
Night and day

Friends stay honest
They never lie
Friends are there
When you wanna cry

Friendships grow
Large and strong
But soon enough
We'll all be gone

High school we fear
Is breaking us apart
But we knew this time would come
Deep in our hearts

All the memories we shared
Will always be remembered
Because from K to seven
We were in heaven

I want us to stay
It's all I could say
I'll miss the times we spent
The love, the tears, what it all meant

God has blessed each and every one of us
By giving the gift of having a friend
And that's the most precious gift of all
Because friends are there till the end

So adios amigos
It's time to go
Remember to keep in touch
I'll miss you so much!

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Our Theme ..hehe..

But Yet This Is Our Song