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FHR daily grind
Wednesday, 8 October 2003

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hiyee.. YES i finally added new ladies LOL shiet i f0rg0t t0 add m0 members pics sowwie ladies.. its hard f0e meh t0 d0 all this all by myself n w/sk0o n s0cial life...u n0e wat i mean.. :) hehe... well enj0y wat i g0t p0sted 0n hea 0kay Muahz l0ve u ladies n gentlemen

Posted by blues2/flyhoneyrydahs at 7:00 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 23 September 2003
playmates bak

haha ights i fixed sum stuff added m0 members welc0me c0nnie michelle n h0ng... Muahz... n yeah im finding a new lay0ut again...but its hard cuz im n0t trying s0 hard hehe.... g0shie... i havent w0rk 0n this site f0 a while... well yeah i changed a few things added m0 pics n yeah updated members :) enj0y fellah pplzs :Muahz

Posted by blues2/flyhoneyrydahs at 6:45 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 6:49 PM PDT
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Thursday, 28 August 2003

okay mamiz.. i g0tz sum 0f da ladiez pages started.. hah u bastards are still in sk0o while im chylling at h0me :) yeah i g0t 0utta sk0o at 11 t0day... yeapie das tite hehe... but anywh0... yesterday i g0t HIGH LOL dats my sleeping pill freakn chris u bad influence... :-P but yea danx f0r helping meh try t0 g0 t0 sleep shiet i c0uldnt til u br0ught that shit LOL.. but yeah. t0m0rr0w ima g0 t0 da m0vies w/chris den ima be g0ne f0r the weekend.. SHhHhH can say whea im g0in.. hehe.. t0day was prudi b0ring i have a feeling chris is g0na cum ar0und again t0day LOL freaken alm0st 2 weeks we've seen each 0ther EVERY DAY... anywh0 r0osevelt isnt dat bad... its juss ghett0 but yet fun.. maybe ill adjust t0 it.. anywase danx f0r viewing mUahz l0ve u

Posted by blues2/flyhoneyrydahs at 3:52 PM PDT
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Monday, 25 August 2003
dede dede DAYM
fuq mang i stayed up ALL nite again... haha.. da nite bef0re first day 0f sk0o haha DAYM aint i tite.. its lyke 5 in da m0rning i juss g0t h0me frm chyling w/martha chris n chan haha... daymz watta nite.. it was fun.. last nite t0 get drunk n live summer t0 da fullest... sheesh im tired but i cant sleep becuz i kn0e i aint g0na wake up f0r sk0o.. s0 yeah here i am waiting f0r 7 t0 c0me ar0und s0 i can get dress f0r sk0o hahah GOSH im excited n tired at the same tyme.. watta mixture hehe... well lets see i g0t drunk sh0t p0oL play card watched a m0vie n den i dr0ve LOL i cant believe im such a g0od driver wen im drunk hehe.. 0h wellies ights enuff 0f dat.. mUahz miss u girls sara DAYM Y U GOTTA GO HOME hehe.. ights den im 0ut, ima start w0rkin 0n da girls page :) byes

Posted by blues2/flyhoneyrydahs at 4:52 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 25 August 2003 4:53 AM PDT
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Sunday, 24 August 2003
0kie im s0 0n a r0ll w/0ur page ladiez.. thank u r0sa f0r ur hard 0vernight w0rk.. YES YES I kn0e.. i busted 3 all niters juss t0 d0 dis shiet.. haha but yeah okay maybe n0t all nite.. okay lyk 5-10 in da m0rning dats h0w l0ng i w0rked yes.. i kn0e im such a g0od w0rker LOL but yeah im getting the hang w/all dis crap.. im lazy rite n0w t0 d0 m0re.. ima add m0re c0des etc.. 0h ladiez u lyke wat i did t0 my page.. if s0 email meh n tell meh u want it lyke dat okay.. t0day ima g0 t0 da m0vies w/chris n h0y + mary we g0na d0uble date.. dats b0ut it.. getting ready f0r sk0o t0m0rr0W wH0o H0oO haha Muahz ttyl BYES
-r0sa playmate

Posted by blues2/flyhoneyrydahs at 7:40 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 24 August 2003 8:45 AM PDT
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